Glenn Beck - Yay or Nay?

  • Thread starter Barracuda

Glenn Beck - Yay or Nay?

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My dad watches Glenn Beck all the time and tonight he said that Glenn Beck could be president one day. I told him that no matter what, Glenn Beck could never be the president because most of the population thinks he's a nutjob.

Now I don't want anyone bashing my father because he watches Glenn Beck, that's not the purpose of the thread. What I want to know is, what do the good folks of GTP think about Glenn Beck?

Personally I'm not a big fan of Glenn Beck, I absolute loathe politics, but I don't hate the guy.
Glen Beck is an entertainer, appears to know little about politics or American history, and only does what he does for ratings. Personally, I can't stand the man when he is on his show, but when I read the articles about him in magazines and in the newspapers, he seems like a halfway decent guy (albeit still an idiot). He is riding on a wave of shortsighted, narrow-minded populism (as much of Fox News does), and his pimping of "opinion" does little to forward any kind of reasonable political discussion in this country. I'd personally say that whatever brand of political movement Beck is pushing is exactly what's wrong with the Conservative movement and the Republican Party, but that's mainly because my brand either doesn't count, or has already switched parties by now.
From what I've seen of Beck, he's generally correct - but goes about being correct in roughly the most obnoxious way possible. He overstates his case, he makes inferences he shouldn't - he's basically just way too heavy handed. But for the most part he's usually right.

That being said, I think the only time I've ever seen Beck is on youtube.
He's a fear monger. The Colbert Report really called him out a couple weeks ago. In my opinion he's not much more than a propaganda guy. Give it a few years and he'll just be a cable news footnote. President? That's really quite silly unless the public consciousness of America takes a really large swing into territory that will make me feel more comfortable leaving the continent to live elsewhere.
Glen Beck is an idiot. I can't even stand to watch the guy. I pretty much hate all political commentators though since all they do is blabber about their opinion on some issue and don't really solve anything. And the people who listen to them I seem to think are too lazy to actually do the research and come up with their own opinion on topics.
I refuse to watch CNN/Fox News/MSNBC because they're so full of over dramatic, crybaby jeremiads like Olbermann and Beck.
The thing I don't like about Glenn Beck is that he thinks he's hot ****. Excuse the expression.

Judge Napolitano is great though. He should have a show.
Oh yeah, the Colbert report is tremendously biased. The funny thing is that all his fans acknowledge this fact and take everything he says with a great amount of irony in mind. They recognize his hyperbole for what it is as much as Colbert does himself. This doesn't prevent him from occasionally making very poignant observations. The best part is, Glen Beck is exactly as biased but in the opposite direction. And there is no sense of irony, no levity, and I would argue much less intelligence. I take real news shows seriously and Glen Beck and Stephen Colbert do not run real news shows. Only one of them seems to realize it, though.
...keeping in mind that that is part of the joke of the Colbert Report.
Right. I can't call a bias at all from the Colbert Report or the Daily Show because they both make fun of everyone. All the ridiculousness is what they make fun of. There's no bias there, it's actually true that the stupid stuff is stupid, and funny.

Didn't Glen Beck used to support the other side of this liberty thing? Didn't he "change" his opinions a couple years back, and move to FOX, and organization more in line with his views? He's got a good message, but he takes it too far, and I'm not sure it's actually his message, or if he's just doing it because FOX is paying him big money.
I personally think Beck traded respectability for theatrics a few years ago, for a delivery of "content" in a Rush Limbaugh-style. I rather liked that he balanced out the Headline News network a bit, but it seems since his departure, he gets preachy, over-describes issues, and makes mountains out of anthills.

Basically, he's become the annoying "bleeding-heart-liberal" personality that conservatives so despise, but swapping conservative for liberal does not excuse the behavior.
i'm british, and the only american news studio we get is fox news, and cnn world, (murdoch enterprise for ya!) so all we hear of america, is really negative at the moment- however, how much i disagree with glenn beck, bill o'riely at times, theres an irrestible charm to these guys, i cant help but watch (and get wound up sometimes). i think (i may be wrong as i european politics seems to be miles away from american politics) that fox news relies on this as a major selling point.

but it from a european perspective the thought of a palin/beck presidency would be quite scary
From what I've seen of Beck, he's generally correct - but goes about being correct in roughly the most obnoxious way possible. He overstates his case, he makes inferences he shouldn't - he's basically just way too heavy handed. But for the most part he's usually right.
The only issue is that he is a poser. Some of the issues you would call him right about now (health care, bailouts, The Fed) he had opposite opinions on while on Headline News ("nightmare that is our health care system", "$700 billion dollars is not enough," "Ron Paul is a crazy, kooky guy"), so be very aware that he is only right as long as those paying his paycheck think he is right.

