General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
^Nice Gains!!!

My wife is going on a diet, and to support her I'm hopping on the wagon also. I might loose some muscle mass along the way but it will come back easy enough. I'll let you know how that goes. :lol:

Had a great back day today.

Tried a different barbell today for shrugs. It's called a trap bar as shown below:


Partial Deads
495x10 (Probably my cleanest 5 plate pull)

Went straight to pull ups.
3 sets of 15 reps.

Narrow pull downs
220x10 (I was trashed at this point, wow)

Narrow seated low row (drop sets)
90x10 + 60x10 + 35x10
90x10 + 60x10 + 35x10

I haven't felt my lats this full in a long time..... I will say I had to put my back where my mouth was. It was full on concentration on proper technique and I had a great day. When ever I started to slip out of form I could feel that muscle disengage. Keeping my form forced blood in there where it stayed. Felt like my lats were coming out of the skin. Loved it!!!

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I don't know whether to be inspired or scared by those numbers, Pako :scared: I guess I'd better chose to be inspired :lol:

Worked my pecs today. Sadly, the gym was filled to the brim and I was going solo due to time constraints on my end, so I had to settle for some lesser weights (and some more reps) here and there - especially since some of the machines I tend to use to circumvent that were in use the whole time.

Warm up: 25x 75 lbs
9x 190 lbs
9x 190 lbs
7x 190 lbs
10x 165 lbs
8 x 165 lbs

Don't know what to call this... There's a lever over my head which I'd be pulling down with my arms straigt and bring it down in front of my body. I'm seated during the exercise and am pulling the lever down towards my thighs in a circular motion.

Overhead circular motion pull down thingy:
8x 225 lbs
8x 225 lbs
6x 225 lbs
8x 210 lbs
4x 210 lbs

Tilted Benching: (If that's what it's called)
8x 165 lbs
8x 165 lbs
7x 175 lbs
6x 175 lbs
8x 165 lbs

The leg machines and bar bells were all in use, so I decided to double my running and spend 30 minutes on the treadmill instead. God, I hate running.
Going well! Sorry for the lack of updates, exam revision is eating into my spare time.

No problem, I quite enjoy demanding updates from you, actually. I dare say revision is more important... just.

I'm gradually upping my distances for the longer runs (up to about 6k now, training for a 10k run in July) and have added a couple of reps to all of my HIIT sessions so I'm progressing.

Wow, that's awesome, great effort! Very solid progress over such a short space of time.

As I've been trying to run with a more forefoot landing, I can now manage to run with a mid-front landing even in my running shoes and I have to say I've noticed a massive increase in performance; I think it's what's enabled me to add kilometres onto my long run distances.

Another thing I've noticed whilst switching up how I land my feet was that I can run most of a session using a mid foot landing with relative ease, but if I switch to an entirely forefoot landing halfway through a run, it's like switching to a reserve fuel tank and my legs feel completely refreshed, it's brilliant. I can only assume that it's due to the fact that the two different styles of running put more strain on certain leg muscles than others.

Yup, you're completely right about it using different muscle groups. It's so much more efficient to make use of the energy return that your legs give you rather than pounding along on your heels. Don't get too carried away with adding lots of distance just yet, Forrest.

Long story short, it's going well and I'm starting to enjoy the running more rather than seeing it as just a means to drop weight, hence the fact that I'm looking into entering races later this year. Very glad I started doing this.

Well, you can't ask for much more than that, can you! I look forward to hearing about your first races, the U.K has a great running community and there are events everywhere!

Now go study.
Worked my back today.

10x 110 lbs
10x 135 lbs
9x 155 lbs
7x 155 lbs
10x 110 lbs

First time I actually did some proper deadlifts and boy, it did feel pretty awesome 👍

Low Row:
10x 190 lbs
10x 200 lbs
8x 210 lbs
8x 210 lbs
7x 210 lbs

Reverse Butterfly:
8x 75 lbs
4x 85 lbs
6x 75 lbs
6x 70 lbs
6x 70 lbs

200 in five sets of 40 with very short brakes inbetween.

15 minutes on the treadmill.
Tried a different barbell today for shrugs. It's called a trap bar as shown below:

Nice! We just got a trap bar at my work. It's a very fun tool. Trap Bar Deadlifts are awesome.
Well it looks like gains are coming to a hault for this week. I have some sort of stomach bug from the easter dinner. Most of the family is sick. I was VERY sick yesterday and stayed home. Both ends rejecting everyhing I ate or drank. Could not hold anything down. In fact my body rejected everything I ate since Sunday. So here it is wednesday and I have had a bowl of cereal and a little lunch. Obviously cant workout either. Not good at all for gains. In fact I am sure I lost well over 5 lbs by now. Oh well I will just have to get through this week and hit it hard next week. I honestly hardly ever get sick so this is very rare. I cant even comprehend the last time I had a stomach virus like this. Been many years.
Your routines are looking good! 👍 How "intense" is the workout? Do you have much rest between sets?

