General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
My 3-day split:

Day 1: Dumbbell butterfly 2x55lbs, 8 reps 4 stints, dumbbell biceps concentration curls (1 arm at a time) 70 lbs 8 reps 4 stints, barbell row sitting 143lbs,8 reps 4 stints
Day 2: Dumbbell shoulder press 2x70lbs 8 reps 4 stints, triceps kickbacks dumbbell 40lbs 8 reps 4 stints, barbell shrugs 297 lbs 8 reps 4 stints
Day 3: barbell squats 165lbs 10 reps 4 stints, weighted crunches 44lbs 2x 30 reps.
Day 4: rest

I used to do deadlifts with 286 8 reps 3 stints but my back hurts even with my perfect lifting technique. :(
Race you up Pen-y-Fan? ;)

Triathlon, maybe. Gotta sort my swimming first, it's quite rubbish.

A good mate of mine recently joined 45 Commando and challenged me to a quick run up and back down at full battle weight (45-50lbs). I politely declined. I feel like a small girl compared to him :nervous:

Haha, my swimming is pretty awful too, I find it so boring. It's a good job that i'm not interested in joining the Navy!
A few weeks ago I decided to start doing some kind of workout routine, since I get hardly any exercise.

I currently weigh about 172 pounds. The first thing I do each morning is 20 sit-ups (apparantely the ones where you bring your entire torso up put a large strain on your back, so I do the ones where you bring your head, chest and shoulders up), 30 reps of these weird extension springs, since I currently don't have any weights, though they're less than 2 feet long, and I'm 6 ft 1, so it's strains my lower back a little. If I'm lucky I'll manage 10 press-ups (I've always been lousy at those, probably a rubbish technique), I can usually manage no more than about 5 leg raises after that, and plank for anything between 30 seconds and 1 minute. I'll usually repeat this again in the afternoon

I don't have any equipment at home (apart from the springs), and I'm on a tight budget too, so I was just wondering what other things I can do at home, and what exercises are good for focusing on pectorals? My first target is weight loss, though converting it into muscle would probably be better.
and I'm on a tight budget too, so I was just wondering what other things I can do at home

-Push-ups(do both elbows out and elbows close to body)
-Pull-ups would be nice if you could do them somewhere
-Burpees would probably be good for weight loss and work the legs a tiny bit

Look into different programming for the push-ups
Military style physical fitness would be another good source of effective training that doesn't rely on you having much equipment.

On the British Army website there is actually a programme called "Army Fit" which is intended to get potential recruits prepared for the physical part of selection. It will give you a full 14-week (iirc) plan of what to do and when.

It is particularly useful for people new to keeping up a fitness regime as it gradually conditions you without ramping up the intensity too much. I seem to remember there is also a link to tips about good nutrition and avoiding injury which might be of use to you.


If you do try it out, keep us updated! Would be great to hear about your progress.
Running miles with 50 lbs on? Your poor joints.

I land on my mid-foot, not my heel, and have a high cadence (more strides per minute = smaller strides = less impact) so the impact isn't that great.

Having a rucksack that is well adjusted also helps a lot.
I don't have any equipment at home (apart from the springs), and I'm on a tight budget too, so I was just wondering what other things I can do at home, and what exercises are good for focusing on pectorals? My first target is weight loss, though converting it into muscle would probably be better.
For your chest and triceps concentrate on diamond push ups and wide push ups. The closer your hands are together, the more it works the triceps. The further they are apart, the more it works the pecs.
To help build your biceps and back on a budget, I would purchase a door jam pull up bar. About $30.00

You can also get "Ab straps" for the pull up bar that allow you to do leg raises for your abs. These create little to no stress on the back and are killer for working abs. Sometimes these ab straps come with the pull up bars. About $10.00.
I've been running 1.5 miles in standard issue British Army boots with a weighted bergan (army rucksack) for around a month and a half now, and today I finally broke into a 10.xx minute pace carrying approximately 30lbs of weight.

Aiming for 1.5 miles at under 9 minute mile pace carrying 35-40lbs. I may change up from 1.5 miles to 2 miles in 20 minutes or less when the time comes, but that's quite a while away.

