O-M-G! I completely ruinated my legs today. I am talking about complete ruination!
I did the same thing today but I don't feel bad at all. In fact, my hamstrings used to KILL ME from sitting all the time when I was sedentary for the past 2 years. Now, they feel great. I wonder if they were in some kind of over-contraction where the sarcomeres were starting to overlap or crash into each other. I'm scared of DOMS though. Hopefully tomorrow isn't awful.
I tried to squat 155 but I still don't have the ankle flexibility to properly settle in the hole without falling backwards. Also, I need to grab some weightlifting shoes since my running shoes are awful and are throwing my knees into valgus.
So, instead, I did some deadlifts at 135x3, 185x3, then 205x4. On my 2nd pull of 205 I made the quickest, highest-pitched fart and almost lost it on the inside.

That one must've been chillin' in my back pocket somewhere-- don't know where it came from! Anyway, I could probably do heavier but I want to get in better cardiac shape before I go full-Valsalva trying to pull the earth. Don't want to stroke out. And I don't have a belt or anything so I'm making sure my lifts are picture-perfect before putting anything more on the bar. My low back right now is the limiting factor. As that gets stronger I think my lifts will increase. BTW, I LOVE bumper plates! The best part about lifting at the weightroom is that if I see or feel anything wrong with my tech I can just drop the weight right on the floor and it bounces without much drama. Don't have to worry about damaging property. 👍
As an added bonus, you can also pretend to be a really cool Oly lifter. I did my best Ilya Ilin and Lu Xiaojun impressions while racking the weight.
After I finished pulling, I did quad extensions and ham curls each 3x10 at 100lbs. Then I went to the leg press and pressed 250 pounds until I got bored and hungry. Probably like 30-something reps of that all together-- I was going fast so I didn't really keep count. Good cardio though.
There's this girl with an amazing body that's always on the elliptical or the stepper when I'm there too. I don't know what she is though. Looks like some kinda yellow-undertone-skinned asian, but not with an asian figure at all. Maybe she's like asian/brazilian or some other kind of south american mix. The reason I bring this up is that when I was running a blood drive at my junior college, there was this freaking hotttt girl that I asked to donate blood. She was giving me reasons why she couldn't and I was joking with her and we had a nice chat. Unfortunately, I was busy hustling blood so I didn't get her number (

I'm not like that though) . Forgot her name too. But, I think it's the same girl. Hopefully we get to talk again. Need to lose this weight first though!