General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Thanks, shmogt 👍

Yeah, I suppose that the affinity for building muscle runs in the family. Has been the same for my dad and grandfather. I'll dial it back a notch and see how it goes! Thanks.

So, I talked to the trainers at my local gym, too, as they're probably a bit more knowledgable on that topic, at least as far as my situation goes. Those guys tolld me to not worry about it too much, but I do get nervous pretty easily with stuff like that.

They usually don't know much, but they're probably right. It sounds like elbow tendinitis. It might be a while before the pain goes away.
I will tell you right now that I have chronic elbow pain. I even took a year off of lifting just to see if it would go didn't.

What do I do now? When I am going to do any tricep days, overhead press, actually most upper body lifts, I will rub a good amount of Mueller Hot stuff to help bring blood to the area and helps me warm up faster. I generally will do a lot of sets starting out really light and eventually the pain will let up enough to where I can get a good workout in. Some days are better than others. Today, triceps were a good day.

I also notice for me, that the slightest change in angel can make a difference so experiment with different grips and ergonomics.

I have tried just about everything beside cortisone shots. Even had MRI's done on them but nothing showed up. Just a sign of wear and tear I suppose.

You might also try anti-inflammatories during the day as well as good ice packs at night. The fact that the MRI's reveled nothing for me gave me some confidence that I am not "damaging" anything which lets me just worry about managing the pain so I can push through the lift.

Good luck to you!
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Thanks for the advice and answers, guys 👍

I've been reading up on the more common 'serious' causes of elbow pain and, basically, there are no symptoms that would check out with any of the more sever stuff, like tennis elbow or golf elbow.

I'll report back on how things are going.

/edit: Just wanted to let you guys know that the pain's been becoming less in my elbow. The muscles on my lower arm started to hurt, though, as well as my frist. Doesn't feeel too bad, though.
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What are you guy's opinions on having an extremely bad meal (like ice cream style...). I know it usual doesn't effect much but today it was bad enough that I had to ask... :guilty:
When you do triceps and bicep exercises do you worry about altering grips(hands close, far, or shoulder width) on a consistent basis? To work the insides and outsides. Or just shoulder width everything. How can I split this up . I don't want to have to do 9 sets to reach all areas of each muscle. Nor could I possibly do 9 sets of 10-15 reps on the same muscle unless I use a marshmallow...

You could use different ones on different days. Though I prefer keeping it simple. You don't need twenty different curls to work biceps. Do some regular DB curls and hammer curls.

What are you guy's opinions on having an extremely bad meal (like ice cream style...). I know it usual doesn't effect much but today it was bad enough that I had to ask... :guilty:

They're very delicious.
What are you guy's opinions on having an extremely bad meal (like ice cream style...). I know it usual doesn't effect much but today it was bad enough that I had to ask... :guilty:

Occasionally I think it's ok. Day before yesterday I had a 5,000 calorie day....easy. If I did that every day I would be over 300 lbs without even trying. I will say that I had more strength than usual. Managed to put up 315 on military press for 6 reps, and that was at the end of our sets.

What do you mean, "it was bad enough that I had to ask"? Do you mean you ate like 5 gallons of ice cream in one sitting? Do you mean the craving got so bad that you ran over an old lady on your way to the grocery store and didn't even stop to see if she was ok?
Meh, I wouldn't think too much about eating a bit more once in a while. I mean, it's not like you're going to gain weight because you're not on a calory deficit on one out of seven days.
I found that if you stick to the diet for six days, the seventh day you just have a bit of a blowout just to get some needed fat into the system as that restores your energy levels to start the week with some real energy.

Plus, if you eat healthy most of the time, some fat and some extra calories on one day will be fine.
Fat is good for you. Going overboard on sugar is what'll get you.
I found that if you stick to the diet for six days, the seventh day you just have a bit of a blowout just to get some needed fat into the system as that restores your energy levels to start the week with some real energy.

Plus, if you eat healthy most of the time, some fat and some extra calories on one day will be fine.

The best diets are 90% good, 10% bad. There is very little difference between eating well 100% of the time and 90% of the time, so don't be afraid of having a cheat day now and then as long as you don't go too crazy.