Took another 5 seconds off my 1.5 mile time(10:46) carrying an extra 5lbs (35lbs total) but I found that my t-shirt was soaked in blood when I took my bergan off at the end of my run.

It appears that the inside edge of the right strap was rubbing bare shoulder skin where my t-shirt had bunched up, and has left me with a bit of a friction burn.

I'm hoping that the surrounding skin doesn't tear when I run on Wednesday, otherwise i'll probably have to take a little break :grumpy:
Any tips on sticking with a workout? Currently I am running once a week and now adding dumbells. I was going to check out muscle and performance magzine for any tips to gain a 6 pack. My current motivation, is just do it. So at the start of the morning, I change and go running.
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Any tips on sticking with a workout? Currently I am running once a week and now adding dumbells. I was going to check out muscle and performance magzine for any tips to gain a 6 pack. My current motivation, is just do it. So at the start of the morning, I change and go running.

Most importantly - Keep it up. If you quit or let yourself be lazy once, it becomes a lot easier to repeat that mistake over and over.

Find motivation in setting and reaching goals. When you reach your goal, set a new one and so on. Reward yourself every now and then for achieving your goals.

If you are lacking motivation, particularly before a workout, think about this:

If you quit and stop working out now, you will carry on as you were before, possibly unhappy with your health, appearance, or whatever. You will stay as you were and a few months down the line you'll feel regret as you wonder where you'd be had you just stuck at it. So stick at it.

A great quote that I have in a few places around my house (including on the ceiling right above my weight bench) is this:

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take it's place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." - Lance Armstrong.

If you don't give 100%, you miss out. That one rep that you miss from losing focus or not giving all of your effort is something that you can never get back. Your next workout could be the best workout of your life, hitting PR's left and right, but you'll never get the benefit that that rep, or that 400m dash at the end of your jog, or that last length in the pool would have given you. Keep going unless you are physically unable to keep going!

We'll need more details (age, height, weight, goals, what your current workout is and how often) to give you specific training advice, but i'll tell you something straight up - avoid the muscle mags and the big-brand, six-pack-in-30-seconds, BS marketing.

All that those companies are looking for is your hard-earned cash. The best information can be found right here on the internet, even this thread has an impressive array of knowledgeable posters, and it's free!
Height: 5"11'
Goals: Staying healthy, I want a toner body
Current Training:
a 2.5 mile run/walk every Monday/Tuesday morning
I just added a Situps/Pushs/ Curls ( Till I max out)
15lbs on the dumbells
I have been reading the muscle mags for the studies that they often do. Like how the perfect push-up isn't so perfect. On Mondays, I work hours later that day. ( Pushing Carts, lifting boxes and helping guests.) I am doing this because its been a long time goal and I want to focus on it. ( Granted if you read the relationship thread, I was/am going through some trouble)
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Height: 5"11'
Goals: Staying healthy, I want a toner body
Current Training:
a 2.5 mile run/walk every Monday/Tuesday morning
I just added a Situps/Pushs/ Curls ( Till I max out)
15lbs on the dumbells
I have been reading the muscle mags for the studies that they often do. Like how the perfect push-up isn't so perfect. On Mondays, I work hours later that day. ( Pushing Carts, lifting boxes and helping guests.) I am doing this because its been a long time goal and I want to focus on it. ( Granted if you read the relationship thread, I was/am going through some trouble)

A good first goal weight for you would be 175-180lbs, which is very achievable. Once you drop to this weight you will be able to assess what extra work you will need to do to reach your goal (fat hides muscle definition, the less fat you are carrying the more "toned" you will appear, especially around the stomach area).

As you are not looking to build a lot of muscle, bodyweight exercises are a good choice, something similar to the ArmyFit link I put up a few posts ago would be suitable and will get you up to a respectable level of fitness fairly quickly. I think even your current workouts will get you close to where you want to be.

Remember that diet is important too, only you know how well or poorly you are eating - improving your diet and staying hydrated can make you feel like a new person. Working out but eating poorly is quite pointless. Sleep is important too.

