Global Warming/Climate Change Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter ZAGGIN

Which of the following statements best reflects your views on Global Warming?

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this applies to you too blazinxtreme. ive never suggested here that oil is more important than food. the only reason i used that statement (which is true), was to put my argument into perspective. obviously, both of you failed to grasp even that basic concept.

I didn't say that you did. I was simply responding to your post, obviously you failed to grasp even that basic concept.

Here's what you said:

as i stated, previously, next to food and water it is our next used and most important comodity.

...and here's what I said.

Oil is far more replacable than food or water.

In other words (I see I have to spell it out), your comparison or categorization of oil with food and water is moot because oil is so much more replacable than food or water.

Take some time to read my posts before you make up your mind about what I'm saying.

Your statements about the Amish are funny. You say "would you want to live like that?", and "what good would your money be then". My money would buy a chicken then (because we would still use money if we basically lived like the Amish... look at history). And no I wouldn't want to live like that, but the point is that without oil the world goes on... and we would find ways around all of the needs we have for oil now.

You say that pumps that get our water to us run on oil, and that farm equipment runs on oil. Did you ever ask yourself whether that was necessary? Do you honestly believe that mankind - the same mankind that invented supercomputers, relativity, and cloning - is incapable of inventing farm equipment that doesn't need oil? We can't figure out how to get water to homes without oil? You have abosultely no faith in our problem solving abilities (despite hundreds of years of evidence to the contrary).

It's people like you, who can't see past our current technological state, people with no vision whatsoever, who will always scream and shout that the sky is falling and be proven wrong over and over by the innovative minds of the real thinkers of the world.
I have a wonderful idea.

You see, when a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of the cat; the two will hover, spinning inches above the ground.

With a giant buttered cat array, we could power generators and solve the worlds energy problems.
I have a wonderful idea.

You see, when a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of the cat; the two will hover, spinning inches above the ground.

With a giant buttered cat array, we could power generators and solve the worlds energy problems.
LMAO :lol:

Best post ever!
With a giant buttered cat array, we could power generators and solve the worlds energy problems.

:lol: you've been at those funny sweeties again, haven't you?

...for this to work, you'd need to apply Murphy's Law on an industrial scale, but you're forgetting the first law of Murphy's law... Murphy's law can never be experimentally proven or used to any great effect because of, well, Murphy's law... :odd:
Touring Mars
:lol: you've been at those funny sweeties again, haven't you?

...for this to work, you'd need to apply Murphy's Law on an industrial scale, but you're forgetting the first law of Murphy's law... Murphy's law can never be experimentally proven or used to any great effect because of, well, Murphy's law... :odd:

ah rubbish, Murphy was just a pessimistic drunk.
I have a wonderful idea.

You see, when a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of the cat; the two will hover, spinning inches above the ground.

With a giant buttered cat array, we could power generators and solve the worlds energy problems.
My new sig! :lol: 👍
murphys law is are my favorites:

Beauregard's First Law
When you're up to your nose in it, keep your mouth shut.

Beauregard's Second Law
All people are cremated equal.

I should probably start paying attention to that first one and just stop talking now :odd:
More developments in the debate about Global Warming...,12374,1546824,00.html

Despite the debate about what is causing global warming, whether it be entirely our fault, or whether we are merely contributing to an otherwise natural phenomenon (we know that the Earth goes through cycles of climate change without any help from us), doesn't everyone agree that we should atleast be doing our best to mitigate our influence over global warming?

I strongly disagree with the notion that global warming is merely a myth... of course, tne US administration have their own vested interests, mainly economical, when it comes to official policy on global warming... but as Famine would say, just because one believes in it or not, it doesn't affect the actual truth that our planet is warming up... I concede that the US are atleast doing something to lower CO2 emissions, but concerns over the economy will always trump concerns over the environment in the US, China and most of the rest of the developing world...

We may not be to blame, and we may not be able to much about it, but we can do something atleast, and that is not to pour more fire on the flames... worse still, we should not be dispelling it as a myth or ignoring the issue altogether.
Of course! I think that we should use much less fossil fuels, i refuse to believe its just a myth. The U.S and China should clean themselves up to be a good influence on other developing nations.
Of course! I think that we should use much less fossil fuels, i refuse to believe its just a myth. The U.S and China should clean themselves up to be a good influence on other developing nations.

I like this line of well thought out logical reasoning. "I refuse to believe its just a myth." Nice one. Thanks for that little nugget of genious.

