General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
For home routines, you will be limited. What kind of equipment do you have?

Just an adjustable weight bench and a ton of free weights. Like I said, skull crushers and french press works fine for me but I really need a new exercise for triceps to break that bloody plateau.
Well, routines will be limited but there are many different ways to lift the weight. What are your goals? You say you are plateauing, as in size or strength?

I ask these things, as you know, different techniques will achieve different goals. Basic goals include strength, mass, definition. Although it's possible to get all three, it's generally easier to really focus on one thing at a time.

You need to mix it up. Maybe you do 5 sets of 5 of really heavy skulls. If that's what you've been doing, maybe you need to do some crazy super sets. 15-20 reps combo with french press for 15-20 reps per set. Kick backs are a great finisher and should not be ignored. They are great to do at the end of the tricep workout. When doing your skulls, try keeping the top of your rep slightly angled back so you never get a rest at the top of your reps. Slow your reps down, lift it up and down.

Dips are deadly on my shoulders and my sternum. I used to do them all the time, now I can't. I've resorted to a decline dip I setup in a squat rack or you can do bench dips. See the image below:


You can also add weight resistance on your lap and peel it off for drop sets. A lot less impact on my shoulders and get some deep tissue growth out of it. If you want even more resistance, use a higher bench for your feet so you are at a 30-45 degree angle with your feet higher up.
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I've been cycling for the health aspects a-lot lately. I can't really notice many changed but I think that's because I haven't started a proper diet. I do notice that my sleep schedule has changed a bit which is great. I generally have more energy throughout the day also.

dcgc5 mentioned a diet including 3 - 400 cal meals, and a 100 cal snack. I think I can try doing that. I also need to start drinking a-lot more water too.

Feeling fairly good though.
Anyone has tips for running? I used to run a mile + extra miles of walking 7 days a week. I do shorter distances now and do it less often because it's starting to get hot and I'm not really the summer kind of guy and I can't get up before the sun.

I ONLY run and don't do any other workout stuff. Any equipment-less workout routine suggestions would be appreciated. I live on a small, second floor apartment so I can't really put much stuff in here.

Diet is probably the hardest thing for me. I just can't help it living so close to so many Mexican restaurants :lol:
By request. :)

I have a before and after picture I took for my health coach to help promote her business.

Here I am at 199lbs.

And a before and after.
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Well, it would all come down to grip strength as your hams and back are doing all the lifting. With Straps, I would say yeah, without straps, probably not. That guy is a moose! :scared:
Anyone has tips for running? I used to run a mile + extra miles of walking 7 days a week. I do shorter distances now and do it less often because it's starting to get hot and I'm not really the summer kind of guy and I can't get up before the sun.
I ONLY run and don't do any other workout stuff. Any equipment-less workout routine suggestions would be appreciated. I live on a small, second floor apartment so I can't really put much stuff in here.

*Warning: Giant wall of text coming up*

Right first things first. These are tough workouts. Going off of my Cross-Country schedule here is an idea of some runs and exercises you can do:

