General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Since we're on impingement, I also have found some issues. I have never worked side delts, but I wanted to target them now. I saw some videos on full ROM side laterals. Then I discovered that even before I raise my hands above my hands above my shoulder line I already hear popping somewhere between 45 and 90 degrees. I'm not sure if that's an issue, but I don't think I want to find out. I tried some modifications and it was still there. The machine seems to be the best option.
I have that too and according to my experiences its a sign of not having done a proper warm up. Before doing your working sets do 3 sets of that exercise in slow motion using 50% of the weight you use in your working set. Focus on form and especially when you hit that angle where the popping occurs, slow down a lot. And if its easy for you to upset your shoulders don't do lateral raises beyond parallel, thats where you get into impingement territory.

As for my workout related stuff - can anybody tell me why weighted push ups (4 sets of 25 reps with 25kg or around 55lbs on my back as backpack) make my chest burn like CRAZY and I get an insane chest pump while I hardly feel any of my muscles doing paused bench presses with 130kg / 285 lbs 6 reps 4 sets (125 at the last set). It makes no sense.
No matter the rep range and weight I bench I don't get the same effect.
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I have that too and according to my experiences its a sign of not having done a proper warm up. Before doing your working sets do 3 sets of that exercise in slow motion using 50% of the weight you use in your working set. Focus on form and especially when you hit that angle where the popping occurs, slow down a lot. And if its easy for you to upset your shoulders don't do lateral raises beyond parallel, thats where you get into impingement territory.

As for my workout related stuff - can anybody tell me why weighted push ups (4 sets of 25 reps with 25kg or around 55lbs on my back as backpack) make my chest burn like CRAZY and I get an insane chest pump while I hardly feel any of my muscles doing paused bench presses with 130kg / 285 lbs 6 reps 4 sets (125 at the last set). It makes no sense.
No matter the rep range and weight I bench I don't get the same effect.
25 reps with weights may have played a role, or it’s just the result of a different/new workout
I got a Spud Inc ab strap and after using it for the first time today, I'm having a hard time moving. :lol: Hip flexors are sooooo weak. I could barely move 20 lbs and driving home was scary. Smoked out my hamstrings too. I also tried the Lee Priest pulldowns where you just have the strap loops around your elbows, so it takes the biceps completely out of the pulldown or row. I haven't felt a back pump or squeeze like that in my life, ever. Usually my biceps are the first things to get smoked on back days. This thing is sick.

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I got a Spud Inc ab strap and after using it for the first time today, I'm having a hard time moving. :lol: Hip flexors are sooooo weak. I could barely move 20 lbs and driving home was scary. Smoked out my hamstrings too. I also tried the Lee Priest pulldowns where you just have the strap loops around your elbows, so it takes the biceps completely out of the pulldown or row. I haven't felt a back pump or squeeze like that in my life, ever. Usually my biceps are the first things to get smoked on back days. This thing is sick.

Oh man, if it’s been a while (or never), you’ll be brutalized for sure. :)

In other news, had a great delt day today. Had a great pump and nasty mind to muscle connection.

57 weeks to put in as much tissue as I can for my next show.

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How do I get jacked like that? Do I have to play bass?
Yes, and you must have heavy tube amps and lots of speakers. You of course have to help the drummer and guitar player load in and out every gig. It will make you big and strong. 💪🏼 🤘
Anyone else use Liftosaur? It's a pretty slick app. And it's got a nice web editor interface, too.

Everyone's programs are so damn complicated and confusing to me, so I made my own. Check it out if you want:
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Finally got off my lazy butt and have been lifting for the last 2 weeks. I didn't want to go for broke right out of the gate so now that the juices have started flowing, it's time to start upping the weight.

One big plus already - my grip during my first back day was horrible. The forearms gave out before anything else did. I just finished working my back a few minutes ago and the grip held the entire time, including using kind of a pinch grip on a kettlebell for bent over rows.

Small victories.
Finally got off my lazy butt and have been lifting for the last 2 weeks. I didn't want to go for broke right out of the gate so now that the juices have started flowing, it's time to start upping the weight.

One big plus already - my grip during my first back day was horrible. The forearms gave out before anything else did. I just finished working my back a few minutes ago and the grip held the entire time, including using kind of a pinch grip on a kettlebell for bent over rows.

Small victories.
Proud of you brother! Keep it up man. 💪🏼
I'm almost positive that I'm going to regret it in the morning when I can't lift my arms to wash my hair but the shoulders got a good beating today.

