General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Should I buy a jump rope for cardio?
I don't see why not 👍.

I have a quick question. I am starting a job at FedEx ground that requires constant lifting and pushing of boxes up to 80lbs. Since low weight, high rep lifting is the exact opposite of my current routine I was wondering if this will greatly affect my workout routine? Should I modify my routine? I'm kind of worried I won't be able to workout for the first few weeks anyway because everybody I've talked to that has worked at FedEx says you'll be so physically exhausted the first month or so that you physically can't workout. I'm making great progress on my routine, that's why I'm being paranoid lol.
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Try exercising after work, if you can, you can, if you're to tired and can't, you can't. Simple. :)
Should I buy a jump rope for cardio?

How much do you weigh? It does a number on your joints if you're heavy or don't jump rope on a proper surface, like a mat, don't jump on concrete, or grass, or even carpet.
How much do you weigh? It does a number on your joints if you're heavy or don't jump rope on a proper surface, like a mat, don't jump on concrete, or grass, or even carpet.
I weigh 232 lbs currently. My weight jumps a-lot. Interesting that you say that those surfaces aren't that good to jump on. I used to jump rope for warm-ups (like 10-15 min) before working out-lifting ect on various surfaces..
I usually don't do seated overhead barbell presses (I only do military presses with the barbell) but I thought I'd give it a try just to see how much more I can press with a supported back. Boy, I could easily add 5 kgs tot a total of ~72 Kgs (8 reps, three sets)! From now on I'm gonna switch seated with military's weekly.
And I'm one step closer to my goal of pressing my own body weight. (Can anyone here shoulder-press their own body weight?)

Gave me one heck of a shoulder and neck pump too. :dopey:

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Blatantly ripping off Pako's routine with a slight tweak:

after only the second day I'm completely wrecked, so thanks for making my day at work miserable, Pako. :lol:

Now to fire up Exel so I can track my progress...

Sorry I just now saw this. ;) So...did you manage to make through a full week? Remember it's like a 7 week routine to get through all of it if you stick to the 5 day rotation, though I see you added back on Saturday. So what I see with this is that you will always get a rested chest workout and your back will always get the left overs after 5 hard days of training. :)

How's it working out for you?

I usually don't do seated overhead barbell presses (I only do military presses with the barbell) but I thought I'd give it a try just to see how much more I can press with a supported back. Boy, I could easily add 5 kgs tot a total of ~72 Kgs (8 reps, three sets)! From now on I'm gonna switch seated with military's weekly.
And I'm one step closer to my goal of pressing my own body weight. (Can anyone here shoulder-press their own body weight?)

Super set with side and front laterals and feel your shoulders rip out of the skin! :D

And yes, I can rep my body weight+. My shoulders used to be much stronger but currently nursing an injury on the right side. Just waiting it out. :)

Are you noticing any striations along the side yet?
How's it working out for you?
The short and sweet version - I made it through four days lifting while my son did his treatment in the next room and haven't made it back in the exercise room since. No excuse why, either, which is the sad part. :guilty:
The short and sweet version - I made it through four days lifting while my son did his treatment in the next room and haven't made it back in the exercise room since. No excuse why, either, which is the sad part. :guilty:

Don't sell yourself short. 4 days is better than most!

There's always tomorrow right?
And the next day, and the next day... :lol:

Honestly, during my son's treatment was a great time to exercise - a dedicated 30 minutes that the kids aren't in need of something. I will get back into it. 👍
And yes, I can rep my body weight+. My shoulders used to be much stronger but currently nursing an injury on the right side. Just waiting it out. :)

Are you noticing any striations along the side yet?

Thats just too cool, and quite a feat of strength. :bowdown:Hope your shoulder gets better soon!
I remember watching strong man competitions, there was that one guy who could overhead-press logs that weighed 140 kilograms, with great form and without the tiniest leg movement. Thats the weight I shrug. He just pressed it. Absolutely super ridiculous.