Monday: Easy 3.5 mile run try for a 9 minute mile pace. After, do general strength exercises (push ups, crunches, body-Wright Sahara, lunges, burpees etc.)
Tuesday: This requires a bit of homework first. You want to find a hill around half a mile long with a nice 1.5 mile route that you can use for a warm-up. After the warm-up stretch well and do 5 hill intervals trying to maintain a 2 mile pace up the hill. What a 2 mile pace means right now is that if you time yourself each run up the hill is within around 5 seconds of each other. Going back down the hill, jog slowly to get your breath back. After the hill intervals, stretch again and do core workouts (crunches, etc.)
Wednesday: Today is a rest day. Do a nice easy 3 mile run, stretch again and general strength workouts again.
Thursday: Today is the 2nd toughest day of this first week. Do a 4 mile run. However, the first mile is warming uo, and the middle 2 miles are the tough part. You will do 7-8 interval sprints ranging form 100 to 300 meters. So you will he running along and speed up for say 150 meters then slow down and recover and repeat. Don't sprint all out during the intervals, just speed up enough to feel a slight burn. If you have some friends who can be suckered/convinced into running with you do a line run. Get in a massive line and for the middle 2 miles the person at the back of the line sprints to the front of the line. Use the last mile to cool down slightly. Once done, stretch and do some more core work-outs.
Friday: Another slightly easier day. Nice 3.5 mile run, stretch and general strength workouts.
Saturday: Today is a killer. Run a 6 mile loop and afterwards stretch completely. Relax a bit.
Sunday: Another rest day. Do some cross-training (bike,swim, etc.) but no running today.
Each week build up the runs a bit more. The peak you should he doing is 10 miles on Saturday and 7 during the week.
As for eating and drinking, you want to be chugging water like crazy. My Cross-Country coach explained it this way: if you aren't peeing clear that you aren't drinking enough. Be smart with your food. The deep-fried Mac'n'Cheese with bacon can wait.
As for stretching, I need another page to explain it. I'm sure someone here can explain them better than I can. However, you always want to stretch after a run.
Finally, find some comfortable shoes that you can run in. Also, an easy way to make the miles seem shorter is just to bring an mp3 player, put the headphones in and just run.
Hope this is sort of what you were looking for...
Right first things first. These are tough workouts. Going off of my Cross-Country schedule here is an idea of some runs and exercises you can do:

First of all, if this is your weekly routine, that doesn't mean it's suitable for anyone and everyone.

Jerwin stated that he used to run a mile and then had walking on top of that throughout the week, so going from 'Used to run a mile a day' up to 'In excess of 25 miles per week, won't be suitable. It'll probably seriously exhaust him to the point where he can't do anything else during the day or will injure him which will stop him doing any exercise whatsoever.

You need to remember that not all people are made for running from the off and need to build up to longer distances over time.

...for example this:

Saturday: Today is a killer. Run a 6 mile loop and afterwards stretch completely.

When I started running the most I could do was just over 2 miles before being completely knackered. So sending someone out to do a 6 miler (10K) during their first week of starting running again isn't going to benefit them in any way whatsoever, especially after doing all of the other running you've suggested.

Each week build up the runs a bit more. The peak you should he doing is 10 miles on Saturday and 7 during the week.

Peak for what, may I ask? If he's running to become healthier, then he can go as far as he wants to, over time, there are no limits in running. If he's training for an event then there would obviously be a peak before that event. For example, a Marathon - you'd peak between 20-23(4) miles on a long run, depending on how fit you were feeling.

Finally, find some comfortable shoes that you can run in.

Comfortable shoes as in fitted running trainers if you'd like to avoid any feet related strains and injuries. I got myself a pair of Asics running shoes when I started and have never had an exercise induced injury. You want to look after your body whilst working out. Yes, you'll be pushing yourself to newer capabilities - but you have to maintain yourself, just like you would with a car or a bike. There's not much point going out for a long run, chewing your feet up because of not taking the care to avoid injuries and then not being able to go out again the next day, or the day after that.


Anyone has tips for running?

Start off small.

When I started to run, two years ago, I wouldn't do anymore than a 2.5 mile at the most, because that's what I could handle. I did that about 3-4 times a week. So it was day on, day off, day on, day off kinda' stuff.

My dad was quite helpful with my programme as he was a long distance runner himself, (not anymore, too much beer and crisps :yuck:), and set out a 30 week plan that would ultimately end with me being able to run a full 26.2 miles.

You'll find yourself pick up the miles quite easily as the weeks progress, your legs get stronger and, (I don't know if you're overweight), but you'll become lighter which makes it easier to run. There's no rush to up the miles your running, as long as you're feeling positive with the way things are going then there shouldn't be any problems.

I'm running the Loch Ness Marathon in a little over 5 weeks and am quite happily putting out around 50 miles a week. Some of my weeks even consist of two long runs, one being a little shorter than the 'big' one.

So just do what you can, learn what your body is capable of doing right now and remember to have plenty of recovery time. Your body is done for if your feet aren't in good stead.

