General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Did you guys see that Matt Kroc went transginger? That is absolutely shocking.
Yeah, it's pretty gross. Like, how narcissistic do you have to be to be "gender fluid" like that.

That said, it's so interesting to see how crazy tortuous people can be.
Its his life and money and its a free country, if he feels like going transgender he can and should do it. Not my cup of tea though, I find, in most cases, trying to change ones gender pretty odd and self-destructive to say the least.

Anyway, today is deadlift day, lets see if I can do 3x 8 reps of 170kg/390lbs today.
Anybody know a good remedy for calluses that hurt like a mother when lifting? Mine are becoming increasingly painful and start to bleed when I dead lift more than 200kg / 440lbs, which is quiet distracting. Gloves is not an option because they interfere with my grip.
Some kind of lotion maybe?

In reality they look far worse, the flesh underneath them is swollen and they hurt a lot, especially those on my fingers.

Chalk. That or shave em off with a one of those abrasive gadgets, and chalk from scratch. Use straps or the russian tape method. The latter is where you have a long strip of cloth that you poke in the middle to put your middle finger through it. Then tape the ends to the palmar and dorsal parts of your wrist with tape around your wrist.

Btw, I did those goblet squats with a 100lbs dumbbell. ****. I had to push it into my throat with my hands because there are no other way to hold the damn thing. You almost need someone to help you pick it up and put it down.
Use straps or the russian tape method. The latter is where you have a long strip of cloth that you poke in the middle to put your middle finger through it. Then tape the ends to the palmar and dorsal parts of your wrist with tape around your wrist.
That sounds like a good idea, I'll give that a try!
Btw, I did those goblet squats with a 100lbs dumbbell. ****. I had to push it into my throat with my hands because there are no other way to hold the damn thing. You almost need someone to help you pick it up and put it down.
Fun little exercise, isn't it? :sly: Like I said, I do them with 180's and 200's and I see stars at the end of each set. They are hard.
I find the easiest way to get the dumbbell into position is to pick it up like doing log lifts. Deadlift the dumbbell from the floor, then go down and rest it on your thighs, adjust your final grip then push it up with a quick belly thrust while standing up.
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Yeah, I had to hold it in my lap on a bench, then put it on my knees with my knees together, then grab the lobe with my forearms vertical and my palms up under it, then press it into my throat and tuck my chin down on top of it, then get up, then squat and adjust grip under chin in the bottom position, then try to get up without dropping it, then back down, then all over again. :lol:

Long story short: I wish the gym had heavier kettlebells.

btw, I found a pic of that cloth taping:


And you can wrap your fingers normally with tape if your finger calluses are bothering you. But chalk should work fine.
I actually think with a kettle bell it would be harder to hold because your arms are even closer together. Really, try to get an adjustable dumbbell and put fat plate on it which you can comfortably grab. A more comfortable grip will enable you to use more weight.

And don't choke yourself with the weight! It should not touch your throat or chin, try to place it a little lower so it touches your upper sternum instead. Thats just an inch lower.
My arms are too long. No adjustable dumbbells in the big box gym. They use those rubberized Troy monstrosities.
Gah! I've always hated non adjustable dumbbells. Whats the point of having weights that are always either too light or too heavy? I'll never understand why gyms have fixed weights.
Today I did one 225lbs/102kg goblet squat with a fat 20kg plate so it was far away from my center of gravity. F:censored: me, my head nearly exploded! :crazy:

First I couldn't get the weight up an inch, I thought that it was simply too heavy. Then I took a few breaths squeezed my abs and my back muscles as hard as I could, clenched my teeth and stood up. I was shaking and felt every muscle fiber in my body. It felt so awesome, I love single rep max weight lifts.

Next week I want to do 105 kilograms.
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Did my first pull up. I could have done more but I was tired from bicep/tricep work.

This is my first week of being back in the gym regularly since July. I'm 245 lbs in boxers and 247 lbs in my shoes/clothes. I'm going to continue to work my way up in the workouts. I feel like the only way I'm going to make anywhere is if I put more time into my exercises.
Today I did one 225lbs/102kg goblet squat with a fat 20kg plate so it was far away from my center of gravity. F:censored: me, my head nearly exploded! :crazy:

First I couldn't get the weight up an inch, I thought that it was simply too heavy. Then I took a few breaths squeezed my abs and my back muscles as hard as I could, clenched my teeth and stood up. I was shaking and felt every muscle fiber in my body. It felt so awesome, I love single rep max weight lifts.

