General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Der Alta,
Congrats on your first powerlifting meet. Must have been exciting to do so well after all the hard work. You are moving some serious weight now for sure and with a raw grip! 👍
Welcome to the world of Powerlifting, Burn your lifting straps. :D
That really does sound amazing and I think your bench goal is totally achievable! The hardest thing about power lifting, in my opinion, is the older I get, the more warmups I need to do to keep from getting injured.

I have only entered one bench contest that I took 1st for my bracket and overall heaviest list, although my ratios were down compared to some of the younger guys. I weighed in at 229lb and pressed 405. It was just a little local meet, really just some promotional event for the local gym in that town. The funny part was my buddy was friends with the manager of that club and was invited to come down for his contest. The three of us went down and all took first in our divisions, 18-29, 30-39, and 40-49. We haven't been invited back. :lol:

Right now I weigh in right at about 260lb, at 5'11". I would love get down to 230lb again and am working towards that this summer. I plan to push really hard and have not missed a workout yet this year. The gains are coming along, but with some funky pain in my elbows, I am a little hesitant on certain movements to really push the limits until I can figure out what's going on.

Anyhow, lift on DA! Get huge and get it done. :cheers:
I'll neve bench 4 plates, but I Will bench 3+
I'd like to keep my lifts the same, but get down to 200lbs. I'd look freakish then ;)

He must've been equipped or nuts. That's up there in world record territory. Though some loose standards might help.
He was, in all intents of the word, A Monster. Just a Freaking Huge Dude. As for World Record, the Meet was being put on and Run by George Rychlak Jr. The first guy to ever bench more than a 1000lbs. So yes, World record territory indeed.

Next up, I'm doing another meet at the end of June. Training and diet will be detailed to peak the last two weeks of the month.
I have still never purchased any lifting straps. But again I am not lifting anywhere the weight you guys are lifting. My best deadlift was about a year ago and was 325lbs for a couple reps. My best squat was 305lbs. I havent tried a max bench in a while but last time I tried I benched 200lbs. I am just doing what I can to keep my bodyweight around 190lbs AND have visible abs. Keep in mind I used to only be around 141lbs for the majority of my life. So I am VERY happy to be bulked up to 190lbs. Really dont want to go much more than that. So I bounce between 185-195 depending on the time of year. I slim out more in the summer, bulk back up during winter. Still lifting 3 days a week at home with my wife. Our routine changes all the time. Sometimes heavy for lower reps, sometimes ligher weight and lots of reps.
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I have still never purchased any lifting straps. But again I am not lifting anywhere the weight you guys are lifting. My best deadlift was about a year ago and was 325lbs for a couple reps. My best squat was 305lbs. I havent tried a max bench in a while but last time I tried I benched 200lbs. I am just doing what I can to keep my bodyweight around 190lbs AND have visible abs. Keep in mind I used to only be around 141lbs for the majority of my life. So I am VERY happy to be bulked up to 190lbs. Really dont want to go much more than that. So I bounce between 185-195 depending on the time of year. I slim out more in the summer, bulk back up during winter. Still lifting 3 days a week at home with my wife. Our routine changes all the time. Sometimes heavy for lower reps, sometimes ligher weight and lots of reps.

My lifting partner reenforced the stitching with cat gut. I have broke two sets prior to that.

It's interesting, I have recently started trying to use my straps less and less to build more grip and forearm strength. There is also the thought of, if you can't grip it, maybe you shouldn't be lifting it. ;)

I do like my straps though. 👍
Had a KILLER leg workout today.

Started with working up the weight on the hip sled. Technique was nice, slow, deep with a 1-2 count pause at the bottom for the first ten reps then more direct for the followup 10 reps. Weight in pounds.


Next we did pukers which can be describe as pure pain. It is a 100 rep strip set.

1025x10 (strip and go)
845x20 (strip and go)
665x20 (strip and go)
465x20 (strip and go)
265x20 (strip and go)

I've never done anything like it in my life. We will see what kind of damage it does in the next day or so.....

