General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
The upper floor of a house. Love it. I surely would not be lifting if I had to go to a gym. The next gym is a 45 minutes drive away and I spend about 1.5 hours / day lifting. Adding 30 minutes for waiting for weights etc. would be a total of 210 minutes every day. I'm self employed and work hard, I have little time - not to mention I would not have the discipline to sit 90 minutes in a car after work every single day - Especially in winter with all the snow and traffic chaos.

Also there is the comfort of not having to wait for weights, there is no distraction and every now and then when I feel like it I get up and spend 15 minutes on doing 1 rep maxes trying to beat a personal record.

The downside is, I have nobody to talk to about lifting and motivation is always higher with people around.

Yeah, my problem is that it takes a good chunk of time out of my day to go to my gym to lift without doing school stuff. The main reason why I don't bother lifting on the weekends is because my school is really far away, and public transit doesn't go there on a regular schedule.

Considering it's a school gym, I do have to deal with the occasional moron that comes in and doesn't utilize the equipment properly.

I can't wait to have my own place and my own equipment.
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I can't wait to have my own place and my own equipment.

Good luck with your project, exercising at home is definitely the most effective way to get fit.
There is no ''Nah, today I'm not feeling like going to the gym'' as the weights are only a few steps away from you!

Anyway, today I had an off-day, but then I saw my 200lbs / 90kg barbell sitting there all lonely and sad. So I picked it up, cleaned it to jest level and then overhead-pressed it. That was so laughably easy that I added weight until I shoulder pressed, standing, without belt and without leg driver 102.5kg / 223lbs with beautiful form and no leaning.
Man felt that great! I never overhead-pressed so much weight with such a perfect form. :dopey:
Hmm, attempted my first max today. It turns out I can bench 205lbs twice.

I'm not sure if that's my real max as I feel fairly weak and fatigued from my previous workouts.

Currently, I'm disappointed, but I've never been a massive benchpresser, and I tend to stay in my comfort zone when doing so. At least I know where I am as of now, but there is either the choice of me losing weight and being able to lift my weoght, or gaining weight to lift my current weight. I'll choose the first one

Seriously, it was a struggle to get the weight back up on the bench. My arms basically gave out after the second attempt back on the bench at that weight, but live and learn. I'll keep training, but ****, I thought I was capable of more. I'll probably see what I can do again come December.
Having to improvise a little bit. I need more 20kg plates! :scared:

Yeah its one of those cheaper bars, no idea what its rated for but I think I'm good up to 500lbs or so. ( I hope) Speaking of 500lbs, doing a couple of reps with around 465 (210kg).

No wrist straps, no belt, no roids, no shoes and no talent! :lol: I've always sucked in dead lifts.


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Back in the gym since my 2 1/2 week absence. It feels weird getting back in and getting built back up.

Somehow, I gained 4lbs back over the time since my last post. It's either that, water weight, or the scale being off. (It said I weighted 234lbs yesterday, now it says 229lbs.

With that said, I'm back in the gym with an objective. I'm going to Costa Rica to do some major backpacking this summer. I'm trying to get my weight down to 200lbs if possible.

The trip is planned around July, so that should be possible of I dedicate myself to a proper diet. Really, I'm focusing on the strength of my back and shoulders.

I have some work to do.
Back in the gym since my 2 1/2 week absence. It feels weird getting back in and getting built back up.

Somehow, I gained 4lbs back over the time since my last post. It's either that, water weight, or the scale being off. (It said I weighted 234lbs yesterday, now it says 229lbs.

I would not give that much thought, the body weight fluctuates somewhat during the week depending on your activities and the amount of water you drank etc. Weight cannot be completely static, so don't worry. And good luck with your backpacking tour, walking with a heavy backpack is one of the best ways to burn calories!

So what about me - today I trained the standing overhead press with the barbell, I managed to do 5 sets of 5 repetitions of 90kg / 200lbs. Every single repetition I dropped the weight on the floor and then cleaned it to my shoulders to do a press. I finished with a heavy strict single of 97kg / 214lbs.