That is harsh man! Don't freak out about it though. It's been my experience that getting gains the first time around is harder than getting them back. I took all of 2011 off from the gym. The whole year, and I have to say in about 6 months I had surpassed where I was when I quite. It really comes back pretty quick.

Not quite as extreme as your situation, but I feel like I am starving my body. I went on a diet to support my wife. It's extreme man, let me tell you. I figured I would give it at least a month and see where it goes. I'm sure I will loose some lean mass along the way, but it is a good exercise is will power for me. It's basically x5 100 caloric meals and one lean and green meal a day. I have cut all supplements as well. So far my workouts haven't suffered too bad, but I am also stopping my cardio for this week. Started at 255 and down to 239 as of yesterday. I would be a ripped 185! :lol: We'll see if I can stick with it.
Your routines are looking good! 👍 How "intense" is the workout? Do you have much rest between sets?
I'm trying to keep the breaks short, no more than 60 seconds if I can help it. I do take longer breaks if my muscles are in more intense pain or if I can't lift even a considerably lower weight anymore. Doesn't happen too often, though.

So, today's shoulder workout:

Neck Press:
20x 65 lbs
15x 110 lbs
14x 110 lbs
12x 110 lbs
8x 110 lbs
12x 90 lbs

Front Delt Lifts:
15x 55 lbs
12x 75 lbs
8x 90 lbs
6x 90 lbs
10x 75 lbs

Moar Neck Presses:
Different machine, closer grip this time:
15x 90 lbs
12x 110 lbs
10x 110 lbs
8x 110 lbs
10x 90 lbs

Attempted to do some overhead neck presses with a bar bell, but nearly blacked out on the second set with just 90 lbs, so I did the neck presses above instead. So, uh, yeah, I guess I am keeping it intense :lol:

Had no luck with the legs, again. So I went running for 30 minutes, again. Uphill, this time. Far more taxing than I though :scared: I do hope to at least get some good workout for my legs on saturday. The gym is usually a lot less busy, then.

I'm currently at about 185 lbs and am 6'1'', by the way. Gotta lose a lot of fat to consider myself ripped, though :lol: Got a long ways to go, but it's been just 1.5 years since I started working out, so that's okay.

Lats today.

Seated Pull Downs (cable tower, narrow grip):
20x 110 lbs (warm up)
8x 200 lbs
5x 210 lbs
4x 220 lbs
6x 200 lbs
8x 175 lbs

Seated Pull Downs (wide grip)
8x 220 lbs
7x 220 lbs
6x 220 lbs
8x 200 lbs
7x 200 lbs

Tilted Pull Downs (incorporate back muscles a bit):
8x 200 lbs
7x 200 lbs
6x 200 lbs
7x 175 lbs
8x 175 lbs

Also, abs. 200 crunches again today. Crapped out on the treadmill, though, was running too fast and stopped after about seven minutes. Still a good day 👍

Started this week with biceps training again.

Preacher Curls:
8x 110 lbs
6x 115 lbs
5x 115 lbs
7x 110 lbs
8x 90 lbs

+ 6x close-grip chin-ups

Hammer Curls:
3x 65 lbs
7x 55 lbs
6x 55 lbs
5x 55 lbs
7x 45 lbs

+ 6x close-grip chin-ups

Reverse Grip Curls:
7x 45 lbs
7x 45 lbs
7x 45 lbs
7x 45 lbs
7x 45 lbs

+ 4x close-grip chin-ups

Leg Press:
15x 400 lbs
15x 400 lbs
15x 400 lbs
15x 400 lbs
10x 400 lbs + 5 half reps

Aaand 15 minutes on the treadmill. Not the best idea after doing legs, but I'm still able to walk. Somewhat.
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^ If you're interested, I have a couple good bicep exercises I could share....

Good sets, looks like you had a full day! 👍
I'm always willing to learn 👍

And yup, I'm pretty much beat. Walking never felt as painful and slow as it does today - in a good way :lol:

/edit: Holy crap, I'm getting cramps in my biceps :lol:
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Ok, this lift is call "Pump-ups" although they have been coined Curl Hurls, or Bicep Squats.

They are basically just strip set dumb bell curls.

In a incline, seated position, grab a dumb bell weight that you know you can get 8 reps with, but no more. So lets say that a 45lb dumb bell is your max weight for 8 controlled reps. Grab the 45's, the 40's and the 35's and set them up in front of you.

