GET YOUR MONEY - Remote race slots for rent - [temporarily closed]

  • Thread starter Duck
No, not a Ford fan for sure. But among the 2000000 of models they produced there are some I like
Sorry if I keep you waiting. I'm struggling a bit with the lack of updates for the UCD database at So I had to plan very strictly the game-days activity. Actually I'm waiting for a C9 and a R92CP which will appear in about 10 game-days. I'll buy these this afternoon, if I have time to play.

I'll update you as soon as I can.

@Aussie188: you should be able to engage other Bobs now. Add the 5th to maximise your income ;)

For yesterday:

105: 21.56 all
106: 23.29 all
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@Aussie188: you should be able to engage other Bobs now. Add the 5th to maximise your income ;)

Hey mate I have 6 drivers now but I mustn't have set the last 2 to online. I'll sort that out soon when I send the next 5.
107: 07.07 all
108: 07.36 all
109: 08.02 all
110: 08.29 all
111: 08.52 all
112: 09.15 all
113: 09.46 all
114: 10.14 all
115: 10.35 all
If you only have Mercedes cards to send, please PM me before sending. I want to be sure that my museum group mates didn't sent me Mercedes cards in the meanwhile.

I think can host 15 races today, and maybe 20 tomorrow and Sunday.

Horns: why I have to arrive 3rd on a race to win one :banghead:
Hi Duck,

I sent you the last items that I have for you at this moment. I'll check back from time to time to compare. When i get some the items you need, I will send them as they come in.

Thanks, good trading

If you only have Mercedes cards to send, please PM me before sending. I want to be sure that my museum group mates didn't sent me Mercedes cards in the meanwhile.

Ehi mates!
You all sent me Mercedes cards! It's been a statistical miracle that were all different each other!

EDIT: Too late today, I'll update tomorrow morning
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Yesterday runs:

116: 06.42 all
117: 07.10 all
118: 07.53 all
119: 09.06 all
120: 09.29 all
121: 10.01 all
122: 10.24 all
123: 10.48 all
124: 13.53 all
125: 15.13 all
126: 15.49 all

@Raiderdon: I'll send you last paints this afternoon. I'm at work, now.
Yesterday races:

127: 7.13 all
128: 7.42 all
129: 8.10 all
130: 8.40 all
131: 9.22 all
132: 10.12 all
133: 10.50 all
134: 11.15 all
135: 11.53 all
136: 12.22 all
137: 12.45 all
138: 13.18 all
139: 14.40 all

to me?
What do you want in exchange?

EDIT: I can't run your drivers. It seems they are all offline
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Yesterday races:

140: 09.44 all
141: 10.18 all
142: 11.00 all
143: 12.43 all
144: 16.23 all
145: 16.50 all
146: 17.20 all
147: 17.43 all
148: 18.15 all
149: 18.40 aussie&tami (teddyb drivers all offline)
150: 19.11 aussie&tami (teddyb drivers all offline)
151: 21.46 tami&tb (aussie was busy)

I'll keep count of Teddybear gift aside of this thread. Now just want to finish your 'regular' rewards.
Today I found a card in my giftbox.
The card was numbered '147', and was a Nissan Pulsar.
Was also the last card needed to complete

Duck's museum​

Thanks to all people here that contibuted to it:

:cheers: Teddybear, Aussie188, Raiderdon, T_A_M_I :cheers:

Now: go for horns
Just to let you know I did some races and now PSN is down. Also no one is at home to reconnect PS3 when manteinance will end, so.... see you tomorrow.
Very glad you want to send me another: the first one missed its rule, giving me a 0/0 Toyota 2000GT... well I'm happy to have a flashing new 2000GT but I'm looking for the historical race cars!!!!!
Also will continue in my intention to not dupe/cheat. My 1974 double ticket is yours, if you need.

Sure you are on the way to gain a lifeterm ticket to my remote race slots ;)
Just don't expect I can host races for all summer :D I mostly do at job, as evening shifts permit it, and will take a break on holidays (between july and august, don't know)
1967 ticket sent. i will send you another tomorrow

i also have extra lv 23 tickets... i already own all the lv 23 cars

I am interested, I have all horns and a lot of museum cards. Can you accept 2 of mine accounts? I am just building up a new race team (only 2 drivers atm) and on my main account there´s only little missing to reach Lvl.40. So my priority is on the new account to get me 6 driver slots.

I will send you 5-10 pieces a day, you can have all the museumcards each day and the horns 4/7 days the week. Can I join?

edit: :lol: just saw you have all museum cards already, so I can offer you 35 horns in the next 7 days. I can also send you some cars, bella machina available. ;)
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Hi Dr.Mabuse,
as you read I completed the museum ;)

I can accept both your accounts up to 5/driver multiples (10 for both, 5 mixing 1st and 2nd or only one). In a few words, if you only have 6 drivers, you have to send me 2 cards for two runs. This is because people normally need one driver for b-spec or host, and puts 5 online for remote racing.

I'm ok with the horns, just wait until this evening because have to update the mygt account with last gifts. If you like to send me cars, check what I'm missing and we can arrange a trade, but PM me before. Premiums must be brand new, 0/0, not oil changed, possibly no bonus cars. Standards with same specs are welcome, I'll ask you for some I can't find in UCD
Hi Dr.Mabuse,
as you read I completed the museum ;)

I can accept both your accounts up to 5/driver multiples (10 for both, 5 mixing 1st and 2nd or only one). In a few words, if you only have 6 drivers, you have to send me 2 cards for two runs. This is because people normally need one driver for b-spec or host, and puts 5 online for remote racing.

I'm ok with the horns, just wait until this evening because have to update the mygt account with last gifts. If you like to send me cars, check what I'm missing and we can arrange a trade, but PM me before. Premiums must be brand new, 0/0, not oil changed, possibly no bonus cars. Standards with same specs are welcome, I'll ask you for some I can't find in UCD

Fine by me. I will send out FR from my accounts and I will send you the first 5 horns tonight.👍
Read here. The problem is global: asia, europe and usa involved

Dr., tell me which drivers I have to run ;)

Horns section is now up to date

M.Monroe, P.Kuhn and the guy with the yellow helmet on my main account! ;)

I will add new drivers to my new race team as soon as possible, so I like to get asap the 6 driver slots on my BRD-Anarchy Team. So the BRD-Anarchy Boys & Girls are more important then the drivers on my main account.

I have some other friends who use my BoBs, so if there are non drivers available, bad luck for me. Just let them run if possible. I will send you 5 horns each days until you have all horns together.

thank you!
M. Monroe is a nice name 👍

yep. It was but I screwed my file up. so I have to start new again with her:

[image removed]

I also have J.Nicholson, J.Hendrix, G.Berger, V.Rossi and a few more on other accounts. I like that. ;)
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