Best of luck. 👍
I completely missed every goal and benchmark for my workout today. UGH I'm so frickin angry!! Why does that happen? I got plenty of sleep, good breakfast, good lunch, hell I'm even stressed out like crazy from last night - I should have done great. My last workout I over did it, but I gave myself an extra day for recovery. Very frustrating.
I completely missed every goal and benchmark for my workout today. UGH I'm so frickin angry!! Why does that happen? I got plenty of sleep, good breakfast, good lunch, hell I'm even stressed out like crazy from last night - I should have done great. My last workout I over did it, but I gave myself an extra day for recovery. Very frustrating.

I feel like this also, instead I ate the wrong thing.. My friend asked me if I wanted Chipotle for lunch, and she demanded to pay for it for me. Before that, all I had was some trail mix a banana and a bunch of water. My body couldn't resist. I ate that burrito and I somehow gained two pounds back. I can't escape it man.
We all have off days. Some of my best lifts have been when I've been feeling ill or uncomfortable, and some of my worst have been when I felt great and was convinced that I would be putting on another plate.

If you go in and give it everything you've got, that's all that matters.
^ I agree. Anymore for me, a good day is a day that no one gets injured! :)

With work travels and other out of town arrangements, I have been out of the gym for two weeks. I was back in there today on arm day. What a great feeling. Strength was down, but it felt so good to get blood flowing, stretching those cells, getting vascular from giving it my all. As long as my body lets me, I will be doing this for the rest of my life. It felt so good to get back into the gym, just had to express my self! :)

So....... Summers almost over, so it's winter time and a good time to put on some weight and make some gains. Anybody have any thoughts on going into winter? Different lifts, supplements, different nutrition plans?

What are you guys going to do?
You guys are definitely right. I remember some great lifts when I didn't feel so great before hand. Anyway, this winter I want add two super slow workouts a month on my lower body in place of the bicycle riding I've been doing this summer. Long story short, I tore my meniscus in high school and ever since haven't been able to do heavy weight on my legs, so I build stength using other techniques and I haven't tried super slow training yet. But my biggest change this winter is my nutrition intake, I'm changing things around and still finding out what my body responds to the best.
^Sounds like a solid plan.

This summer I lost a bunch of weight (a good percentage of body fat) and have found my metabolism has kick started again. I would like to put on 5-10 lbs of lean muscle by spring time. I don't think I will get crazy with carb loading, but am slowly increasing my caloric intake with proteins so my system can adjust to it as it changes. I hope to stay injury free this winter so I can lift hard, but like you XS, lifting heavy might not be the answer. I have been trying to lift smarter, so with that, I am going for increase in size, not necessarily strength. To keep me motivated, I will be taking some measurements so I can track my progress. Judging strength progress is easy, judging size progress is not so easy but I want to stay motivated so we'll see. Not lifting as heavy has been harder to keep that intensity in there, but doing concentration reps on every rep, every set, every workout has added a new intensity to the workouts!
Congrats on the hard work and metabolism increase! Really concentrating does add intensity but sometimes does make it harder to motivate, at least for me.
I forgot that, but I too plan to take measurements and really keep track of my progress. I lost motivation to keep track of my progress because I got extremely sick earlier this year and lost 14 pounds, which was all mass because I'm a skinny guy and a hard gainer no less. I was distraught that in two months I lost what took nearly two years to gain, so I kept lifting but was too angry to even look at myself in a mirror for months. This month it sorta hit me, I was like, "hey mass is coming back, I should start to keep track, maybe even make a time lapse video for myself".
That's a good idea. I will say muscle memory is an amazing thing. The original gains are the hardest. If you've ever lost it and are working to get it back, it has been my experience it comes back a lot faster. Like what took years to achieve can be regained in months. 👍

Time lapse would be great. Another thing is take a picture now and put it next to your mirror. Daily progress is so small, but having that picture to compare against can be helpful!
I want to strip off some fat so that ice climbing later in the year is easier. I'm enjoying how much more practical my body is now that I've been doing things other than just lifting, so I'm tempted to see how it would feel to be 20-30lbs lighter (around 180lbs).
Man working out isn't easy. Winter is going to be brutal on my body since I have no local gym and cycling will be near stupid in snow. There is one about 15-20 min away from my place but my gas tank will be empty going there every day. Do you guys have any particular winter routines?
Man working out isn't easy. Winter is going to be brutal on my body since I have no local gym and cycling will be near stupid in snow. There is one about 15-20 min away from my place but my gas tank will be empty going there every day. Do you guys have any particular winter routines?
I generally 'allow' my body fat to creep up over winter, but this year will be a proper bulking routine. I'm hoping to get at least 7lbs of lean mass on my frame by next April.

