GET YOUR MONEY - Remote race slots for rent - [temporarily closed]

  • Thread starter Duck
im still a little confused about the b-spec racing. if i have multiple bobs on line do you race all of them or can you just use 1 or 2 out of the 5 that i have? if you can just race 1 or 2 out of 5 i have thes cars you wanted ......
I race 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 bobs - the price is the same. Most of this thread users run 5 bobs, for better income and xp. Manually adding drivers to the race grid makes the service very personal and I can follow your needings whenever you require modifications. Also note that you can check your account in real time using the google doc linked in OP. More: if I see only 1 or 2 bobs free for race (and you never esplicit asked to race only 1 or 2!), I always skip that joining and recheck for next race. I don't waste your accounts 👍

If you have only 1 or 2 available it's not a problem for me: you may have your reasons to keep other 4 offline.

At last, the disclaimer I give to all new users. You can verify my race schedule in real time, and verify if your races have been queued after other users. By now, a silver account grants you avoiding queues (you have to reach a 50+ race account to start racing "overtaking" other users priority).
You also can read queue rules in the google doc.

I hope this answers your question. If you have more, just ask ;)

All listed cars are good, by the way. You may have some RUF I need, as well. Best strategy to start is sending top priced cars (in term of races) first.

i have no idea what thes words are (queue +queued) or what any of this stuff you said about ----At last, the disclaimer I give to all new users. You can verify my race schedule in real time, and verify if your races have been queued after other users. By now, a silver account grants you avoiding queues (you have to reach a 50+ race account to start racing "overtaking" other users priority).You also can read queue rules in the google doc.------

i will make alist of all my RUF cars for you real late tonight or tomaro and still a little confused i will try to rephrase my question i have 5 bobs 1st is driver A 2nd is driver B 3rd is driver C 4th is driver D 5th is driver E my question is will you only use race driver B and nobody else?
i have no idea what thes words are (queue +queued)
I don't know how you say when you have to wait for people ahead of you.... sorry my english can be improved a lot :dunce:
Queue: before racing, you have to wait your account gains an higher priority or people ahead of you loss their priority. Rules are in the google sheet. You don't need to understand them to race, but they give you the right to complain if you find I'm cheating or letting other people race and you not ;)
or what any of this stuff you said about ----At last, the disclaimer I give to all new users. You can verify my race schedule in real time, and verify if your races have been queued after other users. By now, a silver account grants you avoiding queues (you have to reach a 50+ race account to start racing "overtaking" other users priority).You also can read queue rules in the google doc.------
A question: did you find the link to google sheet?
i will make alist of all my RUF cars for you real late tonight or tomaro and still a little confused i will try to rephrase my question i have 5 bobs 1st is driver A 2nd is driver B 3rd is driver C 4th is driver D 5th is driver E my question is will you only use race driver B and nobody else?

Depends of what you ask!!!!!!!

Example: you send me first car, the 0/0 Cuda for 15 races and I have free slots for you to start.

If you ask me to race only driver B, I'll race B bob 15 times.

If you ask me to race drivers ABCDE, I'll race A 15 times, B 15 times and so on..... (yes, 15x5=75 total races)

Of course, you can ask me else. For example to run only ABC on mondays, or only ABDE for a week. It's 15 races in every option.
'i don't know how you say when you have to wait for people ahead of you'

you just said it there 'you have to wait there are others a head of you' ---- and dont worry about your english sadly your english skills is better than most of us that wer born speaking it.

my only access to the net and these forms are with my playstation 3 and the google doc. is not playstation friendly (i cant access it)

is this like the widget b-spec racing thingy were i have to be online at the same time your racing him in order to get my bobs skill and cash increased? only access to the net and these forms are with my playstation 3 and the google doc. is not playstation friendly (i cant access it)
is this like the widget b-spec racing thingy were i have to be online at the same time your racing him in order to get my bobs skill and cash increased?
OK, now I can fully understand. I'll provide you with any kind of textual report if needed, or try something else.

I don't use the widget, I manually add your bobs to my races for better control, using GT5 My home web interface. You don't need to be online or access GT5 while your bobs are racing: your PS3 can be off. The only requirements are:
- exchange FRs (papero1974 and Duck_hosting accounts, you must send cars to papero1974)
- put your bobs online once (and then forget about it)
- you only have to be online to collect money and xp from bobs, put offline them if you need for some endurance, put bobs online again as needed.
OK, now I can fully understand. I'll provide you with any kind of textual report if needed, or try something else.

I don't use the widget, I manually add your bobs to my races for better control, using GT5 My home web interface. You don't need to be online or access GT5 while your bobs are racing: your PS3 can be off. The only requirements are:
- exchange FRs (papero1974 and Duck_hosting accounts, you must send cars to papero1974)
- put your bobs online once (and then forget about it)
- you only have to be online to collect money and xp from bobs, put offline them if you need for some endurance, put bobs online again as needed.

i just now seen this post :) please forget and delete my reply to the P.M. you sent me with that link inside. i can start sending your cars around november 5th is that ok with you?
i just now seen this post :) please forget and delete my reply to the P.M. you sent me with that link inside. i can start sending your cars around november 5th is that ok with you?