He wasn't such a bad guy back when he was just on the radio making politically incorrect jokes at the expense of politicians, but I haven't liked any of his incarnations since he has been on TV.

i'm british, and the only american news studio we get is fox news, and cnn world, (murdoch enterprise for ya!)
I may be misunderstanding you, but CNN World is not owned by Murdoch/Newscorp. CNN as a whole is owned by Time Warner TBS.
Glenn Beck is probably the top person to actually make sense. He is giving out the point straight and correct.

MSNBC is the negative output. While Fox News is on top. Before you start throwing insults and ignorant comments about Fox News, look... Glenn Beck, Don Imus, Lou Dobbs, three of the big newscasters switched to Fox News because where they were before was not making them comfortable. They chose to switch to Fox News.
The big late night show host Connan O'Brian has already switched to Fox from NBC. Bringing down MSNBC/ NBC, hurting them a lot now.

Democrats, think better... Republicans, keep up the good work. 👍
Right. I can't call a bias at all from the Colbert Report or the Daily Show because they both make fun of everyone. All the ridiculousness is what they make fun of. There's no bias there, it's actually true that the stupid stuff is stupid, and funny.

If you don't see the bias in Colbert or the Daily Show - you're a liberal. Just like if you don't think the Fox news is biased - you're a conservative. Colbert and the Daily Show have a tendency to poke fun at conservatives and conservative views. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. But they heavily lean toward making fun of the right - especially Colbert given that it's the entire premise of his show.

I had to quit watching TDS and Colbert for the same reason I can't watch Fox News - it's too heavily biased for my taste. I haven't seen much of Beck ever, and I'd never seen any of his stuff until he started covering tea parties. I've heard Foolkiller's complaint about him before - that he goes whichever way the wind takes him. But that doesn't change the fact that while he was covering the tea parties he was vocalizing a cause that attacked both the right and left - not for their differences, but for their similarities. While he was doing that, he was right on the money.
MSNBC is the negative output. While Fox News is on top. Before you start throwing insults and ignorant comments about Fox News, look... Glenn Beck, Don Imus, Lou Dobbs, three of the big newscasters switched to Fox News because where they were before was not making them comfortable. They chose to switch to Fox News.

Wait, lets just get this straight. While its okay for Fox News, and much of the News Corporation holdings to lean to the right, it is totally unacceptable for MSNBC and NBC Universal to lean toward the left? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, especially if everything is supposed to be fair and equal in the media. Truth of the matter is that in all forms of media, journalists across the board, even at "Conservative" publications, tend to lean to the left. Oh noes! Its the end of the world!

Regardless of that issue, the figureheads that you mention there are at Fox News for the money, simply put. Imus and Dobbs were never all that popular to begin with, so I'm not sure where you're getting that from, but certainly their own political and social views fit in a bit more comfortably at the house of Ailes and Murdoch.

The big late night show host Connan O'Brian has already switched to Fox from NBC. Bringing down MSNBC/ NBC, hurting them a lot now.

If you read things on the internet carefully, Conan isn't going anywhere but out of the chair at the Tonight Show. There is an extreme likelihood that there will be a non-compete clause in his contract that will keep him off television for a while, but that means little in a world where the media is controlled by just a few corporations. Conan could go to Fox, or he could do something entirely different.

All of that has very little to do with the standing of NBC Universal, but more about their inability to provide decent primetime programming that can carry viewers into the local news, and then, onto the Tonight Show and the Late Night Show, and so on.
If you read things on the internet carefully, Conan isn't going anywhere but out of the chair at the Tonight Show. There is an extreme likelihood that there will be a non-compete clause in his contract that will keep him off television for a while, but that means little in a world where the media is controlled by just a few corporations. Conan could go to Fox, or he could do something entirely different.