Next week I want to do 105 kilograms.

Careful, champ, you might bork your t-spine doing that. 225 goblet is ridiculous. It's not meant for that weight.
There is no ''too heavy'' for any kind of exercise if I can rep that weight with good form and zero pain. For example, everyone tells you to go easy on dumbbell flyes and do them with little weight and lots of reps.
I say BS. I've been doing those with weights that only allowed me reps in the 5-6 area, right now I'm doing them with 60's, and doing those have improved my chest and strength a lot.

If you're lifting with good form and don't experience any pain / awkwardness you're good to go. :)
Can anybody recommend any calve exercises with free weights?
Hold a heavy barbell or two heavy dumbbells and stand on your toes. Adjust the weight so you can do about 8 reps.
You can also put the barbell on your back like when doing squats.

Also front squats go hard on the calves.
There is no ''too heavy'' for any kind of exercise if I can rep that weight with good form and zero pain. For example, everyone tells you to go easy on dumbbell flyes and do them with little weight and lots of reps.
I say BS. I've been doing those with weights that only allowed me reps in the 5-6 area, right now I'm doing them with 60's, and doing those have improved my chest and strength a lot.

If you're lifting with good form and don't experience any pain / awkwardness you're good to go. :)

Until you experience a sudden, excruciating pain. :lol:
Hold a heavy barbell or two heavy dumbbells and stand on your toes. Adjust the weight so you can do about 8 reps.
You can also put the barbell on your back like when doing squats.

Also front squats go hard on the calves.
I do the former, but I will try the latter. Thank you :)
Until you experience a sudden, excruciating pain. :lol:
Trust me, after having lifted for 10 years with the past 2 years focusing on powerlifting using free weights I've acquired the essential ability to gauge if an exercise is useful or harmful for my body. But thanks for your concern.
I did 110kg on my last 1 rep goblet squat BTW. :P

I do the former, but I will try the latter. Thank you :)
To activate your calves even more you can try doing front squats with your heels raised with a 5 kg plate or board. But use a light weight first to check if it feels right for you and to learn how to perform the exercise without losing balance and tipping over.
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Down to 240 lbs apparently. I'm going to check the scale again soon go see if that is accurate. My weight has been fluctuating a lot.
Bought myself a log bar, when doing shoulder presses the hammer grip and decreased grip width allows for better healthier pressing thus more weight can be moved.

I'm down 10 pounds since my last post in August. Considering September and October were months without much exercising, I feel like I've done okay. I'm going to try and stay in the gym in November until Thanksgiving holiday starts up. I'll probably be down to around 227 by the end, but we'll see.

I've been doing a lot more cardio as well. Right now, I've been in the gym for 2+ hours doing lifts, and I plan on getting in 40 minutes of cardio as apposed to the 20 minutes I did in the spring.

How is everyone else that regularly posts in this thread? It has been a month going on two since someone last posted.
Congrats to your weight loss, keep up the good work!

How is everyone else that regularly posts in this thread? It has been a month going on two since someone last posted.
A lot of stuff happened, but I'm always very busy this time of year. I just got my new lifting equipment, a new bench and rack. Super stable and works like charm, just did a couple of shoulder presses as test.

Congrats to your weight loss, keep up the good work!

A lot of stuff happened, but I'm always very busy this time of year. I just got my new lifting equipment, a new bench and rack. Super stable and works like charm, just did a couple of shoulder presses as test.

Wait, do you own a house or just a room? That looks like a nice place to work out in. You don't have to worry about using specific weights for too long and you have the comfort of home. No commute or anything. You can work out and head straight to the shower. How do you like it?
Wait, do you own a house or just a room? That looks like a nice place to work out in. You don't have to worry about using specific weights for too long and you have the comfort of home. No commute or anything. You can work out and head straight to the shower. How do you like it?

The upper floor of a house. Love it. I surely would not be lifting if I had to go to a gym. The next gym is a 45 minutes drive away and I spend about 1.5 hours / day lifting. Adding 30 minutes for waiting for weights etc. would be a total of 210 minutes every day. I'm self employed and work hard, I have little time - not to mention I would not have the discipline to sit 90 minutes in a car after work every single day - Especially in winter with all the snow and traffic chaos.

Also there is the comfort of not having to wait for weights, there is no distraction and every now and then when I feel like it I get up and spend 15 minutes on doing 1 rep maxes trying to beat a personal record.

The downside is, I have nobody to talk to about lifting and motivation is always higher with people around.

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