I hope this makes sense, i'm tired!
A good first goal weight for you would be 175-180lbs, which is very achievable. Once you drop to this weight you will be able to assess what extra work you will need to do to reach your goal (fat hides muscle definition, the less fat you are carrying the more "toned" you will appear, especially around the stomach area).

As you are not looking to build a lot of muscle, bodyweight exercises are a good choice, something similar to the ArmyFit link I put up a few posts ago would be suitable and will get you up to a respectable level of fitness fairly quickly. I think even your current workouts will get you close to where you want to be.

Remember that diet is important too, only you know how well or poorly you are eating - improving your diet and staying hydrated can make you feel like a new person. Working out but eating poorly is quite pointless. Sleep is important too.

I hope this makes sense, i'm tired!
It makes alot of sense, I got the PDF. of the army link. The diet is in need to be worked out, with my sleep routine is sometimes ruined because I get home around midnight.
DA would be proud, just pulled 7 plates a side for partial deads for 7 reps. Had to get a calculator, but that's 675 lbs. I could have pulled a few more but my fingers were slipping, even with straps.

These guys are going slightly low, we are just above our knees, these guys are below the knee. We were also using free weights in the squat rack instead of smith, but I do like the look of this lift in the smith.

First gym sesh' on friday since Feb' 2011...

... My body still aches. :lol:

Dooooood, I totally know the feeling. Did you take it easy or were you like, "Oh, this isn't so bad.... I wonder if I can do a few more plates, and a couple more reps?" :D
Mostly dumbbell work, only did a marathon last week, but yeah I was like "extra set won't harm" and afterwards I was disappointed at the lack of pump and started thinking it had gone too easy!

And then 2 days later. WTF, that's like legs' DOMS!
Muwahahaha! My first day back on legs after taking a year off was like that.... Two days later I had to calculate how I was going to step up and then step off the 3" curb without falling to the ground. Good times man! :D
I remember my last break. I did a workout on a Friday. The soreness came in right after mostly in the legs. I had to use my arms to sit up and down. On Monday I was still walking stiff and Tuesday was only a little better. Stairs were me Achilles heal.
Alright, started on smith squats:


Hip Sled:

Leg Extensions:

And that concluded leg day today. My plan is to go riding tonight, but may find my legs too tired to get up the hill. :D

My runs with a weighted rucksack are on hold due to these little beauties (well, similar ones with a thinner sole). For the first time in a while it feels like I am running because I want to run, not just because I have a goal to hit or because it's a part of my schedule.

It may sound odd to some, but I can't wait to run in cold, rainy weather. I managed to run in light rain on the day the huaraches arrived, and it was an incredibly pleasant sensation.

The only downside is that my girlfriend refuses to run with a guy who wears mandals. Yeah, I never liked her anyway!
And the mandals gave you that inspiration?

They look comfortable but they look like the buttons on the bottom that hold the straps in place will break easily. Yes, no? Growing up in Hawaii, I spent a fair amount of time on "slippah's" but more time barefoot because they would often break.

To this day I hate shoes. I have wide, flat feet and my toes always wan to be free! Shoes are way to restrictive.

Speaking of, I got "talked to" at the gym a couple weeks ago because I didn't have "proper foot wear". He was totally cool about it, but made it quite clear that open toe shoes or bare feet are not allowed in the gym. I wasn't going to argue with him but.... 1.) I signed a release of liability when I joined. 2.) It's more comfortable lifting with sure, flat feet on a solid base. 3.) Doing squats or other heavy lifts, the squish of the shoe actually does more harm than good and 4.) If I drop a 100lb plate on my toe, my soft leather shoe won't do a bit of good, my toe will be crushed. It is his house though, so house rules apply.

I have been eying these for a while, Otomix lifting shoes. They are flat, wide, light, but do offer some support, etc.


....and they flash from black to white, so that's pretty cool. ;)

Anyways, have fun with your new mandals. May you live long and happily ever after together. :)
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Been getting in the gym quite a bit recently mainly to rehab my knee and back but I'm getting back into doing weights. Currently managing 5 days a week and enjoying it which is good. Hopefully I'll keep up this routine when I start uni again after the summer. 👍

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