If you have eaten badly, wipe the slate clean and start again. There is no point in trying to 'make up' for it.
I found that if you stick to the diet for six days, the seventh day you just have a bit of a blowout just to get some needed fat into the system as that restores your energy levels to start the week with some real energy.

Plus, if you eat healthy most of the time, some fat and some extra calories on one day will be fine.
Most importantly, you'll be frustrated and, thus, canceling your diet sooner or later, if you're not allowing yourself to eat to your hearts content every once in a while.

That's what it's been like for me, at the very least.
I'm thinking about starting a diet and workout plan in the next few days, I'm going to be at university starting next week, and I'll have a "free" gym membership there. I've slowly been putting on weight this year, I was 5'9" 190 in January of 2011, and I'm now 5'10", 230 :yikes:. It's time I start getting my health in order, I can't keep going at this rate, I'll be 250lb by the time I graduate.

I'm going to be playing intramural hockey twice a week, and I'm thinking if I go to the gym the other 4 days of the week I don't play then I can have one day off a week and eat one cheat meal on the day before my off day. Are there any tips you guys can give me? I'm quite a good cook, but unfortunately in residence I won't be able to cook and I'll be stuck to cafeteria food for the most part. The cafeteria has good options (salad, fruit, veg, whole grains) so I should be able to eat well even if I'm mostly eating there.

Are there any workout plans or diet tips you guys would suggest? I'm in quite bad shape at the moment so I'd have to gradually work my way up, but I'm looking at cardio 6 days a week (4 times at the gym, 2 times at hockey), and weights 4 times a week at the gym.

To start before I get out to university, I'm going to start using a food journal on my phone to keep track of what I eat, and cut out sugary drinks and just drink water.
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Are there any workout plans or diet tips you guys would suggest?

In the cafeteria my main consideration would be how much protein does the food have. Look into a program based on the big 4 (squat, deadlift, standing OH press, bench). Possibly consider buying Starting Strength by Rippetoe. He explains each of those 4 exercises and the best way to do them.
In the cafeteria my main consideration would be how much protein does the food have. Look into a program based on the big 4 (squat, deadlift, standing OH press, bench). Possibly consider buying Starting Strength by Rippetoe. He explains each of those 4 exercises and the best way to do them.

I'd agree with this, the 'big 4' will sort you out. Your weight isn't even that much of an issue, work out and swap out the fat mass with muscle and you'll be set. Bulk in hockey is good so long as it doesn't kill your agility.

I wouldn't work out too much, especially if you are planning to lift big weight. Recovery, diet and sleep is very important - Alternate lifting days with cardio days and have at least one full day off a week.

With regards to cheat meals, a good rule is that 10% of your meals/drinks in a week can be 'bad' (6 meals a day? 4 cheat meals per week). If you are eating well 90% of the time, the 10% that you aren't will have minimal effect on your progress and may infact be beneficial.

Cheat meals should be regular-sized portions, no need to be too precise, but don't go way over the top either. Most importantly, enjoy them.
I'm a goalie, so I definitely won't want to be 5'10" 230, I'm aiming at more around 185-195 at a higher level of muscle bulk and overall health than I am right now. However, if I find I'm staying at a higher weight with more bulk I won't cut, I'm not at a high enough level of hockey to care. I'll look into the big 4 exercises, and I'll alternate weight days with cardio, I think that makes it all an achievable goal. I can motivate myself to lift weights every two days, I'll do 15 minutes of cardio on hockey days, 30-45 on non-hockey days, and choose one of Friday or Saturday to be my off day.
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I'm a goalie, so I definitely won't want to be 5'10" 230, I'm aiming at more around 185-195 at a higher level of muscle bulk and overall health than I am right now. However, if I find I'm staying at a higher weight with more bulk I won't cut, I'm not at a high enough level of hockey to care. I'll look into the big 4 exercises, and I'll alternate weight days with cardio, I think that makes it all an achievable goal. I can motivate myself to lift weights every two days, I'll do 15 minutes of cardio on hockey days, 30-45 on non-hockey days, and choose one of Friday or Saturday to be my off day.