Getting only very minor striations on the upper trap and front delt area, as an amateur who lifts only at home and doesn't care about a proper diet I'm improving too slowly to make my muscles rip through my outer hull. ;)
The only thing that bothers me is that after exercise a bunch of very tiny blood vessels appear in the skin in the shoulder, neck and upper chest area, giving my skin a red-ish tone. Is that normal? Not veins, just hundreds of little blood vessels.
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The only thing that bothers me is that after exercise a bunch of very tiny blood vessels appear in the skin in the shoulder, neck and upper chest area, giving my skin a red-ish tone. Is that normal? Not veins, just hundreds of little blood vessels.

Yep, totally normal. It's just blood filling up the muscles. A little tan would take care of that. :)

It could also be the animal trying to get out!
Yep, totally normal. It's just blood filling up the muscles. A little tan would take care of that. :)

Good! I was afraid that I'm squeezing my innards through my skin when lifting heavy. :lol:

Oh, by the way: (watch the girl :D)


The true reason why we lift hard. :sly:
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General question. Not expecting an answer but who knows.

Is there a way to lengthen muscles? Talked to a physiotherapist in the hospital and he said that it is only possible by doing eccentric training and not by stretching?

I have a quick question. I am starting a job at FedEx ground that requires constant lifting and pushing of boxes up to 80lbs. Since low weight, high rep lifting is the exact opposite of my current routine I was wondering if this will greatly affect my workout routine? Should I modify my routine? I'm kind of worried I won't be able to workout for the first few weeks anyway because everybody I've talked to that has worked at FedEx says you'll be so physically exhausted the first month or so that you physically can't workout. I'm making great progress on my routine, that's why I'm being paranoid lol.
Just as I feared this job is killing my workouts. It doesn't help that I hate this job a lot too. I just can't get enough nutrients in me to recover from 8 straight hours of heavy lifting. I'm dropping weight and reps on all my lifts every time I workout. If I continue at this rate by the end of the month I'll have lost several months of progress. So effing frustrated! I hate that job so much... :mad:
Activity is key, and your body will adapt to the workload. Keep working hard in the gym, just make sure you're fuelling yourself. In a month or two time you'll consider work to be an extended cardio session.
So what do you guys do to motivate yourselves? I usually do it for myself and that one special person in my life, but she's gone now. I'm too depressed to even jump rope. I just get out of the house and drive all day. Or tune cars, or do anything that has to do with cars to get my mind away from it.
Depression actually IS my motivation. I suffer from clinical depression and there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that clears my mind more than an extensive exercise regime, in fact, I'd say it helped me to get back on my feet and keep going.

Heavy lifting and long distance cycling has a very mediative effect on me and after a workout I feel free from my burdens for a couple of hours. Plus I have done something to improve myself, to keep myself healthy, to increase my self discipline, to battle the lethargy and insomnia that comes with depressions
All sorts of hobbies can be positive distractions but when you're feeling down nothing works quite as well as sports, especially riding a good racing bike as fast as you can on beautiful summer country roads.
Depression actually IS my motivation. I suffer from clinical depression and there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that clears my mind more than an extensive exercise regime, in fact, I'd say it helped me to get back on my feet and keep going.

Heavy lifting and long distance cycling has a very mediative effect on me and after a workout I feel free from my burdens for a couple of hours. Plus I have done something to improve myself, to keep myself healthy, to increase my self discipline, to battle the lethargy and insomnia that comes with depressions
All sorts of hobbies can be positive distractions but when you're feeling down nothing works quite as well as sports, especially riding a good racing bike as fast as you can on beautiful summer country roads.

Today I did deadlifts/Squats with two dumbbells instead of a barbell using a very close stance, surprisingly that exercise gets easily 200% harder when using a narrow stance using two independent weights, I tried to perform this exercise with a little less weight than I usually use when doing normal barbell deadlifts but in the end I had to drop 30 kilograms (1/5) until I could perform them without cheating or rounding my back.