Didn't you read what I wrote about the Ice Age coming? We need to be warming the Earth. We need to warm it faster!

Hell not that long ago the big concern was global cooling.
Don't worry yourself none about that global warming horse****. Its nothin' but alarmist whining by them pansy-ass tree-huggers. Just look at this bull**** they're spouting:

I mean let's get serious here. Are we supposed to think these over-educated eggheads know more about what's goin' on than our President?

Glad to see so many of you folks have it straight, though. Gives me the same sort of warm, fuzzy feeling I get every time I fill the tank on my Escalade.
I like this line of well thought out logical reasoning. "I refuse to believe its just a myth." Nice one. Thanks for that little nugget of genious.

Didn't you read what I wrote about the Ice Age coming? We need to be warming the Earth. We need to warm it faster!

Hell not that long ago the big concern was global cooling.

:) :)
Is it possible, yes. Is it probable, not quite yet. I mean, do you think that in only 150 years we could possibly alter the entire world climate? Come on. Volacanos do more damage in an hour then we can do in a year. Mt St Helens anyone?
I always love all those experts on GTP, playing GT4 and thinking that they know how the world works...

OK I'm no world class scientist either... maybe my biggest advantage is that I don't have the direct 24 h influence of America's propagandamachine.
Listen to your real scientists, you have the information in your own country. Just make sure that they don't work for oil companies and such.... 👍
OK I'm no world class scientist either... maybe my biggest advantage is that I don't have the direct 24 h influence of America's propagandamachine.

I don't either.

Global warming IS a myth. The Earth's climate may be changing (but, since it's never static, that's a no-brainer), but the notion that human activities are causing it - which is the hub of global warming, not the actual change in temperature - is erroneous.

Glad to see so many of you folks have it straight, though. Gives me the same sort of warm, fuzzy feeling I get every time I fill the tank on my Escalade.

Is there supposed to be any connection implied between the topic and the Escalade, or do you really have one - and feel warm and fuzzy whenever you fill it up?
Listen to your real scientists, you have the information in your own country. Just make sure that they don't work for oil companies and such.... 👍

You mean listen to the scientists that say what you want to hear right Max? Many of the scientists are saying things like "global warming may be natural". But I'm not supposed to listen to them right?

The propaganda machine in America is the one spouting crap about global warming being caused by SUVs.

I was listening to a show the other day on PBS (or some such station). They talked about global warming and said things like "we don't know the cause" and "it could be natural". But then they concluded with something like "man is evil and we need to stop polluting because we're obviously destroying our planet."
You mean listen to the scientists that say what you want to hear right Max? Many of the scientists are saying things like "global warming may be natural". But I'm not supposed to listen to them right?

The propaganda machine in America is the one spouting crap about global warming being caused by SUVs.

I was listening to a show the other day on PBS (or some such station). They talked about global warming and said things like "we don't know the cause" and "it could be natural". But then they concluded with something like "man is evil and we need to stop polluting because we're obviously destroying our planet."

My favorite line is from the environmental anti-middle east people that say driving an SUV is supporting terrorism AND causing global warming. Talk about people that are short sighted. And you though it was just the religious people. :dopey:

But yeah, they keep trying to tell us that we're the one's screwing up nature when it's quite obvious that it's bordline impossible for it to happen in such a short time. Now, if this was the year 4000, they may have a point. But it's not, so they don't.
...Global warming IS a myth. The Earth's climate may be changing (but, since it's never static, that's a no-brainer), but the notion that human activities are causing it - which is the hub of global warming, not the actual change in temperature - is erroneous.

Please elaborate. Please explain how the billions of tons of pollutants we pour into the air have no effect on anything.
...Global warming IS a myth. The Earth's climate may be changing (but, since it's never static, that's a no-brainer), but the notion that human activities are causing it - which is the hub of global warming, not the actual change in temperature - is erroneous.

Please elaborate. Please explain how the billions of tons of pollutants we pour into the air have no effect on anything.

You can't just make a claim and expect people to refute it. How about backing it up with some evidence. Make the case - show us that pollutants are warming the globe.
OK I'm no world class scientist either... maybe my biggest advantage is that I don't have the direct 24 h influence of America's propagandamachine.
What is the deal with the America bashing? Do you see my local TV every day? Do you see this American propaganda machine that you speak of? Please give me examples, and I do mean more than one cable station run by Roger Ailes and owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Listen to your real scientists, you have the information in your own country.
Global warming is debated amongst scientists every day, in and outside of America.