In one set, you will rep the following for each arm.
Set 1: 45'sx6 + 40'sx8 + 35'sx10
Set 2: 45'sx6 + 40'sx8 + 35'sx10
Set 3: 45'sx6 + 40'sx8 + 35'sx10

Rest in between sets, but not in between weights.

Do a total of three sets. Keep your grip supernated and exaggerate the twist in, bringing the inside end of the dumb bell towards the peck.

It's a good one to mix into you routine for sure!
I'll try that exercise 👍 Does look interesting, a bit different from what I'm usually doing. I guess you could say it could...

Twist my routine up.


Yeah, worked my chest today.

Chest Press:
15x 90 lbs
8x 220 lbs
5x 225 lbs
3x 220 lbs
6x 200 lbs
7x 175 lbs

+ 12 push-ups

Butterfly Machine:
8x 155 lbs
6x 175 lbs
7x 155 lbs
7x 155 lbs
8x 155 lbs

+12 push-ups

Overhead circular motion pull down thingy:
(Yeah, I'll continue to call it that :lol:
7x 240 lbs
7x 225 lbs
7x 225 lbs
6x 225 lbs
8x 210 lbs

+ 12 push-ups

I then proceeded to do the usual 200 crunches for the abs and also went running on the treadmill for 30 minutes. My legs are still aching from yesterday's workout and running was hell. Haven't been that sweaty in ages, but it did feel good afterwards 👍
I'm switching to a 5x5 across the board to try and get my bench advancing. Long ago are the days I was doing 1.2BW. Now I struggle to do BW.
This weekend just past consisted of two runs. I've read that those training for Ultra-Marathons usually do two long runs over the course of the Saturday/Sunday, to get used to to running on tired legs. I thought I'd try this out for myself.

...and yes, I know these aren't Ultra distances, I'm not there yet.

Saturday - 10 Miles
Sunday - 8 Miles

When I run it's usually a day on, day off kinda routine, unless it's short runs (10k or less) where I could go more or less go out every single day. I definitely noticed the difference on Sunday. I wasn't able to maintain my normal pace and had to slow down before exhuasting myself.

I was at the gym on Monday (trying out some of Pakos' advice - going great 👍). Today I also went out with a friend for a short 5 Mile run.
Made it to my fighting gym for the first time in a year, give or take a few months. My flexibility sucks after so long away, but after some "Mama Said Knock You Out" I was in the ring for some sparring, and don't my shins and thighs know about it!
He still looks like he's keeping form - but I'm no authority here :lol:

Either way, today was back day.

Seated Rows (cable tower):
20x 110 lbs
6x 220 lbs
7x 200 lbs
6x 200 lbs
7x 175 lbs
7x 175 lbs

15x 75 lbs
6x 165 lbs
5x 175 lbs
8x 145 lbs
7x 145 lbs

Bent over barbell rows:
12x 110 lbs
8x 130 lbs
10x 110 lbs
8x 110 lbs
8x 110 lbs

Also, legs.

Leg Press:
15x 400 lbs
15x 400 lbs
15x 400 lbs

Leg Curls:
12x 100 lbs
12x 100 lbs
8x 100 lbs

Went on the treadmill afterwards, 30 minutes at a pace I usually have trouble keeping for more than 10. Thing is, there's a six kilometer (3.75 miles) run coming up by the end of August which my company organises and sponsors. I decided to take part and being the bad runner I am, I know I've got to work on my stamina and my leg muscles.

That was until last week when a good friend of mine told me to not bother; I wouldn't be making it anyway. So, my new goal is beating him, not just finishing. He might have the better physique, he might be a more experienced runner, he might not hate running as much as I do. But if the time at the gym has taught me anything, it's how to go that extra mile on willpower alone 👍
Luminis are you sure you are doing the seated rows correctly? I never see anyone be able to do 220lb rows, but only 175lb deadlifts. Rows are lats and traps while deadlift is your whole body. Doesn't really make sense how you can lift less with your whole body.
220 rows? Bro, how the hell. Are you actually rowing, or are you doing a seated good morning?
Luminis are you sure you are doing the seated rows correctly? I never see anyone be able to do 220lb rows, but only 175lb deadlifts. Rows are lats and traps while deadlift is your whole body. Doesn't really make sense how you can lift less with your whole body.
That's because of the cable tower. If I was to use that for deadlifts (if I could, somehow), I'd be putting on more weight for those, too.

I've experienced that on a few of the machines at the gym. Using a similar weight with barbells or dumbbells is far more taxing (or even impossible) than what these machines would suggest. For example, I'm not able to bench 220 lbs, either. I'm topping out at 200 lbs, at the moment. On the chest press machine, despite it working the same muscles, I'm able to do 220 lbs - 10% more just like that. My personal assumption from my limited understanding of physics is that it's got to do with the pulleys these machines use.

