Soooooo...... Yesterday was back day. My gym posted all around that they are doing a poundage club. Men's poundage club will be in 100lbs increments for total weight lifted for Deadlifts, Squats, and Bench.
So that sounds fun, knowing I can break 1,000 lbs pretty easy, I decided to embark on a 1,500 lbs goal. In order to do that, I have to bench 375, Squat 585 and Deadlift 540 lbs.
Bench I got, easy one rep.
Squats, well....that will be harder. 495 lbs would be a good squat for me.
Deads, well....that will be even harder than the 495 lbs squats.
Yesterday was back day so what better time to see where my deads are. Never really trained deads off the floor, I really had no idea where I was.
Started out with 135 lbs for a good 20 rep warm up. Felt great!
Went to 225 lbs next for 15 reps, still felt great.
Went to 315 lbs for 8 reps, it was heavier but still felt solid.
Went to 405 lbs for 4 reps. Getting it off the floor cold was a bit harder, but the following reps went pretty good. Form was still decent.
Then I went for 495 lbs. It felt like it was bolted to the ground. I couldn't even make it twitch.
So there's limit and what I need to work on. Der Alta, being the power lifting addict that he is, is gracious enough to review some videos of my doing deads to see if there's technique I need to improve on (which I know there will be) to improve my numbers. With good technique, he says, a 140 girl can DL 400 lbs. Well....if that isn't damn impressive I don't know what is.
So there you have it. In two weeks I still might go for the poundage club just to see where I am at now, train hard all winter and give it another go. I can, with a large degree of confidence, can hit 1100-1200 lbs. It's that next 15% that is a milestone for me.
08/30/2014 Update
Well, had a little more humble pie yesterday.
Figured I would go for my 365lbs bench.
Started out,
Yep, that's right.....a big fat ZERO. I brought 365 down and it completely dropped out the last 3 inches. It could have been 600lbs for all I knew. I thought for sure it would have gone up, but this was also the first time I've attempted this weight in 5 years. Might be time to put away the body building routines and hit the strength training routines for a little bit. Of course with my spotter, he got me to 8 reps the next set. My chest got super sore. Followed bench up with decline and incline bench then flys. Pecks are destroyed today. YAY!
There you have it. I think I will have more humble pie when I try for my 495lbs squat. On the smith machine I got 10 reps. I hope I can free weight squat 5 plates, at least for one rep. We'll see next week I guess.