Is it wrong that I'm already looking forward to tomorrow being a rest day? :lol:
Nice @TB, I blasted shoulders today too. I’ve been getting really crazy shoulder pumps lately and just loving it.
Finally got off my lazy butt and have been lifting for the last 2 weeks. I didn't want to go for broke right out of the gate so now that the juices have started flowing, it's time to start upping the weight.

One big plus already - my grip during my first back day was horrible. The forearms gave out before anything else did. I just finished working my back a few minutes ago and the grip held the entire time, including using kind of a pinch grip on a kettlebell for bent over rows.

Small victories.
Good stuff! How was your recovery time?

I've been easing back into the gym after dealing with Norovirus and Covid in the beginning of October and November. Overall, I feel pretty good. I'm considering getting back into my Muay Thai gym as I've made 30min to 1hr heavy bag sessions a part of my routine.
Good stuff! How was your recovery time?
Did arms on Friday and they still hurt a bit. Not bad pain but I subconsciously did back today instead of chest to give the triceps another day. :lol:

Chest is supposed to be Sunday and back Monday so I'll just flip-flop them.

My wife wanted to take the dogs for a walk before it got dark tonight so I need to get back downstairs for abs and should probably hit the bike for a bit but the motivation is disappearing tonight. :P
I just finished my first week of actually tracking my lifting instead of just going through the motions, not remembering how much I did, etc.

For the time being these numbers won't mean much but eventually I'll be able to compare exercises and see how I'm progressing. Unfortunately, I'm pretty limited on what I have available for working legs besides body weight (which I've been leaving at zero in the app) so it's not terribly accurate for tracking things like weighted calf raises, but it's what I have.

Worst case, I'll just have to increase the reps if things get maxed out.

And I clearly need to do more with the arms. In my (pitiful) defense, that was my first day using the app so I spent half to time playing around with it. :lol:


Just wondering, does anyone have those weird lumps on their forearms on the inside of the elbow joints? I noticed them a few days ago and nobody I know has those, I googled a little bit and did not come up with anything. It appears to be muscle tissue but I'm not sure. What do they do?

Their size looks deceiving on the pics, they are about the size of a halved ping-pong ball.

IMG_20241123_211246.jpg IMG_20241123_211230.jpg
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Just wondering, does anyone have those weird lumps on their forearms on the inside of the elbow joints? I noticed them a few days ago and nobody I know has those, I googled a little bit and did not come up with anything. It appears to be muscle tissue but I'm not sure. What do they do?

Their size looks deceiving on the pics, they are about the size of a halved ping-pong ball.

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I have a small one on the outside of my forearm. It pops out when I flex. Seems like it's just a small type of hernia. Also have a couple of my shins. Nothing too big, they don't bother me and don't hurt. Nothing as large as you are describing. Mine are about the size of a peanut.
Are those the only ones you have? I have lipomas all over that look like that. A few years ago my wife stopped counting when she found 100.

Thanks, genetics.
Are those the only ones you have? I have lipomas all over that look like that. A few years ago my wife stopped counting when she found 100.

Thanks, genetics.

Yeah no lumps anywhere else - I think its my pronator muscle, where it attaches at the elbow joint. When I turn my arm I feel the it contracting. Googled some more, armwrestlers have those really well developed. I'm not an armwrestler though

Chest day today. Three fewer reps than last Monday but my total is 696 pounds more. I'm absolutely gassed. :crazy:
Yeah no lumps anywhere else - I think its my pronator muscle, where it attaches at the elbow joint. When I turn my arm I feel the it contracting. Googled some more, armwrestlers have those really well developed. I'm not an armwrestler though
Yeah, that's the pronator teres popping out from under the aponeurosis that runs across it just distally, because your forearms are swole AF. :lol: You also have those american style weights with the barbell with no free-spinning collars, right? That'll get your forearms jacked haha.
I picked up some magnetic hooks to get my assorted handles off of the floor.

Except I have a new bar coming soon. :lol:

Anyone here do grip training? I got a set of grippers for a couple bucks and have been using them for 2 weeks now. They're copies of the Captains of Crush ones. A 50-100-150-200-250-300 set of 6 that mimics the CoC #1-4 with tweeners. See below:


The 50 was closeable but it was actually tougher than I thought it would be. I'm able to rep the 100 and just barely close the 150. I haven't done heavy deadlifting in forever and I've just mainly been a keyboard monkey for the past decade. If you try to pick up the 150 cold it seems impossible. Same with the 100. It's crazy how working up kind of unlocks your strength. Maybe the tendons and joints have to get primed or something lol. Take the slack out. Anyway, I'm posting this because the forearm pump has been freaking awesome. I feel like Popeye with my forearms like doubled in size just from getting blood back in there. I've noticed a lot fewer little aches and pains with the cold weather, and my hands have been steadier with fine motor tasks too.

