GIFC: Manga Cars: 9th Stage

Originally posted by tbgtr34
did you take a look at your entry lately?? what is it????
dont be talkin about his hood scoop when yours is bigger! you didnt even try to make a car. performance on a pixelcar?? are you high? the whole idea of mangacars is to draw them. a hood scoop gives a real car performance so he drew one. shouldnt bust on chaos's car unless yours is perfect. HE ACTUALLY TRIED!
For one thing, I never busted on his car, I was just asking quetions and giving my opinion, also I never talked about needing performance on a pixel car, he did, so I asked why you would need it. And Im supposing you have never seen a pro stock car befor if you were woundering why My hood scoop was so big. I meant Iv never seen one that big on a street legal car befor. Also, I apoligized about my first post to his since it was misunderstood. Sorry if I like to ask about why people put the stuff they put.:rolleyes: I like his entry, so whats the problem?
Originally posted by tbgtr34
did you take a look at your entry lately?? what is it????
dont be talkin about his hood scoop when yours is bigger! you didnt even try to make a car. performance on a pixelcar?? are you high? the whole idea of mangacars is to draw them. a hood scoop gives a real car performance so he drew one. shouldnt bust on chaos's car unless yours is perfect. HE ACTUALLY TRIED!

Yea good point... he commented about MY car and look what you made... some ugly nass car...
And way here is my car... its not Quite final yet but its getting there.. im not too sure about the rear lights.. what you lot think:confused:


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Originally posted by Motorer1
Ok, here is mine, i made it an almost perfect representation of my drift car, so here it is. Thanks to Man-I can-drift for the wheels and the body kit. Thanks bro>

Dont credit me for the wheels i got them from some one on but yeah thats my bodykit

wait til i unvale my car now... just wait.

TimW you used my foglights i want credit
Originally posted by TimW
Yea good point... he commented about MY car and look what you made... some ugly nass car...
once again it was my opinion, if you didnt want it, you shouldnt of asked what people thought of it. :rolleyes: But, I see you have improved some since last week, good job:tup:
The next person to flame another entrant, will be disqualified from the contest.....period.

I don't want to be a dictator, but it's got to stop.

Good job to everyone so far. There are some cool tunes.;)

Edit: I think I'll start mine now. ;)
this is not a flame hey man i can drift motorer1 took ur whole car and made it messy and TimW those arent ur mirrors some one in MCF made it or gtp not you so plz give credit to rite person plz
Originally posted by BMW318_DRIFTER

i dont really like it much so it might not end up as my final entry cuz ill continue working on it probably
Please convert the file into a png. or gif.
It cannot be added to the poll, as it is. ;)
i got word from the creator of this car, ronin, he says noone had permission to tune this car and noone asked if they could use it for a contest.

so please if you are a member of MCF PM ronin before you post your car. he says he dun give a squat about credits. FE's post has already been deleted 5 times cus of this. and #2 if its riced i suggest not asking permission at all/


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Originally posted by GentlemanDriver
And what did you do?


what did i do to it??? i made it a sleeper! i added seats, changed the color added rims changed the front lights, tinted the windows ... i dont think it looks stock ther man, and i didnt rice it like some others did
Originally posted by tbgtr34
i got word from the creator of this car, ronin, he says noone had permission to tune this car and noone asked if they could use it for a contest.

so please if you are a member of MCF PM ronin before you post your car. he says he dun give a squat about credits. FE's post has already been deleted 5 times cus of this. and #2 if its riced i suggest not asking permission at all/
yeah, we wouldnt want another bad tune like yours, now would we?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Jeff I.
And that proves what?

Nope, because I admit to sucking at these.

well now.. you obviously think my manga is horrible ya? i been doin over a year meaning im preety good at it. seing how you admit to sucking at it heres a tip:

if you cant put something better or close to someone elses work dont comment about how bad someones car is.

i was simply trying to relay a message from ronin about posting cars on MCF. as he stated you have to show him what you did. if he doesnt like it he has every reason not to allow you to post it
Originally posted by tbgtr34

if you cant put something better or close to someone elses work dont comment about how bad someones car is.
My dog can make stuff come out of its butt that looks better, does that count?
Originally posted by tbgtr34
i been doin over a year meaning im preety good at it.
well if your that good in a year, and md0125 has not been doing this long and his looks one thousand times better than yours, that must make him some sort of pixel god.

i was simply trying to relay a message from ronin about posting cars on MCF. as he stated you have to show him what you did. if he doesnt like it he has every reason not to allow you to post it
So basicaly he could almost decide who wins and loses. Oh yeah, that seems fair.
well simply put. md's is ok.. he aint no god ill tell u that right now
we all have a style we like to do, md i guess likes CF. me i did a sleeper. obvously you have never seen manga cars forum

i dont really care about your oppinion jeff.