Yes, that's fine. I'm going to mark all that cars as pending.
Welcome on board 👍
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Safari, Skully, Untamed, Warp Drive

Helmets: small jaw 31,33,34, storm line 31-34, striker 31-34, trickster 31-34, wonderland 31-34, warp 31-34.

I complete all these, you race my 5 Bob's :)👍

PM me.
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Helmets: small jaw 31,33,34, storm line 31-34, striker 31-34, trickster 31-34, wonderland 31-34, warp 31-34.[/B]

OK, we have a deal for these for today BUT I DID A MISTAKE.
SMALL JAW 32 (PLUS 31,33,34)

Also marking as pending all new helmets too. More details in PM.
No queues for this afternoon, so you'll start racing immediatly.

Welcome on board 👍

EDIT: all gear marked as pending
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Safari received (pending 5 helmets you can send later)
Skully received (idem)
Untamed received (idem)
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OK, we have a deal for these for today BUT I DID A MISTAKE.
SMALL JAW 32 (PLUS 31,33,34)

Also marking as pending all new helmets too. More details in PM.
No queues for this afternoon, so you'll start racing immediatly.

Welcome on board 👍

EDIT: all gear marked as pending

OK. List updated.
Car of the day bonus rules added to the google sheet.

Actual bonus for active players:
Player Actual races CotD sent Bonus races added
Abstruso (Dr. Mabuse) +6
Rick_Irons +5
Auz_STUBZ (stubbzie07) +3
GTP_JamieC2311 (Jamie-C) +3
amo82 +3
darkenforca 46 +1
Jay +2
Mister_Jellaby (Moebius1) +1
CostasDrifter +1

EDIT: CostasDrifter gears all received and accounted ;)
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I added a footnote to OP, and added income prediction to the sheet.

NOTE I run all races using the browser interface manually adding drivers to racing grid. This let me control every race adding all your free bobs (up to 5) and grants you to maximise money for every race you are paying for. I don't waste a single race if at a given moment you have 5 drivers but 3, 4, or 5 are busy with other funny things. I host for approx. 4-5 days a week, 8 hours/day. Total month outcome is about 100,000,000 Cr. With actual service (7 players hosted), this means:
- about 6-8 million credits / week for a GOLD account (weekly cost: about 3 cars or tickets)
- about 2 million credits / week for a basic account, IF silver or gold account are running (weekly cost: 1 cars or ticket)
If you prefer a time-based service using the well known widget (you pay -> your bobs are randomly raced for a fixed amount of time) you should contact ch1potle here

Also amo82, darkenforca, nostalgia658, SpeedQber accounts expired in last days.
This week OCD is quite boring.....
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Sorry for Saturday missed races. Weather conditions and blackouts shutted down my connection.

Jables April Green Metallic Cuda received, thanks 👍
15 races accounted, ready to race

Next races will be tomorrow morning, local time.
Nissan GT-R SPECV (GT Academy Version) '09 Dark Metal Gray (M) 0/0 sent!

please stop racing my Abstruso Bobs and use 4 drivers of my DrMabuse666 account instead.

Nissan GT-R SPECV (GT Academy Version) '09 Dark Metal Gray (M) 0/0 sent!

please stop racing my Abstruso Bobs and use 4 drivers of my DrMabuse666 account instead.


OK Doc, 15 for the car and +6 cotd bonus added

"New" car of the day:
Nissan 370Z Tuned Car (GT Academy Version) '08 Vibrant Red (C)

Also a +5 race bonus for the first player who send me a Zypressengrun paint from Opel list. I wonder why I missed or lost it.
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your used huggar orange 69 camaro will be deliverd in about 2hrs.

I can only see 2 of your bobs online. If you have more, please do this trick:
put them all offline
then online again
It's a well known bug....

Problem solved 👍

EDIT: Hugger orange Camaro received. Thank you.

EDIT2: yellow GSX received. Thank you, Jables. You have 49 races accounted now.
It's a sunny day, and hopefully lightning storms, blackouts and such bad things are far from Sardinia. Going to grind bobs today.
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Hey buddy,
I know I promised to send you 4 RUFs after my scedule is done, but I'm really focussing on getting those B'day tickets, so I'm afraid I won't be able to send them at all.
If you have B'days I need, I'll happily trade for them, but otherwise it'll take quite long :ouch:
Hey buddy,
I know I promised to send you 4 RUFs after my scedule is done, but I'm really focussing on getting those B'day tickets, so I'm afraid I won't be able to send them at all.
If you have B'days I need, I'll happily trade for them, but otherwise it'll take quite long :ouch:

Don't worry, I'll wait ;)
My car wishlist is longer than a complete ticket collection, and will be there when you are done. I've a tradable 2002, if interested.

EDIT: just checked your signature :lol:
mmr #10 received from jables72

Thank you mate, your account is now at 54 races.
its 5am for me right now at the time im typing this mm-cup car #41 light blue will be deliverd between 7 and 8pm tonight (my time)
its 5am for me right now at the time im typing this mm-cup car #41 light blue will be deliverd between 7 and 8pm tonight (my time)

#41 received, thanks.
You have now 58 races accounted
mmr #77 received, jables
Thanks for the quick sending.
You have 60 races remaining