Usually there's less cardio, though I do enjoy a run on cold winter nights, but this year I'm planning to get my swimming nailed for a future triathlon aspiration.
I generally 'allow' my body fat to creep up over winter, but this year will be a proper bulking routine. I'm hoping to get at least 7lbs of lean mass on my frame by next April.

Usually there's less cardio, though I do enjoy a run on cold winter nights, but this year I'm planning to get my swimming nailed for a future triathlon aspiration.

7 lbs of lean mass would be awesome! What will be your "proper routine"?
7 lbs of lean mass would be awesome! What will be your "proper routine"?
Diet needs sorting, on 3.5 meals a day at the moment and breakfast needs a lot more protein in it.

Workout wise, I've been doing strength and power training the last 3 months due to aussie rules season. Had some great gains from drop-sets in the spring and will add in the occasional huge-volume workout.
I ran my final long run, which was a 21 miler on Thursday in preparation for the Marathon that is in two weeks time. It was a pretty rough day though. I normally enjoy running in the rain, but I've never run in rain like this before, it was seriously heavy and it was windy too. I had a little over 7 miles to go when I was overcome by a full on body chill, something I've never experienced before. It felt dangerously cold as I'd been soaking wet for more than 13 miles with the air constantly throwing itself into me. I had to take a small detour home and put on a dry t-shirt and a jacket and quickly had something to eat to keep my energy levels up, a banana. Yummy! Then I was straight back out on my way again.

I finished the 21 miles in good time, 3 hours and 10 minutes and I'm quite confident that I'll manage the full 26.2 in under 4 hours, which is what I've been aiming for all year.

As for winter training, I'm planning on doing my first Ultra-Marathon next spring which means I need to considerably up the milage and include many more consecutive running days. I'd wanting to lose some body fat over the winter, which I'm sure I'll manage with so much running, but it's my diet that's totally holding me back. I'm a sucker for bread! I crave a good sandwich on a long run. :lol:

I'm also wanting to run two consecutive marathons in the coming months. So that's something I'm going to be dedicating a lot of time and effort towards.
Yukon I had a similar 20 mile run today. Cold, windy and rainy but minus the body chills. Luckily I grabbed a headband as I stepped out the door otherwise my ears would have been killing me from the wind. What sort of pace are you looking to run? I'm going for a 8 minute/mile pace but as it's my first marathon finishing is the most important thing. My race is October 6th in Milwaukee, WI. Good luck with your race.
I'm looking to hold a pace where I can consistently put out 7MPH. So if I'm starting like that, I'm finishing like that too. So it would be anything between an 8:00m/m - 8:25m/m.

During training I can quite happily run 7.5 miles in 55 minutes but I'd fatigue during a whole marathon doing that to a point where I'd be slower in the long run. I've tried it during training on a 15-18 mile run and it got to a point where I was almost crawling because I was so tired. There was no difference in time of day or food intake compared to running 15 miles at a pace 5-10 minutes slower. You wouldn't think upping the pace by 5-10 minutes per hour would make such a difference but it did on my body.

I agree with that, you should always focus on finishing the event first, that's the priority. But that doesn't stop us going for a good finishing time. :P

I'm running the Loch Ness Marathon (Inverness, UK) on September 29th. Thanks and I hope all goes well with you too. 👍
Are you following a specific training program or coming up with a training schedule yourself? I'm doing Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 program. It's a pretty conservative low mileage program (peaks at 43 miles) but 22 weeks before my race (early May) I had ran a total of 10 miles for the year so I needed something low mileage. I know a lot of people who design their own marathon training plans and that blows my mind. I wouldn't know where to start but I also need a very structured plan to follow. Next year I will follow Pete Fitzinger's 18/55 plan. I haven't made it through a race yet but I'm hooked.