All the presses were strict, with zero leg drive, no excessive leaning and with good form, it felt great.
Today I did a new max at bench press. One thing is for sure, I'll never become a top bench presser, lol. :crazy: I like the overhead press much, much better.

So I started powerlifting half April after not having done anything (except eating and drinking stuff I shouldn't :P) for 6 months. My goal (1RMs) for 2016 is to do a 140kg benchpress, a 200kg deadlift and a 150kg squat.

So far I'm at 110/170/120, so roughly 30kgs away from all of them. :) Only thing I use is raw power and a powerlifting belt. The BP and DL is doable I think, as I'm still progressing 5kg/week on those. Not too sure about the squats, on a bit of a plateau there and yet to find an optimal stance.

I also DL and SQ without shoes BTW, no wobble.
So I started powerlifting half April after not having done anything (except eating and drinking stuff I shouldn't :P) for 6 months. My goal (1RMs) for 2016 is to do a 140kg benchpress, a 200kg deadlift and a 150kg squat.

I recommend adding the standing overhead press to your goals, oldschool powerlifting consisted of deadlift, squat, bench and the overhead press. Cleaned from the floor of course. The OP helps your bench press and it requires a TON of upper body strength. Its my favorite exercise.

Here is me doing one with 98,5kg. I can already do 100. :sly:

Also the axle clean and press. I like this one, its hard.

Good luck with your goals, with a little training and willpower those are relatively easily achievable.
I'm getting interested into hitting the gym around my place or just do some general exercise if it is enough, I need to lose my fat stomach and at the same time, I did to actually carry things because right now, anything over 5 kg is to heavy for me :lol:

What would you recommend getting at for someone who wants to lose weight but at the same wants to get physically stronger?
What worked for me was high-intensity full body workout, 2 times per week + 2 times running. Shed fat very quickly while building mass/power at the same time. Always make sure your schedule includes deadlift, squat, bench press, bent over row and overhead press, as those are the basic/classic power/mass builders.
Hey Pako, how are you doing? :cheers:

Glad to see you're still killin it! Way to go!
Yeah, ramping things up a little bit. Been focusing on strongman lifts lately, few reps heavy weights. Axle press, standing overhead press, squats, deadlifts, stones etc. So much fun, I always enjoy technical low rep high weight lifts.
Also totally improved my upper back and shoulders. :dopey:

Hey Pako, how are you doing? :cheers:

Yeah, ramping things up a little bit. Been focusing on strongman lifts lately, few reps heavy weights. Axle press, standing overhead press, squats, deadlifts, stones etc. So much fun, I always enjoy technical low rep high weight lifts.
Also totally improved my upper back and shoulders. :dopey:

Way thicker from the last time I saw ya. 👍

I'm working around so many injuries it's almost comical. Years of lifting hard it seems things are breaking down. Trying to spike metabolism lately, up to 3800 calories and gaining lean mass and loosing weight. Seems like the right combo. Would like to keep my mass and strength but get down to about 185. That would put me at about 5% BF. We'll see if I get there. :)
Hey don't talk about my belly like that I...oh! :D

Seems like you've experienced some serious progress too, you look gigantic in your Avatar, holy smokes.

Been hitting it pretty hard. I've really started dropping BF which is giving me a bigger, more defined look lately. If Incan just keep work out of the way. Haha
Really nice work work, do you have any specific goals or are you just going as hard as you can to see what you're capable of?
Really nice work work, do you have any specific goals or are you just going as hard as you can to see what you're capable of?

Well, since it seems I've been more prone to injury when I hit the big weights, I thought I'd concentrate more on bodybuilding. Maybe do a couple local, or state bb shows if I can be competitive. Working with a natural bb that has his pro card that have put together nutrition, lifting and cardio plans that I've been following since this spring. The results have been positive. We'll see. :)
Sounds sensible and fun, having professional help/advisors is also great thing - good luck then! Too bad to hear about you being a little prone to injuries when going for maxes, but at your level and those weights thats a pretty normal thing I'd say.

