Get that bastard SNIPER!!!!:darkside:

  • Thread starter hanker
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american criminals are pretty dumb.

You're dumb, dummie.

Yup...M5Power had some interesting points on their slip-ups.

M5...have you emptied your PM box yet?

That post's probably days old because I was off in Vice City, but yes I have.
This has been an interesting investigation - looking into it, it seems it was good old fashioned solid police work (i.e. compiling a profile, following up leads, making inquiries, that sort of stuff) that ended up getting these guys rather than a sheer fluke.
Klos. Do you still think it wasn't them?

I think they should get the thousand peices torture . Used in China as recently as a hundred years ago.

You seriously drug the guy with opiates, hang him from a hook on a stake, and start removing small pieces. THe idea is to drag it out as long as possible before he dies so make the pieces small. When the opiates wear off he looks around and sees a good portion of his body in a bloody pile on the ground next to him. Then he looks down to see a leg off, a hand off, patches of skinn missing form his chest exposing ribs. Then the pain sinks in and it lasts a long time.

Make him pray for death.

It still wouldn't compare to the sum of suffering he has caused.

I have a book called The Tears of Eros by Georges Battaille with pictures of this from China in the 1920's. Seems some poor sap assasinated a prince and...