I did them with feet almost touching, keeping the back straight and then its like standing up with two suitcases in your hands each weighing 65 kilograms. 4 sets of 8-6 repetitions.

It also feels much back-friendlier (The weight is neither behind nor in front of your center of gravity) and boy, does it build abs! Whenever I lifted those weights from the floor my abs tensed up so much I almost puked my guts out. One hell of a core builder. Even after the exercise I felt my abs more than my back or my legs.

This is so much better then normal deadlifts (at least for me) :dopey:
How does one go about 'fixing' a round back?My back isn't extremely rounded, but it's starting to get rounded which gives me a bit of pain when I lay flat on my bed.
For example, when doing deadlifts try to focus on some object on the ceiling or high on the wall, just something that makes you look upwards all the time. This helps to straighten your neck and back during the exercise. NEVER look down or at the floor, this will surely make you round your back.

If you can't or of it hurts you should strengthen your lower back muscles before performing exercises with heavy weights. Maybe there is a muscular imbalance that forces your upper body to bend forward, like a weak back with the abs pulling your upper body forward.

Tip: try to do compound exercises, those greatly help to prevent muscular imbalances right from the start. Thats absolutely crucial for a beginner.
Hey Everyone, looking to pack on some weight/muscle in the upcoming months so I'll get started.

I'm 5'10 and for the last ten years have weighed in the 120-130 pound range, itty bitty I know. My dad was fairly skinny in his younger years (not as skinny as I though) and my brothers are skinny as well with the exception of one of them who has always had a decent build. I am the youngest, tallest and skinniest, the runt of the family.

My diet was pretty much cereal, pizza rolls, microwave burritos, fast food and energy drinks. Around mid October I quit the Monsters cold turkey, was drinking 2 a day, sometimes 3. I quickly started drinking caffeine free Root Beer as a substitute which led to me going back to soda with caffeine. I quit the soda/caffeine for good Christmas day and have had nothing but water and the occasional beer since. Around mid November I started trying to eat a bit healthier by limiting my fast food/frozen foods and cooking burgers and fries at home, not much better I suppose but it's helped me to not rely on going out for food.

About a week ago I decided I was fed up with being "scary skinny" as one person once called me and I'm finally doing something about it. I bought a scale and weighed in around 129pounds (58.5kg) to start. My daily intake has been around 3600 calories/200g protein and I have been doing daily moderately intense 20-25min workouts, alternating days for upper and lower body. I've just got a few dumbbells and a makeshift weight bench so they haven't been the most effective workouts and I need to double their length but it's a start, may go for a gym membership in the next couple weeks if I can keep it up.

This morning after my business I weighed in at 135lbs, or 61kg! It seems like a bit of an unrealistic gain and I know a persons weight fluctuates so this is likely a little off but I've been checking every morning and seeing a consistent increase. Super excited, I don't think I've ever been over 130 so from here on out I'll be smashing personal records. :lol:

As for my goals I'm a still unsure what I want them to be, I just know I would be very happy to make it to 155. I'll get a bit more in-depth with my diet and workout routine when I get it better figured out but I just wanted to get started here in the thread.

Attached is a picture from September so everyone can see how skinny I am.


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There is not much to say, lift hard, eat hard, sleep hard. :lol: Don't just focus on the upper body, avoid muscular imbalances right from the start, don't forget to drink a lot of water, not soda.

And nice pic, I'm an alpinist and mountain climber/camper myself. Let me guess the altitude... errmm.. 3100 meters above sea level?
If you all go to a gym, how much do you pay? I pay about $10 for Club-fitness and that only has treadmills, elliptical, some free weights and like 3 machines. It's extremely tiny also.

Hey Everyone, looking to pack on some weight/muscle in the upcoming months so I'll get started.

Seems like you don't have anything to lose. Just make a routine and keep it. I plan to start lifting again but it's just hard for me to keep myself going since I have to travel far to get to the gym. I'd also say just set a goal for yourself, like a year from now what weight you want to be, physique ect.