God of War 3

I picked this up yesterday and searched. I am surprised to see this game didn't have it's own thread? I searched and found 1 thread in the GT5 section that was discussing a GT5 video game trailer. :guilty:.(not that i haven't been waiting/lookin forward to GT5 which is the reason i bought my ps3).

On to the game, it starts off with a BANG, as the other God of War games did. I was introduced to GOW through the GOW collection ps3 release. I played through the 1st and 2nd games beating the 2nd one on Sunday night. Great games and an awesome story line. After beating the 2nd i had to find out how Kratos gets his revenge on Zeus. I've only played about 2-3hrs into the 3rd one and am loving it so far. Graphics are great, and the game play is very fluid. The addition of the new moves/powers is great. I can't get into too much detail as i haven't gotten very far, but if you enjoyed the first and 2nd GOW, you will LOVE the 3rd one as it seems improved in every way. They did a great job so far bringing the GOW into the HD Next Generation gaming. :)👍
I got this last Friday just seeing some videos of it on youtube saying its a must buy for ps3 owners..
Never into games like this but i am enjoying it until MW2 has drawed me back to it and have not touched it for the past 2 days.
OMG got mine today, directly inserted after work.
No install. Yeah...
Graphics are top notch, fluid gameplay. A MUST BUY. Played about 4 hours now. Making a pause now and than i go on again for an hour. Found 2 items untils now (not very well hidden).
And it´s super gore, like shown in the demo.
For newcomers to the series i recommend a plot resume on the web cause the story is to be known to fully enjoy the game, well it´s a main succes key of the game. Very good story.

But what am i talking here, a GOW is selfexplenatory. we all know it and love it or not
My copy arrived yesterday, already completed a run through the game on Mortal (yes, I'm lame). Rather short, but man oh man the cutscenes are epic.

Ending spoiler of sorts:
The ending was very unexpected... never saw that coming!
I completed it in just under ten hours (~9h 40m), and I died (read: fell into bottomless pits) a lot, which blew out the play time a bit. :lol: I'd say around 8-9 hours for a GOW veteran.

My mini-review:

Graphically the game is amazing. Lighting effects are great, special effects are great (such as the blood spattering), and the ambient sounds
manage to make the game rather spooky on occasion. The gameplay is typical GOW fare - slice bad guys in half, rip their heads off, finish off the larger enemies and bosses via button-pressing minigames. If it ain't broke, why fix it?

The boss battles are epic, although the last part of the fight against Hades had me stumped for a wee while until I worked out what to do. :lol: For a final boss, I found Zeus to be a bit too easy compared to the other bosses - although that may have been down to the fact I was 1) playing on Mortal and 2) was using a really cheap attack for the first part of the battle. All the boss fights end with amazing cutscenes though, so I can't complain. In fact, all the cutscenes in the game are epic in their own right. You could even watch all the FMV sequences and not play the game and still enjoy it as much as someone who actually played through it, they're that good.

The only downside to the game that I can see is a lack of replayability. Sure, there are a few challenges to unlock but if you've beaten the story and the challenges there isn't really anything else to do bar trophy hunting - but if you've completed the story and challenges you probably have all the trophies anyway. Still a bloody (pun not intended) good game though.
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I see, this is a game I certainly want to get at some point but I'm on no rush. I've played the first 2 and the demo for 3 I enjoy them all but it is the longevity of single player titles which stops me buying these games at full price.
I can understand not wanting to buy short games at full price, if you're paying big bucks (I paid NZ$115 - ouch) you expect to be spending a long time finishing it. Definitely a game worth buying at some point though. 👍
My copy arrived yesterday, already completed a run through the game on Mortal (yes, I'm lame). Rather short, but man oh man the cutscenes are epic.

You need to play the game in hard. then i ensure you it will last a lot longer. Mine switched from hard to normal, because of not making a jump to a secret, and after the boss was way to easy, loaded the savegame (hard) and replayed about 30min in hard which in normal took me +-15min.

playing it the first time in hard, the game probably last 30% longer...
Just my guess.
Yes Ps3 games are expensive, that why i take them on pc if available, cause about 10 bucks cheaper for the same game (BFBC2 = 50€ Ps3 - 35€ Pc!!)
I have just defeated Chronos. The cut-scenes are epic and great to watch. I don't see myself playing through it many more times maybe 1 or 2 more times after this first play through, just on a harder difficulty setting. I am going through it on normal (God) difficulty and it isn't too bad, i will play through on the next 2 difficulties once i beat it, i like the game that much. Traversing the environments and the overall flow of the game is really good that i could replay it a few times.