Just make sure that they don't work for oil companies and such.... 👍
But the ones that work for liberal think tanks or are funded by environmentalist groups are okay?
...Global warming IS a myth. The Earth's climate may be changing (but, since it's never static, that's a no-brainer), but the notion that human activities are causing it - which is the hub of global warming, not the actual change in temperature - is erroneous.

Please elaborate. Please explain how the billions of tons of pollutants we pour into the air have no effect on anything.

We're quite some way, in terms of "Greenhouse gas" emissions, behind cows, volcanoes, decaying bacteria and trees. If we doubled our output, we'd STILL be behind all of them.

One Cadillac Escalade, running 8 hours a day every day produces less "Greenhouse gas" emissions in a year than it took to get your Japanese television into your house. And less carbon dioxide than you, breathing for the year.
We're quite some way, in terms of "Greenhouse gas" emissions, behind cows, volcanoes, decaying bacteria and trees. If we doubled our output, we'd STILL be behind all of them.

One Cadillac Escalade, running 8 hours a day every day produces less "Greenhouse gas" emissions in a year than it took to get your Japanese television into your house. And less carbon dioxide than you, breathing for the year.

Famine, you're really making me want to join the Famine Fanclub.
Well I'm convinced. That's certainly proof that we pour "billions of tons of pollutants" into the atmosphere and have caused everything ever.

I say again, a car running for 8 hours a day, every day still produces only as much carbon dioxide a year as a person breathing for that year. How many cars do you know running 8 hours a day every day? Better yet, how many cars are there? And how many people?

And we're STILL behind what trees put out and bacterial decomposition manages. A compost heap is more environmentally unfriendly than my car.
Well I'm convinced. That's certainly proof that we pour "billions of tons of pollutants" into the atmosphere and have caused everything ever.

I say again, a car running for 8 hours a day, every day still produces only as much carbon dioxide a year as a person breathing for that year. How many cars do you know running 8 hours a day every day? Better yet, how many cars are there? And how many people?

And we're STILL behind what trees put out and bacterial decomposition manages. A compost heap is more environmentally unfriendly than my car.
You forgot cow farts.

Check out the Kyoto Count Up Clock. It measures the cost of Kyoto to the global economy compared to the amount of temperature change it will effect. The rest of his page is a good place to learn that any scientist using words such as "likely" or phrases like "more reserach needs to be done to confirm these results" and "preliminary results" should not be trusted. It is also a good place to learn how actually reviewing the research, not accepting the "scientist's" word for it, is the proper way to determine the results of a study.
It's not that we can't effect the climate or that being concerned over emmisions is stupid. It's that there's just no way that cars and factories have changed the GLOBAL climate. Now, if you say we should be concerned with emmisions and do our best to bring them down. Then I would agree as that's a very logical thing to do. Pollution is bad for more reasons then the possibility of it effecting global warming. But, to say that we're the cause for things like hurricane Katrina is just off the wall. Hurricanes and every other natural weather disater has been happening long before the industrial revolution.
Glad to see so many of you folks have it straight, though. Gives me the same sort of warm, fuzzy feeling I get every time I fill the tank on my Escalade.

That warm fuzzy feeling? Is that how it feels when the gas station sucks the money out of you?
...I say again, a car running for 8 hours a day, every day still produces only as much carbon dioxide a year as a person breathing for that year. How many cars do you know running 8 hours a day every day? Better yet, how many cars are there? And how many people?

And we're STILL behind what trees put out and bacterial decomposition manages. A compost heap is more environmentally unfriendly than my car.

You must have an amazingly clean-burning car.

The EPA disagrees with you, but what do they know?:

Why are greenhouse gas concentrations increasing? Scientists generally believe that the combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities are the primary reason for the increased concentration of carbon dioxide. Plant respiration and the decomposition of organic matter release more than 10 times the CO2 released by human activities; but these releases have generally been in balance during the centuries leading up to the industrial revolution with carbon dioxide absorbed by terrestrial vegetation and the oceans.

What has changed in the last few hundred years is the additional release of carbon dioxide by human activities. Fossil fuels burned to run cars and trucks, heat homes and businesses, and power factories are responsible for about 98% of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, 24% of methane emissions, and 18% of nitrous oxide emissions. Increased agriculture, deforestation, landfills, industrial production, and mining also contribute a significant share of emissions. In 1997, the United States emitted about one-fifth of total global greenhouse gases.