I'd imagine @Michael88 would have no problem with a #2.
Anyone here do grip training?
I picked this set up a few weeks ago:


While I'm sure it's nowhere near as good as what you're using, it's doing the job for me right now. The strength and endurance in my forearms is noticeably better already.

In other lifting purchases news, what have I done?


Anyone here do grip training? I got a set of grippers for a couple bucks and have been using them for 2 weeks now. They're copies of the Captains of Crush ones. A 50-100-150-200-250-300 set of 6 that mimics the CoC #1-4 with tweeners. See below:

I'd imagine @Michael88 would have no problem with a #2.
I've never tried one, I know I can pick up and hold a 100kg / 220lbs dumbbell quite easily, how well that translates into squeezing that amount of weight in my hands I have no idea. Maybe I'll get a cheap knock off set of those grippers-.
Because I'm a bit of an Excel graph junkie, and the app I'm using to track my lifting lets me export a CSV file, I put together a file that totals the amount of weight I'm moving during each session (blue line) and a running average (orange). At some point, I'm sure the orange will end up being a flat line so I might need to rethink that but at least for now, everything is trending up.

Because I'm a bit of an Excel graph junkie, and the app I'm using to track my lifting lets me export a CSV file, I put together a file that totals the amount of weight I'm moving during each session (blue line) and a running average (orange). At some point, I'm sure the orange will end up being a flat line so I might need to rethink that but at least for now, everything is trending up.
Thats a good steady amount of progress, almost linear - very nice! Keep up the good work! :sly:

I've started including more forearm exercises into my training, doing them about 3x per week and I feel a tiny amount of progress already. My favorite is doing forearm curls behind my back 15 reps with 60kg/132lbs doing full rom, holding the weight on my fingertips at the beginning of each rep.

The weird unexpected side effect I am having doing those exercises is that every time I go to sleep after having done forearm work I dream about crushing skulls with my bare hands.
Animal's, people's, I wrestle, get ahold of their head, squeeze 100% max effort for 5 seconds or so until I feel the bone start to give way and then collapse. Thats not even my fetish plus I don't think I could even do that with my current strength.
Dumb brain, I did not even like GoT much. :rolleyes:

Anyway, some progress:

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Good stuff, @Michael88.

Doing 3x3 deadlifts at 365 lbs and managed to do this..


I’ve never had a blister like this.. or ever before honestly. What gets me is that it’s in an unexpected spot. My inkling is muscle imbalance on the left so of my body causing my grip to slip. I’ve noticed a little leaning on my left while even bench pressing.

Even my left leg kicks in my Muay Thai bag and gym sessions are quite weak.. sucks.
Good stuff, @Michael88.

Doing 3x3 deadlifts at 365 lbs and managed to do this..

View attachment 1420669

I’ve never had a blister like this.. or ever before honestly. What gets me is that it’s in an unexpected spot. My inkling is muscle imbalance on the left so of my body causing my grip to slip. I’ve noticed a little leaning on my left while even bench pressing.

Even my left leg kicks in my Muay Thai bag and gym sessions are quite weak.. sucks.
Hah I know exactly what's the issue here, I did the same mistake when I started doing heavy deadlifts.
Your grip is wrong, the weight must rest on your fingers not on your palm - here is a picture that explains it very well:


If most of the weight rests on your palm the bar will twist and tear your skin.
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Hah I know exactly what's the issue here, I did the same mistake when I started doing heavy deadlifts.
Your grip is wrong, the weight must rest on your fingers not on your palm - here is a picture that explains it very well:

View attachment 1420867

If most of the weight rests on your palm the bar will twist and tear your skin.
That’s… exactly what I did wrong with my left grip. The bar’s grip texture was really aggressive as well, so that certainly didn’t help.

Overall though, it was a really nice time at the gym.
Fooling around with some dumbbells. Actually wanted to find my one rep max with dumbbell presses but when I was pressing these 128 lbs dumbbells I felt an annoying injury in my leg rear its ugly head again and decided no to push it. I think I could probably press 143 lbs dumbbells.

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