Latest news is that the clause will be struck out.
I'd never seen any of his stuff until he started covering tea parties. I've heard Foolkiller's complaint about him before - that he goes whichever way the wind takes him. But that doesn't change the fact that while he was covering the tea parties he was vocalizing a cause that attacked both the right and left - not for their differences, but for their similarities.
I can post videos if you like. But my main problem with demagogues, particularly when they co-opt the political movements that I support, is that when they change again they wind up taking their audience with them. The initial Tea Party movement, when Beck accused some Paul supporters of taking the term Revolution too far, was primarily comprised of self-thinking intelligent individuals who had pocket-sized copies of the Constitution on them to avoid sounding like Sarah Palin in a debate due to unexpected aggression. Now, the same people that were calling Ron Paul crazy to my face, and Republicans that accused me of wasting my vote, now tell me how they saw both Drs. Pauls on Glenn Beck and they are really intelligent. There are now large numbers of people that can't appear to maintain coherent debate showing up. Let them talk enough and it turns out that a number of them are still the same Republicans as before, just following the Obama-hate wagon. I have been to two Rand Paul events now and when I listen to some of them I realize that they are not the same people that were supporting Ron Paul in the primaries. And that is why I can't even support what Beck has done "for" the party movement, because he makes it look like the Republican version of Move On.

While he was doing that, he was right on the money.
But he is very far off when he attempts to make it seem like the movement started with him and Fox News. I guarantee that the people he brought on board can't even tell you when, where, or why the first tea party event happened.

the house of Ailes and Murdoch.
Finally, someone credits Roger Ailes.
and Republicans that accused me of wasting my vote.

I wrote in Ron Paul too! 👍

Now on to the Beck issue... I feel that the majority of cable news caters to the left, and I agree he goes overboard alot. But I still feel his vocie is a important one. I took an outh to the constitution that has taken me over seas. Anyone with a voice to preserve that and keep the government in check is good in my book. Right, Left or what ever. And he defintly will bring up alot of issues that other people wont spend time on or touch at all.
Don't know who the guy is (don't care much for politics so I steer clear of it every chance I can take) but I did however find this...

Glenn Beck
Don't know who the guy is (don't care much for politics so I steer clear of it every chance I can take) but I did however find this...

Glenn Beck

Freaking idiots that don't have a single clue made this retarded site and just had to make fun of Glenn Beck. The idiots who agree with this are just :dunce:.
Finally, someone credits Roger Ailes.

Regardless of how much I may not care for Rupert Murdoch, the entire Fox News franchise is Ailes' deal. I don't know if you've read The Man Who Owns the News, but that gives a lot of interesting insight into the dynamics of Murdoch and the rest of News Corp. In fact, after reading it, my respect for Murdoch increased quite a bit.
This guy is quite possibly the best troll ever
What's that supposed to mean? He's proposing things that are entirely possible, seeing as they've happened elsewhere. The one-kid thing, anyway. It's all certainly plausible. He's giving extreme examples so your average stupid American gets the jist of what he's trying to say, because most of them can't figure it out.
In the UK (where I have lived for the first few years of my life), I wouldn't be surprised that any Brits who heard of Beck would think he's got some relation to the BNP.
The way Glenn Beck acted towards the first Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison, put him in the douche bag category for me.
Glenn Beck is probably the top person to actually make sense. He is giving out the point straight and correct.

MSNBC is the negative output. While Fox News is on top. Before you start throwing insults and ignorant comments about Fox News, look... Glenn Beck, Don Imus, Lou Dobbs, three of the big newscasters switched to Fox News because where they were before was not making them comfortable. They chose to switch to Fox News.
The big late night show host Connan O'Brian has already switched to Fox from NBC. Bringing down MSNBC/ NBC, hurting them a lot now.

Democrats, think better... Republicans, keep up the good work. 👍

You're a cool guy but you should perhaps not make up your mind about political issues in a way which causes such rabid support at such a young age. When Bush came into office you were about 5 years old dude, are you really well informed enough about the past decade of republicanism to jump on the bandwagon? You can be sure I would advise you the same way if your political opinions matched mine. The fact is that republicans are not always right, democrats are not always right, and it is the people who think one way or the other at all times which shatters any hopes of unity or a functional rational society. Also, if you convince yourself already that one side is your ally and the other your enemy then you will be blind to compromise and self examination later or you will feel stupid and dislike yourself should your upcoming world experience point you in the other direction.