- 1,289
- WilametteValley, Oregon
I have an available send today on SWERV_GORDON. I'd like to get this Ticket/ Car at some time if available.
And who from?
Ok mate, cheers. I think this is all confusing
Me too, as soon as I receive it I'll pass it on.
Me too, as soon as I receive it I'll pass it on.
Recieved from Monatsende! Thank you sir!
Forwarded onto Zack_Attack_2011.
Let's keep the train moving people!
This is the last report of missing ticket
So -->
Ouwtje => Monatsende => OPT1MUM_G4M3R COMPETED
OPT1MUM_G4M3R => Zach_Attack_2011 COMPETED
Zach_Attack_2011 => HOODFIELD
HOODFIELD => Costas_Replica
Costas_Replica => myghost2_70
myghost2_70 => fisho_man
fisho_man => BigRicUSA
BigRicUSA => LRNissen
LRNissen => lipzwithaz85
lipzwithaz85 => doobieduck2
doobieduck2 => GTP_CargoRat
GTP_CargoRat => nt1138
nt1138 => gordongt1990
gordongt1990 => rizlaman56
rizlaman56 => mdclapps
mdclapps => GRAN-KUSTOM
I got skipped somehow, here is the layout (I think)
Ouwtje => Monatsende => OPT1MUM_G4M3R COMPLETED
OPT1MUM_G4M3R => Zach_Attack_2011 COMPLETED
Zach_Attack_2011 => HOODFIELD
HOODFIELD => Costas_Replica
Costas_Replica => myghost2_70
myghost2_70 => fisho_man
fisho_man => BigRicUSA
BigRicUSA => LRNissen
LRNissen => lipzwithaz85
lipzwithaz85 => doobieduck2
doobieduck2 => GTP_CargoRat
GTP_CargoRat => nt1138
nt1138 => POUPON8
POUPON8 => gordongt1990
gordongt1990 => rizlaman56
rizlaman56 => mdclapps
mdclapps => GRAN-KUSTOM
This is the last report of missing ticket (page 3/ post#48)
So -->
Ouwtje => Monatsende => OPT1MUM_G4M3R COMPLETED
OPT1MUM_G4M3R => Zach_Attack_2011 COMPLETED
Zach_Attack_2011 => HOODFIELD
HOODFIELD => Costas_Replica
Costas_Replica => myghost2_70
myghost2_70 => fisho_man
fisho_man => BigRicUSA
BigRicUSA => LRNissen
LRNissen => lipzwithaz85
lipzwithaz85 => doobieduck2
doobieduck2 => GTP_CargoRat
GTP_CargoRat => nt1138
nt1138 => gordongt1990
gordongt1990 => rizlaman56
rizlaman56 => mdclapps
mdclapps => GRAN-KUSTOM
I think everyone on the list will have this by Friday so good effort.
Thank you. Not trying to rush things, but I spend most of my time on my GTP account doing the WRS TT's and don't check my messages regularly on my main, so if I know when its coming, I can be ready for it.
Looks like doobieduck is sending to me, so if you could kindly send your f/r to my main, "cargorat323", it would be appreciated. Thanks all.
[Guideline for smooth S-I-F train]
- Please copy the list and add your name to it, we want a self-growing -send it forward- list
[*]Make sure you F/R the person you receive the car from
I wish to acquire this too. May I please be used as a link, in this chain?
You don't have it? What's going on?!!
You could also just subscribe to this thread and follow it that way if it comes earlier than you anticipate nobody will be waiting on you. That goes for everybody.
It's your responsibility to send the FR.
I didn't think there was a written rule that stated whose responsibility it was to send the f/r. I requested him to send because I do not know what account he wants to be friend requested as I'm assuming he has more than one as most traders do. This way he can f/r me from whatever account he wants used. I didn't think it was that big of deal really. If it matters that much, then tell me what account to send the f/r to and I'll send the request.
If GRAN-KUSTOM has not yet received the Ticket by tomorrow, afternoon (after reset), I'll send the Ticket to GRAN-KUSTOM via SWERV_GORDON, and ask him to kindly send to tftadlock.
It would look like this:
GRAN-KUSTOM => tftadlock
tftadlock => next person in line HOODFIELD ???
EDIT: I see that ZachAttack has screwed everyone in this thread by passing it over to some buddy of his in the other thread, instead of following the list and keeping this thread's chain going too. 👎
Well yes there is a written rule as stated in the OP. No it's not a big deal, I'm just trying to keep the thread moving so I've linked it for you: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?p=7906142#post7906142
If you had followed the instructions in the first place you would know this.
Seriously, there is no need to come at me with an attitude. I will send the friend request, not a big deal.
I'm in. Just tell me who wants to send to me and who I am sending to. I'll leave it up to you.