I also die a lot on certain pitfall areas and find it funny that the game wants to change my difficulty setting, which only affects battle so if i changed it, won't help me clear that gap/area anyways. :yuck:

If you are a God of War fan and love the hack/slash style game with epic badass-ness then it's a must buy, but if you just enjoy the hack/slash style game and not a follower of the GOW, then you may want to rent it as i can agree with no multi-player there isn't a whole lot of replay value.
I reach nearly the end of the game, and i think (for my part) it gives the same feeling as Shadow of the Colossus on ps2, less stronger but still. I felt sad in some parts

Killing all the Gods, and they honestly stand no chance against Kratus whose Rage is phenomenol, mad ne sad. At the beginning i even thought there would be a way to not kill them, like helios or gaia.

If you wanna aquire one of the top 5 games of the ps3, buy GOW3

Just played 3 hrs. damn I´m so flashed...

Got those speed shoes now...

EDIT: And Kratos is so pissed offf thats so great! I love it... How he breaths, fantastic...
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Just finished Daedalus's Labrynth. Awesome game although i'm a bit sad as i feel the ending is near. I do plan to play through again on the harder difficulty (playing normal (God) difficulty currently).

Not sure who has beaten/finished the game yet, but i noticed in the last few areas i have been in i am finding a LOT of the Golden chests laying around (have to use the head/light to find them). Seems like the game is set-up to let you be fully upgraded by the time you beat it (or come up to the finale), even if you miss some of the chests along the way, i know for sure i missed 2 as i happen to finish an area (without knowing it) and not being able to go back and figure it out. Can't wait to see how Kratos gets his revenge!
Just finished Daedalus's Labrynth. Awesome game although i'm a bit sad as i feel the ending is near. I do plan to play through again on the harder difficulty (playing normal (God) difficulty currently).

Not sure who has beaten/finished the game yet, but i noticed in the last few areas i have been in i am finding a LOT of the Golden chests laying around (have to use the head/light to find them). Seems like the game is set-up to let you be fully upgraded by the time you beat it (or come up to the finale), even if you miss some of the chests along the way, i know for sure i missed 2 as i happen to finish an area (without knowing it) and not being able to go back and figure it out. Can't wait to see how Kratos gets his revenge!

Men i also missed at the beginning to enlight the sparky shiny places. I missed two gorgons eyes and probably a lot of the red orbs crates as i missed around 5000 to upgrade my complete collection. i began to realize it before the labrynth, when you see pandoras box for the first time ingame.
Will earn everything when playing it again in the hardest difficulty.

The ending is phenomenal. Finished it yesterday. Enjoy big time

PS: are you not happy with your vr6??? :P
Men i also missed at the beginning to enlight the sparky shiny places. I missed two gorgons eyes and probably a lot of the red orbs crates as i missed around 5000 to upgrade my complete collection. i began to realize it before the labrynth, when you see pandoras box for the first time ingame.
Will earn everything when playing it again in the hardest difficulty.

The ending is phenomenal. Finished it yesterday. Enjoy big time

PS: are you not happy with your vr6??? :P

i will probably end up beating the game tonight or some time tomorrow. About 6yrs ago when i was into the VW Scene, i had a Vr6 that i loved, treated me well and sounded great. When i started searching forums for info on my current car (s13 240sx) i made my username Vr6wantsr20det and just stuck with it. Being on soo many forums i just kept the same username/password. I've had my 240sx and sr20det for 5-6yrs now and couldn't be happier. I enjoyed the Vr6 (mk3 jetta, was actually a GL model converted to a Vr6). Being a huge Drift fanatic, the 240sx was a great/cost effective way to get the performance rwd car i was looking for. :)👍

I can't wait to see how it all pans out for Kratos, even though he's done a lot of bad things, you still feel for him. :dopey:
I´m at the labyrinth´s...