220 rows? Bro, how the hell. Are you actually rowing, or are you doing a seated good morning?
I don't know what those are :lol: I just keep my back straight and pull the (narrow) handle to my chest while I keep my arms close to my body. Just like this:

Yes the machines with cables let you do a heck of a lot more than normal free weight. Because to match your other lifts, your deadlift should be MUCH higher than that.

For example if you can bench around 200lbs in free weight, its usually around 250-275 on the machines. I remember going to a gym a couple years ago and I benched the ENTIRE rack. Which was way way higher than the amount I normally bench. Impressed everyone else but shocked the heck out of me. :lol:

Starting to make sense how he is "chest pressing" over 200 but cant deadlift that much. The numbers were confusing the heck out of me. But now that he says he has been using machines, its making sense. So when you say "Chest press" that's on a machine right? I was thinking chest press like bench press.

Yes as Pako said below, single vs double also makes a huge difference. Oh also we don't mean this in any negative way, the numbers were just not making sense until you said you were using machines. Still if you are benching 200 with free weights, your deadlift should be quite a bit higher unless you just started doing deadlifts. Might depend on your form too, if you are using bad form, you might be using mainly lower back, which is very bad. Make sure you lift with your legs while doing deadlifts. Deadlifts is the one major exercise where form is VERY important.
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Single vs. double pulley also makes a huge difference in weighted resistance.

I don't know what those are :lol: I just keep my back straight and pull the (narrow) handle to my chest while I keep my arms close to my body.

For fun and to hit a different part of your back, try pulling the handle to your waist for a "Low Seated Row". It's good to mix the two up. Another variation is a wide grip low seated row, using the wide pull down bar you would typically use for pull downs. Both grips are good, under and over hand. Try both. They are amazing for engaging the lat.

Yesterday was an interesting chest day. I was a lot slower and more deliberate than usual. This is a good thing, but the numbers weren't there, but like my buddy says, leave your ego at the door. So true, and what a humbling chest day it was.

Started with Abs, 3 sets of 30 ball sit ups, super set with 3 sets of 20 a side of hanging twists.

Bench Press:

Incline Dumb bells:

Concentrated lateral cable fly:

I can feel my chest today so I must have hit it right. 👍

Then last night I ran my 2 miles in 20 minutes.

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^That's what I have been doing lately. When rowing I pull closer to my waist. When I use a straight bar I use an underhand grip. Just wrecks the lats and takes all the stress off the shoulders.
^That's what I have been doing lately. When rowing I pull closer to my waist. When I use a straight bar I use an underhand grip. Just wrecks the lats and takes all the stress off the shoulders.

I love seated rows, especially after pull ups where I am prefatigued and my lats already have blood in them. The seated rows are so isolated and engage so well. Love that feeling where your triceps brush against the lat during the pull. Back is so hard, in my opinion, because you can't see it so it's all by feel.
I love seated rows, especially after pull ups where I am prefatigued and my lats already have blood in them. The seated rows are so isolated and engage so well. Love that feeling where your triceps brush against the lat during the pull. Back is so hard, in my opinion, because you can't see it so it's all by feel.

Back is a struggle for me as well. On my "back" days (if you can call 'em that), I do bent-over barbell rows for 4 x 8 and then assisted chins/pullups for 3-5 sets of 10.

One of my goals is to increase my ability to do bodyweight chins/pullups (I do both interchangeably) for many more reps. As of now, I can get two ugly - yet full range-of-motion - reps. They're ugly because I have to kinda bring my legs up a bit to help on the second rep, but I make sure I'm starting from all the way at the bottom.
I can bench more with a barbell than I can do on the chest press machine. But that's because I bench correctly. The chest press ruins your shoulders.

Heavy seated rows are dumb. Might as well do heavy pulldowns and then some lighter face pulls and Paloff presses.
Generally speaking, pull downs are for width and seated rows provide more thickness. Depends what you are wanting to get out of the lift and how you want to target your back. I haven't experienced it first had yet, but all the wide the thick guys I know do a ton of pull ups. That must say something about how important pull ups are and how effective they can be for over all back. Deads, various rows, etc are just as important, but I wouldn't skip pull ups thinking you are getting the benefit elsewhere. Just a thought...

Biceps and Hams today.

Sometimes I feel like I need to do more hamstring, but It does get hit with deadlifts off the floor, squats, and leg press. Anyways, here we go.

Straight Legged deads off the floor.

Hamstring Curl machine, seated.

Dumb Bell standing curls:
55'sx10 (with spot on last 5 forced reps)

Preacher Machine Curls:
160x6 (heavy spot on this set, held negs on all sets)

Dumb Bell Hammer Curls:

Standing Forearm Curls (barbell):

Standing Lateral Dumb bell Forearm curls:
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