As if that wasn't enough, we finished off with 400lb leg press on a different machine, 2 sets of 10, then leg extensions, 3 sets of 10.
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I am having a very strange nerve dying or muscle tissue dying this week and this is the 3rd day in a row it has been going on. Its in my left chest muscle. We have all had nerves die here and there or twitching here and there but this is the 3rd day in a row. Anyone ever have anything like this happen for this long? Just keeps twitching over and over again. Actually kept me up a long time last night too. Couldnt sleep.

Had a killer chest / tricep workout last night. I had so much energy and intensity and it just went very well. Started with 4 sets of flat bench, then went to 4 sets of flyes. Next moved onto my version of JM press. After that went to overhead 2 handed tricep extension. Then to finish it up I did supersets of rope pulldowns high reps with bench dips. Bench dips were to 100% pure yelling failure, then back to rope pull downs. My chest and triceps are already VERY sore this morning so thats a great sign. :)
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I have had persistent twitches in the past. It's always been a bit of a circus act around my house, "Hey kids, come hurry.....look at daddy's bicep dance around...." :lol:

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Lack of potassium maybe? Not sure if it really helped or not, but eating a banana seemed to calm things down for me.
I have had persistent twitches in the past. It's always been a bit of a circus act around my house, "Hey kids, come hurry.....look at daddy's bicep dance around...." :lol:

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Lack of potassium maybe? Not sure if it really helped or not, but eating a banana seemed to calm things down for me.
"daddys bicep dancing around" lmao :lol:

Its still doing it today. 4th day in a row and longest this has ever happened to me. Ahhhhhh yes potassium is exactly what I am lacking for sure. Might start adding a banana into my post workout like I did with my first bulkup.

Had a killer chest / tricep workout last night. I had so much energy and intensity and it just went very well. Started with 4 sets of flat bench, then went to 4 sets of flyes. Next moved onto my version of JM press. After that went to overhead 2 handed tricep extension. Then to finish it up I did supersets of rope pulldowns high reps with bench dips. Bench dips were to 100% pure yelling failure, then back to rope pull downs. My chest and triceps are already VERY sore this morning so thats a great sign. :) are they now? :)
Chest is just destroyed. Even woke me up in the middle of the night in so much pain in a good way. Triceps surprisingly are not as trashed as I thought they would be for the abuse I put them through. They had a quick recovery. But wow my chest is tore up. Since my triceps are recovering faster, its time to increase the weight in some of my exercises and start supersetting even more with them.

Been having problems killing my biceps so last night I beat the heck out of them. Started with back. Did 4 sets of pull downs then followed this with 4 sets of 1 arm bent over rows. Then moved to biceps. With each bicep workout I supersetted shrugs. Started with hammer curls fairly light, then standing ez bar curls heavy. Then finished it with a bicep workout I created. I use the preacher curl adapter at the end of the bench above the leg curl mechanism. Then I hook a straight bar to that part of the bench with a cable and shackle and add weight to the leg curl mechanism. Its a perfect simulation of a cable curl using the preacher part of the bench. I did about 8 sets of this with a hard squeeze at the top. Started light for 30 reps. SS shrugs inbetween. Then just kept increasing more more weight, lowering the reps set after set. Then finished with a drop sets with no break until I could not even lift 25# with both arms. My biceps were so destroyed I could not even lift my post workout glass with 1 arm. No joke had to use both arms. :lol:
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GOOD! It's awesome to get 'that' sore. I wish I could get that way every week, but it's so dang hard anymore, even when we're mixing things up. Keep it up man, sounds like you're hitting things right.

The potassium really did fix the twitching issue I had for 4 days. Had a V8 at lunch yesterday then that night had a banana and sure enough. No more twitching. :) I will probably start having a banana with my post workout a few times a week.

