God of War 3

Even though I love the game play, I have to admit it one of the most disgusting and bloodiest game ever. I wanted to puke when I was hanging from the bleeding birds.
Even though I love the game play, I have to admit it one of the most disgusting and bloodiest game ever. I wanted to puke when I was hanging from the bleeding birds.

really? I really enjoy the level of gore they put into this game. You don't notice it a lot, but against certain enemies (and if your in a closer zoomed in area), when they're done you can see Kratos blood stained body, just looks brutal and bad-ass. It eventually fades/runs off. You must have really felt uneasy when ripping out the Cyclopse eye, talk about blood gushing!!!

I was doing some of the challenges, the last (2) i am stuck on are the Minataur-Ole, and the Get Stoned 10 times. Then i can move onto the Challenge arena.
im curious. i know im over thinking the plot here, but, once you kill helios, there should be no sun, correct? then with no sun shouldnt Morpheus' sleep gas put everyone to sleep thus winning without even trying? or does the storyline actually cover that subject?

or does GoW3 story contradict gow:coo storyline? :lol:
really? I really enjoy the level of gore they put into this game. You don't notice it a lot, but against certain enemies (and if your in a closer zoomed in area), when they're done you can see Kratos blood stained body, just looks brutal and bad-ass. It eventually fades/runs off. You must have really felt uneasy when ripping out the Cyclopse eye, talk about blood gushing!!!

I was doing some of the challenges, the last (2) i am stuck on are the Minataur-Ole, and the Get Stoned 10 times. Then i can move onto the Challenge arena.

I agree. I enjoyed the brutality in this game 👍 it´s great! Don´t forget, it´s a game! In real life, I don´t even kill a spider :)
yeah and finding a minotaur nowadays to gut his inners out is quiet difficult...

the game is gore but really nice, and i think it needs to be that way in order to be linear with the story.
Killing Poseidon is quite gore. I loved it :P

And when you take helios head out you can see the artheria still bleeding and tiching
there is obvious a reason for a pegi tag 18+

Wow you are far...

Jetta Vr6 = NICE
s13- very cool, i wanted to buy one for 1500 bucks but the problem are parts here. You get them but they are not street legal and to make the car street legal with the performance parts, it would cost too much
I was doing some of the challenges, the last (2) i am stuck on are the Minataur-Ole, and the Get Stoned 10 times. Then i can move onto the Challenge arena.
Minotaur-Ole took some time, you ideally want to keep them in a hitstun so that the minotaurs dont charge, you can either grab them with your blades and tackle (L1 + O), or you can spam sq sq Tri, doesn't matter if the two jabs hit, the last hit must score some knockback to prevent them from coming at you, this will be useful when you face two at once. An easy tip, if you can, try pushing them off the stage with the knockback, or by the tackle.

If you're having trouble getting piled up by the legionnaires, separate them and make sure you're in a state where they can't grab you. What I did was quickly grab one and used one as a battering ram, but instead of hitting others i took this unlucky fellow as far away from the pack as I could, and if possible, throw them of the stage at the end of the run. The recovery time will not put you at risk as the rest are too far away, then just repeat.

The last wave is the most easiest, yo can go ahead and use the battering ram idea, and use it to take out the minotaurs while you're at it. or just go Rage of Sparta and mash sq all night long.

Even though I love the game play, I have to admit it one of the most disgusting and bloodiest game ever. I wanted to puke when I was hanging from the bleeding birds.

The gore is more than before, i mean blood on kratos is a big improvement since gow2.
Ripping heads, finger nails, cutting monster-sized scabs..

I'm almost at the end of my 2nd play through, this time on the Hard (God) difficulty. I just jumped back DOWN The Great Chain, took me about 30 minutes to get down dodging all the obstructions. When i finally got to the bottom, i was greeted by a 3-head cerberus type dog, all fiery like. He spits the little hounds out that Explode. After you take down his first head, one of those pharoah type guys with the horns and double edge staff weapon joins the party. So now you have the cerberus spitting exploding dogs at you and this jerky jumping/flipping around and evading attacks. Needless to say once you defeat him, and take off the 2nd cerberus dog head, Another (2) super-ninja pharoa lance-a-lot guys join the party. So you have 2 of them to fend off, and the last bit of the cerberus to take care of. The reason for my frustration is after spending 30 minutes to get down the Great chain, i was Partying with these guys for 2-HOURS!!!!! My play time went from 8hrs 30 minutes, to 11hrs by the time i finished these guys up. I was soo aggravated, but already invested soo much time to finish and try again. So before i knew it, it was almost 3am. I was soo relieved when i finished it and hit a save point. I can't even imagine what the Chaos difficulty will be like.....
Those Satyrs (pharoah jackal ninjas) are only a pain in the neck, because the cerebrus keeps conjuring those hounds that blow up on you. You can grab them and have a tug of war (mash the circle button) for the satyr's weapon. The first successful grab doesn't kill them, but when it's near death, winning the tug of war mini-game means Kratos impales them with their staff. The Cerebrus alone is a breeze, I whipped out the Cestus, and timed the spinning gauntlets attack (L1 + Sq), where the swing will knockout an incoming hound, while giving knockback to the cerebrus. Timing this perfectly means you won't be getting hurt, but it is rather slow and boring to watch.

Morpheus isn't even in this storyline
...empty space. :lol:
Played it last 2 days and OMG.Graphics - in short - it's whole new level.Even Uncharted 2 is ahead.Game uses some technologies never seen before.Actually i'm little sad about this because GT5 after that looks...not so good...at least.It's stunning back to 2007/2008 but after GoW3 looks dated.
GoW3 uses special shadow/lighting system that virtually eliminates "stairs" on shadows.And uses great MLA Antialiasing that is much better than simple 2x MSAA and even 4x MSAA.And latency is lowe than in 2x MSAA (because there are 5 SPU doing that at once).FPS is anything between 30 and 60 fps.30 fps very rare.45-50 most of the time and there is NO TEARING.V-synced...How it can be better?Developers says it CAN be even better.It blows my mind!!!

So i hope GT6 will use some of those new algorithms.I'm glad that it REALLY CAN look better than now.

Sorry for pure-technical (graphics) review!In short - this game aren't another Assassins Creed or Crysis (bad or no gameplay), which is build like abstract game-graphical engine first then "game" build upon that.NO!Gameplay itself is STUNNING.Giant bosses here!Secrets are here!
Ok! - no spoilers.I Strongly recommend this one.Forget that you don't like blood and violence.Just experience that!Must have PS3 title!.(I forget about FF13 after that!)
Oh yeah - music is really good!!! (orchestral)
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