Ross Bentley, Ultimate Speed Secrets.
Skip Barber, Getting Faster.
Lewis Carroll, Drive to Win.
Those are three primary sources I've read that all say that the procedure to follow in getting progressively faster is:
- Drive the correct line
- Maximize corner exit speed
- Maximize corner entry speed/optimize braking.
- Maximize mid-corner speed.
That's in order of importance and amount of time gained. So you gain whole seconds to several tenths by working on the first two, and tenths to hundredths working on the last two. The faster you are the less time to be gained across the board, obviously.
But those three books all support my point that braking is not the first thing you work on to go faster regardless of your skill/speed.
Yes, that makes perfect sense. Thing is, I already got #1 and #2 down. So now to optimize #3 I do the BB switching as mentioned. Obviously everyone is on a different learning curve so tailor my advice accordingly.
Back in GT6 GT Academy, when we had telemetry in the game, I analysed the heck out of my lap compared to the top guy. Basically I'm losing about 0.2 sec every corner. Not at the entry, not the apex, not the exit. But just gradual loss through each of them. The brake/throttle/steering trace is virtually the same unless you zoom in to millisecond scale. The time delta trace is a smooth increase, not punctuated by spikes. It's not that I'm making big mistakes, I'm just that little bit worse in accuracy compared to the top guy. Brake 1m late here, miss the apex by 0.5m there, accelerate 0.1 sec later here. It all adds up and at Spa which is a 7km track, the final difference is 2.182 second (Nissan GT-R GT3). I keep note of it, so I can track my progress over the years since but I haven't been able to improve on that. It is what it is. I've hit my internal accuracy limit and not matter how much I practice even until the end of my life I probably wouldn't get any faster. So now I just focus on getting all the little extra things right. Tyre/fuel management, optimizing BB, racecraft, strategy, all that crap that may not make too much difference, but when you can't by improving your driving anymore, it does.
You may be slower than me, so in your case there are still LOADS of time to be gained from tidying up lines and exits. That's great, you still have lots of improvement in front of you and a lot of motivation 👍 Eventually you'll hit the plateau as well, and you'll see what I mean.
I hope that makes sense
True dat. Plus I’ve yet to see the examples of cars and the ‘correct’ bb setting per corner that gains those tenths lol. Show me the money.
Plus imo if a person likes twiddling and tinkering with a bunch of settings there’s pc games for that or ACC. GTS is driver ability, that’s what’s great about it. You can hit top 1 percent or better by just driving without adjusting a thing, if you know how to drive as is taught irl by Bentley and others.
LH Challenge at Maggiore. I was struggling to get within 0.5 sec but then I did the BB switching thing and beat him in half an hour.
T1-4 BB 0
T5 and esses BB +5
Big banky boi BB +1
Rest to finish BB +5
I could give more examples but that's the main one.
Funny you should say ACC is a game for tinkerers. I have over 50 hours now in ACC on Steam, and I haven't touched the settings one bit because the default aggressive setups are already pretty damn good. I just enjoy the physics and FFB in that game. Haven't done a single race either, because my crappy laptop lags too much even with all graphics turned down
Unlike in GTS where all cars have nonsensical ARB 7/4, +0.60 rear toe and too high LSD Accel.
And if you're thinking perfect setup in AC will immediately make you world champion, think again. They probably only help find 1 second or so. The fast guys are just fast, no matter what they drive. Same with GT.
I’ve been posting times in top one percent of NA on dailies I fancy for over a year now tcs3. Bb0.
Again you keep saying this, but no evidence given. None of your posts on the site ever contains a picture of your driver ID so people can't check you on kudos.
Top percentage means nothing btw. It's the time delta to top that counts.
- A lot of people don't tryhard daily leaderboards
- Less people are playing the game now than at release
- Depending on the combo you pick, it might be less popular so easier to get high rankings (e.g. daily A is always least popular due to road cars)
- NA players are only a subset of worldwide, and not even the strongest region (probably EMEA or JP)
So saying top 1% doesn't mean a lot. And if you learn to drive without TC, I bet you'll go even faster.
I've been watching top replays from dailies/FIA/TT and the live event streams since day 1. NONE of the top drivers ever use TC except on race starts. These guys will take any small advantage they can get, but TC isn't one of them. Not in GTS. No matter what your beloved Ross Bentley said. There are a few of the elite drivers on GTP that will vouch for that.
I can go on but honestly, from my experience of internet debates throughout the years this will just go nowhere. So happy to end this here.