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  • Thread starter Kitten
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I don't think we should postpone as well...

Anyway, what is happening during qualifying in Limited? At Stowe I was .5s faster, now I was 1.5s. o.O

In the final, Walrus, when I first spun you, I waited for you and got back in last. I was clearly faster than you, and I kept getting blocked, so you blocked on the big turn before the fast straight, so I didn't back off to not hit you. Simple as that.

OLLY, I really hope that I didn't hit you when I passed you for the lead. There was a bit lag, then you went off-track. If I did hit you, I hope you ain't mad at me and I'm sorry.

And AWWWWW YEEEEEEAAAAA!!!!! My second win at GTP Online Racing!!!!! o/ :D :sly:
I don't think we should postpone as well...

Anyway, what is happening during qualifying in Limited? At Stowe I was .5s faster, now I was 1.5s. o.O

In the final, Walrus, when I first spun you, I waited for you and got back in last. I was clearly faster than you, and I kept getting blocked, so you blocked on the big turn before the fast straight, so I didn't back off to not hit you. Simple as that.

OLLY, I really hope that I didn't hit you when I passed you for the lead. There was a bit lag, then you went off-track. If I did hit you, I hope you ain't mad at me and I'm sorry.

And AWWWWW YEEEEEEAAAAA!!!!! My second win at GTP Online Racing!!!!! o/ :D :sly:
Walrus really needs to calm it. Also great race in Limited, a lot of respect and close racing!
I'm thinking of quitting limited if I can't switch the 2000GT.

I'm more at home with the powerful 4WD beasts of the higher class.
Extreme is going very badly for me. Ford struggles to get a podium at best, and when you do get a clear run, somebody doesn't brake and shoves you off.
If anybody was questioning some of my slight corner cutting early on, it was all either because I had no grip and couldn't get it slowed, or I was avoiding getting pelted off.
OLLY, I really hope that I didn't hit you when I passed you for the lead. There was a bit lag, then you went off-track. If I did hit you, I hope you ain't mad at me and I'm sorry.
I couldn't see what happened, I just had a lot of lag, there was no way to avoid it. Not mad at all.
I have to be honest, Streets of Willow was a really bad choice for a track. Not because of my disastrous performance, but rather the fact that you have to push other cars out of the way just to gain a position. There were too many narrow corners and it seemed that every time somebody gained a position, the one who lost it had any sort of contact or spun out entirely.
I don't think we should postpone as well...

Anyway, what is happening during qualifying in Limited? At Stowe I was .5s faster, now I was 1.5s. o.O

In the final, Walrus, when I first spun you, I waited for you and got back in last. I was clearly faster than you, and I kept getting blocked, so you blocked on the big turn before the fast straight, so I didn't back off to not hit you. Simple as that.

OLLY, I really hope that I didn't hit you when I passed you for the lead. There was a bit lag, then you went off-track. If I did hit you, I hope you ain't mad at me and I'm sorry.

And AWWWWW YEEEEEEAAAAA!!!!! My second win at GTP Online Racing!!!!! o/ :D :sly:
thanks for waiting
SoW is fine for Super and Limited, but the Group B cars were just too fast. The Lancia and Ford are just unwieldy bastards, apologies for any accidents...

Oh and after thought I vote to not postpone the series. GT5 is shutdown at the end of the month, hopefully that'll reduce the load on the servers.
Race 1 Extreme | Race 2 LCQ

Race 1

Lap 1 - WalrusKart - CarboyXJR - Chuck1551 - Avoidable Contact
Verdict: After the launch from the grid WalrusKart moves over to the left and then dives onto the dirt straight across onto the track causing a ripple affect through CarboyXJR and Chuck1551 taking both cars off

Lap 1 - Stormtrooper2178 - Chuck1551 - Racing incident
Verdict: NFA After an off track excision Stormtrooper2178 rejoins to an out of control Chuck resulting in a bit of pushing and pumping.

Lap 2 - CarboyXJR - Stormtrooper2178 - Racing incident
Verdict: NFA Something that could have been avoided with a bit braking and steering, Stormtrooper goes wide onto the dirt and is helped into a spin by CarboyXJR, something that could have been avoided but nothing malicious.

Lap 5 - CarboyXJR - Exceeding track limits
Verdict: A clear cut across the track that was nothing to do with loss of control or an inability to make the corner resulting in a pass on another competitor.

Lap 5 - WalrusKart - CarboyXJR - Avoidable Contact
Verdict: After exceeding track limits WalrusKart then proceeds to hit CarboyKJR of the track going into the final turn.

Race 2 LCQ

Lap 1 - Stormtrooper2178 - Chuck1551 - Racing incident
Verdict: NFA After going off, the rejoin caused contact with Chuck which resulted in a pass being made.

Lap 1 - Stormtrooper2178 - Chuck1551 - Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA Although contact was caused it was more in reaction to Chucks spin

Lap 2 - Chuck1551- Stormtrooper2178 - Racing incident
Verdict: NFA In a identical incident to lap one with role reversal Chuck goes off and bumps into stormtrooper, the bumping afterwards was a bit unnecessary.

Lap 2 - Chuck1551 - Exceeding track limits
Verdict: In the heat of battle it is always important to stay within the track limits, after the hit from stormtrooper there was still plenty of time to return to the track, but gaining time out of track limits will only incur a penalty.

Lap 2 - CarboyXJR - Exceeding track limits
Verdict: As race one, the line leading up to the final corner is not straight across the dirt, this is viewed as gaining time out of track limits.

Lap 3 - CarboyXJR - Bigtexlpfan97 - Avoidable Contact
Verdict: There was plenty of racing room for both cars and Bigtexlpfan97 was far enough along side, the resulting contact was not necessary, even if Bigtexlpfan97 had been more than over aggressive in trying to get past.

Lap 4 - Elmarctuff - Stormtrooper - Avoidable Contact
Verdict: There was only ever one line through that turn and Stormtrooper was ahead, the late dive caused a large spin for stormtrooper even though he had the right to the racing line.

Lap 5 - CarboyXJR - WalrusKart - Avoidable Contact
Verdict: Coming into the turn way to hot, rear ending Walrus and sending him well off track.

More to come, Penalties and even DQ will be placed.
Hate GT6's grip change. You go from having grip to driving on ice, happened in a rather dramatic fashion at the ToCA Nurburgring round.
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