Gilles Villeneuve died 30 years ago

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
I can truly say that Formula 1 was never the same for me after that date. I remember, as if it was yesterday, when I heard on the radio (no TV broadcast of practice in those days) that Gilles had a very serious accident, potentially life-threatening. I remember how this absolutely froze me and made me stick close to the radio all the rest of the afternoon, up to hearing the news I feared. He was dead. And I was devastated, like never again I would be. I knew all about him so well it was almost like I knew him in person. I was 17 years old and was truly - through and through - his fan.

I remember a friend telling me "He had it coming, it was only a question of time". At the time I kind of agreed, Now I'm not so sure. Well, of course all F1 drivers in those years still "had it coming to them", but I don't believe GV had it more than anyone else. He was a fantastic driver, he took risks, he made the impossible possible and proved it in front of our wide opened eyes, but he was a safe driver, he didn't endanger anyone around him, he had nothing to do with the kind of stupid bumper-car driving we see nowadays (maybe because F1 cars got safer, I can agree to that).

Well, enough of this, I like the fact that he is remembered, that he has become a legend and all this without great statistics to back up that status. And I lack the knowledge and skill to write a big text about Gilles, so I recommend the youngsters here to look for more professional and skilled old guys that are now writing about him, or have it done and published already. It's all over the internet.

Meanwhile, I loved this picture:


And this one too:

The greatest race driver ever in my opinion.

I saw it happen as well, on TV during the news.

I'd already heard it on the radio. I just went and stood in front of the television waiting for the news to come on. it was deeply shocking at the time.
Gilles's death was one of those 'can remember exactly where i was when i heard the news' moments. Saturday afternoon with my dad in Debenhams electrical department, either watching the news or qualifying, not sure if they showed it back then. Although i've since seen the accident on youtube, i can distinctly remember seing his body cartwheeling through the air and landing in the catch fencing.

RIP Gilles. :bowdown:
It's not a proper Gilles photo unless he's sideyway, see above, or locking up...


or has a wheel missing


Or all 3...



And I'm guessing most will have seen Gilles's battle with Arnoux a Dijon (if you haven't go and look it up now. Now!) but when you remember that the 1980 Ferrari was a pile of 🤬, this video sums him up.


Salut Gilles. RIP.
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LOL daan are we getting nostalgic or are we getting nostalgic? :)

Anyway, I recommend another one, my personal favourite. The commentators are brazilian (heavily rooting for Piquet at the time) and basically they go from

"he will surely pit now"


"he should be black-flagged immediately"


"it's incredible how he is able to see the track"


"he's not losing time to anyone else, in fact he is one of the fastest drivers on track now!!!!! "

But don't let the commentary be a distraction. Put the sound to OFF and just watch the images. Un-be-lie-va-ble.

Never saw that footage. OMG!!!

I do visit his rememberance statue at the Zolder track when I am there.

I never saw Gilles live, I only learned about him when I got my first internet connection, but he has changed my life in a very positive way.

I will never forget Gil! I don`t care if there other drivers were faster or more complete, I prefer him to all of them.

I will always remember the small man in his red car, drifting through a corner and locking up his wheels, never surrendering no matter how worse things stood...

Salut Gilles!
Hello all,

It's nice to see people here remembering Gilles Villeneuve.
He was so special because he was a unique match of an incredible raw speed, a fierce determination, and (something rare in F1 especially nowadays) a high sense of honour, an absolute fairness on track.
I was in that special race for the french Grand Prix in 1979, where took place that homeric battle with Arnoux' Renault that everyone watched one day or another ....but I was too young to remember. I think that moment sums everything up : he had such a raw talent that he could overdrive his car to match better cars, while still managing to keep the car on track.
His 2 victories in 1981 in Monaco & Jarama, with the powerfull but unpredictable 126CK, are proof of his talent and built the legend of the n°27.
No doubt that he could (should) have been champion in 1982. I'll stop my comments here because my words would be probably too harsch with his teammate of that year, and everybody knows the story.....

So, rest in peace, Gilles.
Sadly I was born after his death, so I never got to see him drive; very possibly the greatest ever. It's really sad that he died :(

Salut Gilles
Thanks for that video daan. It shows determination and just how rough the cars were back then.

RIP Gilles
His greatest win, Monaco 1981, is on Youtube in full. Not english.

Don't anybody say Spain was better. You are wrong.


That ferrari on that track.
When I saw this thread, shivers on my spine came back, I was there on that saturday, it was the first time ever my dad took me to the races, and it also was the last for quite some time, as my father was a huge GV fan. Gilles was fighting for pole, when a mixture of bad karma & bad luck struck him. The 'hill' where the cars where decending from is called 'the Bolderberg'. Every time I am at Zolder, this still makes a big impact on me....