As for myself, I'm thinking about going down the amateur strongman route, I enjoy lifting heavy and for a natural amateur I'm relatively good in stones and block press / axle press. (I also enjoy bulking and not having to cut, lol) I'll concentrate on strength with speed reps, heavy doubles/ triples and high frequency training and see where this leads me. (Not to injuries I hope, lol)
Sounds sensible and fun, good luck then! Too bad to hear about you being a little prone to injuries when going for maxes, but at your level and those weights thats a pretty normal thing I'd say.

As for myself, I'm thinking about going down the amateur strongman route, I enjoy lifting heavy and for a natural amateur I'm relatively good in stones and block press /axle press. (I also enjoy bulking and not having to cut, lol) I'll concentrate on strength with speed reps, heavy triples and high frequency training and see where it leads me. (Not to injuries I hope, lol)

Awesome! I see DerAlta is getting pretty seriously on the power lifting side of things to. I do enjoy watching the numbers, but when something gets tweaked and I'm having to nurse it for months at a time, loosing all ground I made, it can get highly frustrating and discouraging. Looking for my balance. Tweaked a peak about 8!weeks ago. Today was the first time I pressed 315 for a couple reps, no injury. Far cry from my 8 rep sets, but I'm happy with it. Legs have really dropped off. Pulled a hip flexer on a 5 plate (495lb) free weight squat. Pretty much could only do leg extensions for the past 3 months. Did squats and lunges for the first time last week. Finally on the mend. Haha, it's such a mind trip!

08/22/2016 - It was a good leg day. Injury is healing up and was able to push some weight finally. Topped off with 8 reps of what you see here. YAY! On my way back to pre-injury weight.
1585 hipsled.jpg
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Gym rats are weird. Had a killer shoulder day Tuesday, then completely destroyed back last night. Needless to say, my bench/chest day today was a joke. No confident in my bench, I ask a regular (pretty big guy, always nice and friendly in the past) for a spot after his next set. He says, "No, (laughs) what do you need a spot for?" then turns around and walks off.

I'm always available to give anyone a spot, anytime, including him.

Instead of going for what I wanted to push, I dropped the weight and played it safe.

Slight frustration today.
Loose skin from my old days is pissing me off!

I'm trying to bulk up until November/Thanksgiving then cutting for winter. It's easier for me to cut the winter months for some reason. Anyways, I've regained muscle that I lost during my generally inactive summer.

I've been eating more, and that's mainly because I noticed, when I started lifting again in 2015, I wasn't taking in enough food due to me trying to mainly lose weight.

The food intake makes a huge difference for me!

Also, I've been lifting for pretty much a solid two months so far.
I totally get that. Nutrition in most ways is more important that actually lifting. What does your typical day look like for food intake?
I totally get that. Nutrition in most ways is more important that actually lifting. What does your typical day look like for food intake?
Usually I'll have a good chunk of chicken, an egg, Greek yogurt, carrots, little lunch meat with spinach on bread.

As of late, I've been having burgers on and off and hanging with my friends can get the best of me since all they have is junk food. Empty calories is what that stuff is.

Since I don't have much time to cook, I just run by the store and pick up premade rotisserie chickens and put it in my noodles, sandwiches, salads, etc.

Ugh, I ate nothing but junk yesterday.
Usually I'll have a good chunk of chicken, an egg, Greek yogurt, carrots, little lunch meat with spinach on bread.

As of late, I've been having burgers on and off and hanging with my friends can get the best of me since all they have is junk food. Empty calories is what that stuff is.

Since I don't have much time to cook, I just run by the store and pick up premade rotisserie chickens and put it in my noodles, sandwiches, salads, etc.

Ugh, I ate nothing but junk yesterday.

I totally get that! It is so HARD to eat right, I don't care who you are. The rotisserie chicken is mana from heaven as far as I'm concerned. I used to buy chicken breasts, and bake my chicken for the week. That sucks! :) I then went to rotisserie and just deboned it into a container for the week. Then I found that Costco sells rotisserie chick all ready separated in 2 lb. bags. That has been the biggest time saver for me. 2lbs for $12. I can deal with that. :)

I've simplified things so much because I know if it takes too much time, or makes too much of a mess, I can't stay on track. Hanging out with friends and family is the worst. I've started packing meals in containers if I'm going to be hanging out away from home. I catch crap from "friends", but they're used to now.