Yes it does feel good to be that sore again. Been mixing it up trying different things for a while. Supersetting really kills the muscle in a good way. My biceps are just as trashed as my chest today. Tonight is Shoulders and legs. Havent had a good shoulder pump in a long time. Going to mix that up today too probably with some drop sets at the end. Those drop sets really help to get everything you can out of the muscle until it reaches 100% failure. I only drop set on the very last set. Just keep dropping until I can hardly lift anything at all. Seems to be working very well for me.

Oh I forgot to mention something else new I started this week that I normally never do. On Tuesday we have Chest then triceps. My wife starts with her bench and I spot her. Usually during this time I just stretch and wait until her set is finished then I bench. Just for the heck of it I decided to just do reverse curls with her bench weight while I waited. Since its a flat bar it was mainly focused on the top of my forearm. I let it down slow and exploded on the way back up. Pretty much a hang clean. Holy crap the top of my forearms got destroyed doing this. Even today when I type it hurts. haha So I will be fitting that into my routine for sure from now on. It helped me warm up plus a great forearm workout.
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[arnoldvoice]I pick things up and set them down.[/arnoldvoice]

Well, chest was a surprise today.

Started with flat dumbbell presses.
75'sx10 (starting to warm up)
110'sx10 (heaviest I've gone since I've been back. My goal is to hit 130's by the end of summer)

Incline Smith Bench Press

Peck Deck flys

Normally I would have started the workout with abs, but they are still sore from Wednesday, as is true with the rest of the group. I'll maybe catchup abs this weekend.

NEW PROGRAM TIME!!! 5x5s did their work to get me some base strength, now it's time to change it up.

Four lifting days per week, each set is 4 sets of 12/10/8/8 reps. Weights get progressively heavier between sets.

Day 1 - Legs/Core
Reverse Lunges

Ab Hangers
Step ups


Day 2 - Chest/Back
Bench Press
Dumbbell Row

Dumbell Press
Iso Row

Dumbell Curls

Day 3 - Legs/Core

Hack Squat
Flutter Kick (30sec)

Machine Split-Squat
Ball Planks

Day 4 - Shoulders/Lats
DB Overhead Press
Lat Pulldown

Cable Shoulder Press
Assisted Pull-up

Cable Triceps
Preacher Curl
NEW PROGRAM TIME!!! 5x5s did their work to get me some base strength, now it's time to change it up.

Four lifting days per week, each set is 4 sets of 12/10/8/8 reps. Weights get progressively heavier between sets.

Day 1 - Legs/Core
Reverse Lunges

Ab Hangers
Step ups


Day 2 - Chest/Back
Bench Press
Dumbbell Row

Dumbell Press
Iso Row

Dumbell Curls

Day 3 - Legs/Core

Hack Squat
Flutter Kick (30sec)

Machine Split-Squat
Ball Planks

Day 4 - Shoulders/Lats
DB Overhead Press
Lat Pulldown

Cable Shoulder Press
Assisted Pull-up

Cable Triceps
Preacher Curl

That's an interesting routine. Normally, push exercises are grouped and pull exercises are grouped to reduce unwanted fatigue from prior day lifts when combining like that. For example, chest+tri, back+bi, etc.

Let me know how you works out for ya! It does look pretty rounded! :cheers:
That's an interesting routine. Normally, push exercises are grouped and pull exercises are grouped to reduce unwanted fatigue from prior day lifts when combining like that. For example, chest+tri, back+bi, etc.