Sounds good, you could always gain weight and fill the entire goal? :dopey:
Getting ready to do my personal work out, but there is such of a thing as Running planks?
I've done "runways" that involve standing up straight, then place hands on floor while legs as straight as possible, next you walk your hands forward until you are lying on the floor. Continue the reverse to complete movement.
I've done "runways" that involve standing up straight, then place hands on floor while legs as straight as possible, next you walk your hands forward until you are lying on the floor. Continue the reverse to complete movement.
Like your in a Plank position but do the running motions with your legs,
Like your in a Plank position but do the running motions with your legs,

Yup, just did them earlier today. Very tough depending on the point of your workout you do them.
Started to do a lot more cardio as of late. I've gone running three times this week. Still can't keep up with my mates, but whatever.

I just don't want to use the muscle hypotonia (and the few other issues I've got) I've got in my legs since birth as an excuse anymore. It's never really been bothering me too much, as I've never liked running a lot, anyways. But, we're going to take the Cooper Test at school in the next few months, so I had to do just that: Use my issues as an excuse.

Well, I still didn't care. However, a week or so ago, the Paralympics were on the TV when I was at the gym. Saw those women cycling at 40 km/h, doing the 3,000 meters in less than four and a half minutes... With just one leg. And I thought to myself; "god damnit, and what's your excuse?"

Tough as hell for me to actually keep a decent pace while running, but I won't give up.
The cycling season is going into its last month for me as its getting noticeably cooler outside, and currently my bike is in the "pits" after I blew my tubes after 1500km+.

Started lifting last week with full body workouts, prior to that I was combining my cycling with heavy deadlift sets.

As of currently I'm lifting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Just looking to stay in shape, and gain strength especially in my legs. (duh!)

Currently doing squats -> benchpress -> barbell curls -> shoulder press -> leg raides/hanging knee raises -> deadlifts.

I really want to be able to do pull-ups, though as its a fantastic compound exercise. But currently I can't for the life of me complete one, probably because my legs are so heavy compared to my arms and shoulders that never get any exercise while on the bike. Currently just experimenting with jumping up and holding myself int he upper position of a pull-up, than I slowly go down again and repeat that. I've read that this is a great way to get introduced to pull-ups if you can't complete the exercise from the bottom position.
Bram are you doing those exercises each time you lift or only on certain days? If you are doing them each time you will get better results from mixing it up: pushers Monday, pullers Wednesday, legs Friday or some other plan rather than doing same thing each time. A way I recommend starting with pull ups is having a chair/bench under you with one or both feet on it to give a little push assist. The further forward in front of you the chair is the less it will assist.👍

I made a huge decision yesterday: I'm going to run a marathon next year. The target is 2013 Chicago Marathon in October but it may not happen due to work so around the same weekend is the Oktoberfest Marathon in La Crosse, WI, about 40 minutes from where I live. In May I will run a half marathon also in La Crosse as a mini test and motivation to begin training early in the year.

I've never run a half or full marathon in my life but I have ran 13 miles when I was a cross country runner in high school 11 years ago.:D It's always something I wanted to do but it was one of those in 5 years, always 5 years type of thing. It's time I stop saying in 5 years and make it happen. In the past year I've done P90X along with running 3-5 miles 3x/week, a hybrid P90X/X2 with running program, and currently Insanity.

My end goal will to be doing one half or full marathon a year and hitting major ones like Chichago, New York, Berlin and in cities that have importance to me La Crosse, Frankfurt am Main, Milwaukee etc. I need to get the first one out of the way though.;)

Anyone run a marathon or half marathon? Any advice or stories? Any books or websites I should check out? I plan to follow a training program, not decided which yet, and get advice the the cross country coach at my school (I work at a school) who does both.
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Good luck Scott. I did the Chicago Marathon myself... Of course it was in 1997, a mere 15 years ago. :lol:
Good luck Scott. I did the Chicago Marathon myself... Of course it was in 1997, a mere 15 years ago. :lol:

Awesome, how did it go? My only experience with it was working a water station in Chinatown, around mile 20 I think, back in 2000. Seeing the lead runners was amazing.
Awesome, how did it go? My only experience with it was working a water station in Chinatown, around mile 20 I think, back in 2000. Seeing the lead runners was amazing.

Went very well until mile 20. Was on pace for 3:05 and dragged myself to finish in 3:16. But I finished. :sly: and faster than Oprah. :lol:
3:16 is a very impressive time, and I think the wall around mile 20 catches everyone. Doesn't sub 3 hours qualify you for Boston? I don't think I will be near that but I guess I won't know until I train.