And unfortunately, Foolkiller, the fact that your article is from Fox News (oh no!) is probably going to make most global-warming theory supporters dismiss it.
Yeah, I was aware, but I hoped that anyone willing to bring up the "Fox News is pure EVIL" banter would also know the definition of a syndicated column. If they didn't I would quickly redirect them to where they would find the original article with references to the original research. Of course then they would say that Steven Milloy works for the CATO Institute which is worse than Fox News, and I would then have to find and link the original research and hope that actaul research in an actual scientific journal would be enough for them.
The true question should be, why is Fox News the only major news outlet giving any form of report on this study and anyone who wanted to be intellectually honest would ask that instead of ranting about Fox News.
Granted, you shouldn't read too much into a single observation, but looking at the general trend is far more informative. According to the United Nations World Meteorological Organistion (WMO), 9 of the 10 hottest years on record have happened since 1995, and the rate of temperature increase has tripled since 1976.
And according to these resaerchers 85% of global warming reported by the WMO can be attributed to their theory on cosmic rays. A theory which has been tested in a lab and can be replicated in lab testing, which is the standard for science, not temporal coincidence.
My point is that people are too quick to blame global warming. They also blame it for EVERYTHING. Too hot, too cold, too many hurricanes, too much rain, not enough's all global warming? People need to think.
Global Warming is the cause of everything, don't you know? If it is hot and dry, global warming. If a boat crashes into a dam and it explodes, flooding the town of Beaverton, it is global warming (WE DIDN'T LISTEN!).
Last year we had a hot and dry summer. Everyone talked about global warming, except for one local meteorologist who showed that the Farmer's Almanac predicted it (as a joke), but didn't mention global warming. Everyone kept predicting this year would be worse, it would be insufferably hot, there would be massive droughts,
Famine, pestilence, pretty much the worst parts of the Bible. Guess what the weather was like this summer. Mostly mild and cool (although the ocasional hot day brought about global warming talk) and it was wet all the time. A gas satation I use frequently lost their sign twice in storms and then just left it until about two weeks ago when they felt it was safe to put it up again. I couldn't mow when I needed to half the time because it was wet. Oh, and the meteorologist that didn't go off about global warming, but instead liked to reference the Farmer's Almanac for fun, he predicted a wet year that farmers would love, unless it got bad enough to flood the fields. It is sad that the Farmer's Almanac is more accurate than any scientists. Oh, and every wooly bear worm I saw was mostly black, predicting a wet summer.
The other prediction was how the hurricane season was going to be horrible. It was supposed to be worse than last year. They were taling about 14-18 named storms, 7-10 coming ashore, and damage like we have never seen. We got what, two hurricane rated storms that came ashore and maybe seven named storms? YAWN.
Global warming was supposed to do all of this horrible stuff because that was what the climate predictions showed. Tricky things about climate predictions: We can't predict a 5-square mile area for a 24-hour period with any relative accuracy, predicting the entire climate for years ahead is guesswork at best.
Indeed, it's quite counter-productive when people make spurious claims or make unwarranted associations - although in the case of global warming, the reasons behind the 'sharp rise since 1976' (as the WMO put it) are not fully understood, so a little 'ignorance' on the subject is easily forgivable... blaming everything on global warming is no doubt the wrong approach, but ignoring it completely or denying that global warming is having some tangible effects already is also wrong.
I will be the first to admit that there is definitely a trend of warming. However, I find that politicians, celebrities, and
scientists walking around acting like we completely understand everything there is to know about the climate and global warming is reckless and unforgivable.
Funny thing, every time something goes wrong with my wife's 97 Corolla it seems to be some "less pollution" technology part and I just want to punch someone. I usually just call my environmentally crazy brother and blame him, who has curiously ignored this article after I sent it to him.