It is just one of those games you will never forget! There are only a handfull games in this category... I played a lot, a lot of games but this is one of my never forget ones...

There are a few ones, I will never forget, Super mario Land on Snes, Metal Gear Solid I and IV (never played II and III :/ ) and God of war I, II and III... Also there is Zelda on Snes, it was epic...
Sr20det so your a Nissan guy. I have a S14a as I weekend toy.

nice, have you modified it at all? This is mine.



Needs little things here and there but a very fun car. I hope to get another car for daily driving, and turn this into a drift/track only car.

Back on topic, i beat the game last night and got Kratos his revenge, that is all i will say on that. Played on normal and took 9hrs 29mins to finish. I just started a new game on God (hard) and from facing Poseidon, i can tell it's going to take me a bit longer and try my patience. I can't imagine what the Chaos difficulty setting will be like, and i will eventually find out. :)👍
10 Hour game for $50...I'm a huge fan of the series (own 1, 2 and Chains of Olympus) but I think I'm gonna have to get FFXIII and pick this up later on when the price drops.
see, i dont see why people are complaining about it being a 10 hour game. CoO is much shorter but ive put more hours into it than 10.
I'm not complaining about the length. The previous two titles were roughly the same length and I didn't have a problem with those. I'm just saying that I don't think it's worth paying full price for due to the length. Yeah CoDs campaign was short but then you've got Spec Ops and multiplayer (already put in over 40 hours and I'm not level 70 yet). After you beat the story mode and the Challenge of the Gods what else is there to do?
i do understand and agree with some of the people who don't want to pay full price for a 10hr game. If you are a hardcore fan its more than worth the money compared to a lot of stuff thats being released these days. The challenges are called Challenges for a reason! They are TOUGH! I am not even sure i will ever get to the Arena Challenges. Playing through on hard (god) mode is a challenge. The enemies are ruthless and the boss battles really try your patience. Aphrodite is jiggly too, just thought i would throw that out there. :lol:
I'm not complaining about the length. The previous two titles were roughly the same length and I didn't have a problem with those. I'm just saying that I don't think it's worth paying full price for due to the length. Yeah CoDs campaign was short but then you've got Spec Ops and multiplayer (already put in over 40 hours and I'm not level 70 yet). After you beat the story mode and the Challenge of the Gods what else is there to do?

I'm guessing empty may have meant God of War: Chains of Olympus with CoO.
http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/psp/godofwar?q=god of war
yeah ... i still need to get the collection and 3.

i must admit i prefer CoO way to dodge over GoW3 as i dont like needing to take my fingers away from the face buttons to dodge.
I just felt like the game was going to be longer, and that Zeus would show up probably 4 hours later... whatever, I finished it last Sunday.

I really digged the part where Kratos lets out great big yell with his eyes almost popping out from snapping on Zeus.. It wasn't even snapping, it was way beyond that I can't even describe it.

Epic Yell?

I didn't other putting it in spoiler because I didn't spoil a thing.
I'm almost at the end of my 2nd play through, this time on the Hard (God) difficulty. I just jumped back DOWN The Great Chain, took me about 30 minutes to get down dodging all the obstructions. When i finally got to the bottom, i was greeted by a 3-head cerberus type dog, all fiery like. He spits the little hounds out that Explode. After you take down his first head, one of those pharoah type guys with the horns and double edge staff weapon joins the party. So now you have the cerberus spitting exploding dogs at you and this jerky jumping/flipping around and evading attacks. Needless to say once you defeat him, and take off the 2nd cerberus dog head, Another (2) super-ninja pharoa lance-a-lot guys join the party. So you have 2 of them to fend off, and the last bit of the cerberus to take care of.

The reason for my frustration is after spending 30 minutes to get down the Great chain, i was Partying with these guys for 2-HOURS!!!!! My play time went from 8hrs 30 minutes, to 11hrs by the time i finished these guys up. I was soo aggravated, but already invested soo much time to finish and try again. So before i knew it, it was almost 3am. I was soo relieved when i finished it and hit a save point. I can't even imagine what the Chaos difficulty will be like.....