GIFC: Manga Cars: 18th Stage

Finished mine during commercials breaks on The Simpsons...

Seats: AyaxR
Base: AyaxR and TT511


  • denso supra.png
    denso supra.png
    3.7 KB · Views: 381
Originally posted by K-1
hwta gave me the idea?
i saw LA in the begging of it so i thought you lived there


BTW, it says:

La Conner, WA... How could you possibly mistake that for Los Angeles (LA)?

my hurried entry, I still havent fixed my monitor yet, and this was with a touch pad on my room mates laptop. so its quick and simple.

thanks to Ayaxr and and TT511 for the base, and TT511 for the wheels. i colored them gold to go w/ the red. i dunno I think Gold wheels on a red car look good. im not much of a chrome kind of guy.


  • supra.png
    8.5 KB · Views: 372
what about the front do you not like? i think it would look better If I knew how to properly shade it.

oh well, it took me forever with the touchpad to get it done. but I did.
2 shades yuck..that car would look really good if it had nice shading.. but i can understand how freakin hard it would be trying to do it with a touchpad.. i wouldn't dare try to make a manga car with my touchpad
Originally posted by F.Zamataki
so, its the 19th....deadlines over. whos gonna post the poll????

I nominate you........

Only post tunes with Final Entry at the top, and put the name of each entrant, next to their tune.......

im not sure how...:confused: i dont wanna screw it up.. i would definetly do it if i knew how to but ive never done it before...or ever even posted a poll before.:( i feel so useless...
so, now that I got off of work, my dumb ass realizes that I could and should have just plugged in my mouse to my room mates computer.
it probably would have turned out slightly better, but the way the screen works with color if its not tilted the right way, and my inability to properly shade a car, it wouldnt have turned out much better.
I am happy to say that I finally figured out how to do the whole cut and paste graffics thing from the mangacars forum. the first time I did it with just the yellow of the stock car, then i got a link to a page with graffics, and just shrank this one onto the supra. its my first try and I had to eliminate a lot of the pixels that were off white, or too pink, it made the graffic look funny. hopefully i can do better, and possibly design my own graffic to put on my tunes... i'm going to try and improve on my shading technique though, I just gotta remember i have only been doing this for a few weeks, some of you guys have a lot more practice than that.
I have to admit its frustrating when i do a tune that i think is decent and then Jeembo or F zamataki, or zoxxy, or silviadrifter comes out with one that makes me look like a kindergartner with finger paint.

i guess i'll just keep trying until i can compete on a level with you guys. I'm trying not to emulate any of your guy's work, but i think it might be the best way for me to do it. I learn by example a lot better than trying things on my own. If its not too much for you guys, i'd like to use your cars for reference when I try to do shading or color. the whole problem is trying to find a scale of colors and figuring out where the lights and darks go, i cant do more than two or three colors without it looking too FUBAR...

I guess i'll attempt the poll as well...
yeah dude keep working at'll get better.. **** my first car had 1 shade i think.... i've been doing this for about a year now.......
thanks Jeembo, i appreciate the compliment, its hard to imagine your car with only one shade...

Im plugging away on one right now. but its not turning out quite right.

what do you use to help with your shading? or do you do it by eye?
hmm, guess more practice is needed. how do you guys come up w/ the variance of shades? i tried the whole custom colors adjustment bar. but it doesnt look right to me... the colo either comes out too light, or too dark. either black or pink but never a nice shade of red...
yeah i do mine by eye too... the areas that are slanted up more should be a lighter shade (obviously).. as for the color adjustment bar, first use ur mouse and pick a color that you want the car. then adjust the hue on the right up and down for your lighter and darker shades. i usually do them in increments of about 18, give or take a few...

also, if you get really stuck, you can go to the parts section of and use the shades that other people have made..