RIP Gilles, for sure you will be remebered the next 30 years....
Don't anybody say Spain was better. You are wrong.


That ferrari on that track.

Don`t know which one was better, but I prefer his win at Jarama because he defended like a true champion in that crappy car against 4-5 great drivers in much, much superior cars for the whole race :)
Tired Tyres just the first few minutes, watching that grid ... :drool: epic era, thanks! 👍

Meanwhile, among the many celebrations and Youtube videos popping up there's this one. GV's chief mechanic Borsari (somehow "capo meccanico" sounds nicer :D ) warming up another T4 somewhere else in Italy (Nuvolari's hometown). One to be used by René Arnoux I'm sure we'll see videos of that too.

Love the smugness of the old man, looking to the mirrors to see if there is smoke and all :D

PS - I got to say that I have and cherish a bburago 126CK (the car used at that Monte Carlo victory) 1:24 scale, just like this one:


... and two like this one, one assembled with #12, one still in the box (I wanted to have the #11 and the #12). I guess I'll make another #12 for me and offer the first (all dusty and all) to my son :D

LOL daan are we getting nostalgic or are we getting nostalgic? :)

Anyway, I recommend another one, my personal favourite. The commentators are brazilian (heavily rooting for Piquet at the time) and basically they go from

"he will surely pit now"


"he should be black-flagged immediately"


"it's incredible how he is able to see the track"


"he's not losing time to anyone else, in fact he is one of the fastest drivers on track now!!!!! "

But don't let the commentary be a distraction. Put the sound to OFF and just watch the images. Un-be-lie-va-ble.

Born in Montreal and watching the race on TV; the 1981 Canadian Grand Prix in the rain and leaves of Fall (cold too!) - One of my Favourite Memories! I watched all the Villeneuves race, even the snowmobiles (sleds)!

Peter Windsor has a commeration and wonderful story on his web site, check it out:

Salut Gilles!
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A nice official video from Ferrari about Jacques driving his father's car. In the "family photo" taken afterwards you see many old guys, I bet some are old team members from Gilles' era (in fact, one of them is the above mentioned capo meccanico, Borsari).

In a different town, and probably using another T4, we get René Arnoux driving the car that beat him at Dijon. I know Arnoux became himself a Ferrari driver years later, but still it's funny to see him driving that T4. Full circle almost.

Next to Senna, Gilles is my all time favourite. I don't know if I like him because, he was different, funny, or had a unique personality, or because he could do extraordinary and sometimes reckless things behind the wheel, either way he truly was a great talent and one of my favourites, oh and he's Canadian!

RIP Gilles
The greatest race driver ever in my opinion.

I saw it happen as well, on TV during the news.

I'd already heard it on the radio. I just went and stood in front of the television waiting for the news to come on. it was deeply shocking at the time.

I remember doing the same
Put him back up there as a mark of respect. All time favourite driver. I regret I was born 10 years too late to see him race.

This makes me smile, not only because its nice to see Jaques in his fathers car... When I see this vid I try to imagine how Gilles himself would have driven that car in such a event... For sure the way he raced, always on the edge and risking everything :)
R.I.P Gilles. Salut Gilles. He was a great driver, and I have a fantastic picture I will upload of him later.
Don`t know which one was better, but I prefer his win at Jarama because he defended like a true champion in that crappy car against 4-5 great drivers in much, much superior cars for the whole race :)

He had an advantage in Spain. Straight line speed.

He had no advantage at all in Monaco other than talent. Lots of it.
Some of my Gilles related stuff...




I've just bought this too

And I'll need to keep searching ebay for one of these.
Very nice daan, what scale is that T4 model? And did you do the helmet yourself? Very neat! 👍

About your last image, I assume many will look at it and think "naahhh, artistic freedom there, that's not possible unless if it was the prelude to a crash"

I'd like to "say" this ... :D

Very nice daan, what scale is that T4 model? And did you do the helmet yourself? Very neat! 👍
It's a 1/18th Exoto and it came like that. I think they did 3 different versions. One without a driver figure, one with Gilles holding an umbrella, and the one I've got.

I paid £130 for it a few years ago, and it's worth about 3 times that now, but it's not for sale.

I want that "In the grass" print. :drool:
Where did you get it Daan?
I got that years and years ago from "Sport Seen." Don't think they still exist anymore.

There is one on ebay at the minute but it looks like he'll only post to the UK.
It's a 1/18th Exoto and it came like that. I think they did 3 different versions. One without a driver figure, one with Gilles holding an umbrella, and the one I've got.

I paid £130 for it a few years ago, and it's worth about 3 times that now, but it's not for sale.

I got that years and years ago from "Sport Seen." Don't think they still exist anymore.

There is one on ebay at the minute but it looks like he'll only post to the UK.

I love Exoto... I might either get the Brumm version.