Let me know how you works out for ya! It does look pretty rounded! :cheers:

It was written up by one of the trainers here at my work. I'll give it 4-6 weeks and see how it goes. 👍
Back in post 694 I mentioned that I started buying liquid egg whites for my morning breakfast. Quick, very convenient, instant protein that can simply be microwaved within a couple minutes. It was about $3.50 a quart at Walmart so a little pricey but very convenient. Well I finally found an even better deal! GFS has a half gallon of FROZEN egg whites for $6.00! Much better deal. And what I do is wait a couple days for the egg whites to thaw out and then pour them into an empty milk gallon container. Works perfect! I cant find any pics of the container but look in the freezer isle. It looks simialar to the container posted in post 694. Best deal I have found so far. 👍

The combination of better breakfast (egg whites for protein), new ON protein instead of walmart protein, Cell-tech creatine for post workout, and a few other changes in my diet have made an improvement with my workout the last few weeks for sure. Starting to see gains again. 👍

After some more research it looks like maybe regular creatine mixed with Gatorade powder would also work very well. Might try that and see how it works. So far loving the Cell-Tech for post workout also having a banana with it too and a scoop of protein.
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Started off with abs.

Cable rope crunches.

Leg Raises
3 sets of 20.

Side Abductor crunches
3 sets of 20 reps a side.

Bend Over Side Abductor weighted raises.

2 sets, 20lbs of 20 reps a side.

......and on to Chest. Every other week we are rotating up what we start with.

This week, we started with flat dumbbell press.

110'sx8 (heavy spot on 9 and 10)

(next time we start dumbs, my plan is to get up to 120lbs dumbs. so I will do 95'sx10, 110'sx8, and 120'sx6 and see how that goes).

Went to incline bench, free weight. I have to say, I absolutely hate this bench at the gym. It's the only piece of equipment I can't stand to be on. The angle just seems wrong. In any case,


Then we ran over to the smith rack and setup a bench for incline over there and cranked out a couple more sets....felt much better.

Finished off with some cable flys. Top to bottom, then bottom to top.
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DA would be proud! I did deads off the floor yesterday. Went heavy shrugs, then partial deads in the rack, then moved to deads off the floor. I have NEVER done these, but had one of our guys that used to do them all the time. Did a couple sets at 135lb just to get used to it then did one more set at 225lb for 10 reps. What an awesome full body workout. I could definitely do more but was already pretty pre-fatigued. I looked forward to next deadlift day where maybe we do more off the floor. Depends on how our legs feel I suppose. :)

To finish off the work out, did wide and narror pullups, narrow pull-downs, and narrow seated rows.

Well, it's been 5 days, guess I could post another one. :D

Nothing steller, but every day when we have been hitting every muscle group really good. When I say, "really good", what I mean is that we have been sore the next day, every time....regardless.

Today was legs again.

Heavy on the hip sled with a pause/hold on the bottom: lbs x reps
265 x 20
465 x 20
665 x 20
865 x 20
1045 x 20
1225 x 20
1405 x 10

Next, on to a different leg press machine for single leg presses.
130 x 10 (per leg)
150 x 10
150 x 30

We finished off with leg extensions. The technique used here is every third rep you are to hold it for 3 seconds at the top of the extension.

We would count it like such:
1-2-3(hold) 2-2-3(hold) 3-2-3(hold) 4-2-3(hold) 5-2-3(hold)
235 x 15
245 x 15
265 x 15

And that concluded quads.
I've been running 1.5 miles in standard issue British Army boots with a weighted bergan (army rucksack) for around a month and a half now, and today I finally broke into a 10.xx minute pace carrying approximately 30lbs of weight.

Aiming for 1.5 miles at under 9 minute mile pace carrying 35-40lbs. I may change up from 1.5 miles to 2 miles in 20 minutes or less when the time comes, but that's quite a while away.
Nice probably isn't the word lol

I've been running 1.5 miles in standard issue British Army boots with a weighted bergan (army rucksack) for around a month and a half now, and today I finally broke into a 10.xx minute pace carrying approximately 30lbs of weight.

Aiming for 1.5 miles at under 9 minute mile pace carrying 35-40lbs. I may change up from 1.5 miles to 2 miles in 20 minutes or less when the time comes, but that's quite a while away.
Any reason?
The cardio sounds amazing! That is something I quite simply, don't have time for. It's all I an do to lift on lunch breaks. Evenings are family time for me, though I try incorporate as much cardio activities for all of us when I can. I think I'll be able to do more once the kids get a little older...