Gettin' my kicks on ol' Route 66 (56K DEATH)

The panda slobbing out on a rock is great, and the last meerkat photo is begging for a very obvious (yet still highly amusing) caption. The 4th shot of the Grand Canyon is probably my favourite. Great photos!
The panda slobbing out on a rock is great, and the last meerkat photo is begging for a very obvious (yet still highly amusing) caption. The 4th shot of the Grand Canyon is probably my favourite. Great photos!

Like this?


Did it a while back! As for the Grand Canyon shot, thanks. That one was taken when we walked a little down a path that eventually takes you right to the foot of the canyon. There are signs everywhere warning you not to undertake the trip lightly because it's a very long path and the temperature down in the base is something like 10 degrees hotter than at the rim, not to mention the oxygen is fairly thin at over a mile above sea level, so apparently a load of people die from exhaustion/dehydration etc when they haven't been well prepared.

Great stuff


Cheers 👍

I'd totally love this image if you'd shot it vertically and you'd only have the racks to the left in the image 👍 Everything to the center and off to the right draws away my attention. Either that or a vertical shot of the whole room while standing in the center between both racks 👍

A huge of images though, they all look very good, and you've spotted some beautiful animals as well 👍
Once again I realised I hadn't actually finished posting pics of this trip yet, so thanks to COOLfiat for bumping it for me!

My last post ended with Laguna Beach, heading North. Well, this journey continued and we found ourselves staying in Santa Barbara again, a much more tempting proposition than staying anywhere around Los Angeles. We finished the night with a picnic and a wander around on the beach as it got darker. First pic, as you'll probably guess, is me (having a bit of an OC moment - yes, I know, wrong bit of Cali)


We stayed in our trusty motel from later the previous week before Martin left, and the next day made our way up the coast on Route 1. We'd decided on a whim that San Francisco was in easy reach and it was a place that we just had to visit on the trip.

Route 1 is amazing. One of the best roads I've ever driven on - in fact, probably the best. I appreciated the signs instructing people to pull over for faster traffic - I was getting our rental PT Cruiser up to some good cornering speeds and quite frequently came up behind other traffic, everything from RVs to enthusiastically driven Audi S4s :D We stopped a few times along the route. I can't remember the exact details, but the photos below were taken somewhere near San Simeon, I think, as we'd heard there were supposed to be Sea Lions along the coast. We didn't see any, but it was a nice little stop and wander around in the sea breeze. And it gave the tyres a rest too...



On leaving Santa Barbara we'd bought some very cheap camping equipment as we'd decided to save a bit of money and improve the experience a little, rather than staying in characterless motels. Our first stop was a campsite in Big Sur. It took us around 1.5 hours to get a fire started but it was all good fun and the campsite was fantastic, surrounded by Redwoods and the perfectly clear night giving us an unrestricted view of the stars (crummy pic enclosed).



Onward and upward we travelled, albeit a little hungover after several beers the previous night. The bridge below is apparently quite well known, built in the 30s, but the name of it escapes me. We made a stop over in Monterey for a few hours, and took a walk around the docks where finally, many, many Sea Lions were to be seen. I stopped counting when I got past fifty. They're noisy things too. Obligatory hacked-off looking seagull picture included:




So we got to San Francisco. We found our way to a restaurant right on the coast, at the end of Golden Gate state park (you can't miss it on Google Maps, it has a big red tiled roof). We made our way into 'Frisco and around Fisherman's Wharf, but Lu decided we were running out of daytime to find another campsite so we cut our tour short, drove North and across the Bridge (you know the one...), and eventually found a site some distance North of the bay area. Yet again, I can't for the life of me remember where. But here's a lovely picture of a tree surrounded by the smoke from our fire in the morning:

Finally, San Francisco the next day. I'll let the pics speak for themselves:





The marina surrounding SF's maritime national park

Looking out over Gas House Cove towards the bridge. This was one of my favourite views of the trip

By this point, it's a little sad posting the photos as I'm down to my last couple of days, and it's making me think of how disappointing it was knowing I'd soon be back to normality after my whole month travelling this amazing country with two of my best mates. Anyway, the last few photos.

A beautiful Karmann Ghia, near our final campsite situated somewhere between 'Frisco and Big Sur

The well-organised campsite itself. We gave all our camping gear to the ranger at the site as we couldn't take it back to the UK (too heavy and big), but it was so cheap anyway and it'd saved us so much money in motels that we didn't care.

The beach nearby to the campsite. Absolutely deserted people-wise, but full of literally thousands of seagulls:


And finally, the very last photo I took on the trip - flying over California between LAX and San Francisco Intl, before finally flying home to Heathrow, where my journey had begun four weeks earlier. Lu went on to Halifax in Canada for an extra week, to visit a friend.

Anyway, that's it for the pictures. It makes me a little nostalgic and sad every time I go through them, and I endeavour to go back to the States in the near future as I need to spend so much more time there. I hope you've enjoyed the photographs and my little story.

Incidentally, my travelling didn't end with the US that year. Not much more than a week after landing in the UK, I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to go visit my girlfriend in Dubai! Needless to say, by the time I was back from there I was absolutely skint and quickly found a job... ever since then I've been living just above the red!
Wow just spent a good half-hour reading this. im so badly going to do this trip in a few years after I left uni. got a job etc. so Homeforsummer can you update this thread every 2 weeks or so, with more pictures when you get the time.
Wow just spent a good half-hour reading this. im so badly going to do this trip in a few years after I left uni. got a job etc. so Homeforsummer can you update this thread every 2 weeks or so, with more pictures when you get the time.

What would you like to see? I've posted a few pics from basically the whole trip now, but if you'd like to see more of say, the Grand Canyon, or the car museums, or the vinyard, or Chicago or whatever - then requests are more than welcome and I'll add further photos to the thread.
It's spelled Albuquerque, NM.
Dont worry though I've lived here since I was two and couldn't spell it til I was about 15.

Nice pictures though! I have a;ways wanted to go on a road trip with some friends but nobody has the time or money these days...
It's spelled Albuquerque, NM.
Dont worry though I've lived here since I was two and couldn't spell it til I was about 15.

Nice pictures though! I have a;ways wanted to go on a road trip with some friends but nobody has the time or money these days...

Hah, thanks for the spelling correction! It appears I was replacing the initial "u" for an "e". I really enjoyed my time there though, even if it was a little brief.

The trip was undoubtably one of the best experiences of my life, and I just find it a shame that it'll be a fair while before I can afford to do something similar.