GIFC: Manga Cars: 18th Stage

thank you, I appreciate it. like I said, until I find my own style that is something to talk about, i'll mimic some of the things you guys use. not just outright cut and paste, but study your tunes to see how it is done. at least till i can sit and stare at a blank screen and see more possibilities than an invisible car.
Originally posted by Freeway
thank you, I appreciate it. like I said, until I find my own style that is something to talk about, i'll mimic some of the things you guys use. not just outright cut and paste, but study your tunes to see how it is done. at least till i can sit and stare at a blank screen and see more possibilities than an invisible car.

That's exactly how I got started. I studied some of the best tunes (shading, style, etc....), and used that knowledge to come up with my own style........
