Goodbye bumper and chase cam

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What view will you use in GT5

  • In Car only

    Votes: 154 39.6%
  • Bumper cam (GT1-4)

    Votes: 81 20.8%
  • Roof Cam (GT4)

    Votes: 13 3.3%
  • Chase view (GT1-4)

    Votes: 23 5.9%
  • A mix of 2 or more, depending on certain situations

    Votes: 104 26.7%
  • Don't know yet

    Votes: 14 3.6%

  • Total voters
I tried Super Car Challenge and they offer 2 kinds of cockpit views.

One just like GT where you can see the wheel and your hands and everything, and one where you can just see the top of the wheel and i must say that that view is the most realistic one i have ever had in a racing game! Maybe PD could copy that from SCC.

It'd be nice if you could turn off the wheel when using the in car cam. Many sims allow for you to turn it off, so you dont end up seeing 2 wheels.

I never look at my racing wheel during a race, I look at the road :D The distraction occurs when I see the steering wheel (in the in-car view) while trying to concentrate on watchng the road. So, again I say, it's subjective as to which you prefer. If the game has the "turn the steering wheel off" option in the in-car view, then that can marry the best of the in-car options to suit more people. However, there are many different views in different games that are too various to mention, so I'll just remain commenting on the differences between the "in-car view" with the "Bumper Cam view" in GT5P. :)
I want to add to this discussion that GT5 hasn't released a "Mix of two or more Views", so that vote is moot, IMO. How can you vote on something that doesn't exist? Nothing has been said about views being combined - at least by PD or Sony. And there's the rub - there's no statement that has been made by either "official" organization about that topic. How's about revising the "poll", because I believe it's slanted. Perhaps the "mix of views" voters might revert to other "realistic" options like "I don't know yet", and make the Poll a little more realistic. Anyone else share this opinion? Not trying to start a war here, but I think it would be a better "cross-section" of voter representation based on "reality". Oh, and BTW, I can understand if PD wanted to get rid of the "chase" cam, as it is nothing more than a view that appears to be similar to riding in a "hot air baloon" tied to the back of the rear bumper. But then again, that's only MO.:D:D
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I have never been able to use the chase view in any racing game I have ever played, dunno why, but i get a better " feel "or the car when im using bumper cams, however in GT5p I seem to be better using the roof cam, the interior view is spectaclular, but im better with the roof cam, dunno why this is, because in the GT series, I have always used the bumper, even when the roof cam was available in GT4, but its working for now in GT5p
I want to add to this discussion that GT5 hasn't released a "Mix of two or more Views", so that vote is moot, IMO. How can you vote on something that doesn't exist? Nothing has been said about views being combined - at least by PD or Sony. And there's the rub - there's no statement that has been made by either "official" organization about that topic. How's about revising the "poll", because I believe it's slanted. Perhaps the "mix of views" voters might revert to other "realistic" options like "I don't know yet", and make the Poll a little more realistic. Anyone else share this opinion? Not trying to start a war here, but I think it would be a better "cross-section" of voter representation based on "reality". Oh, and BTW, I can understand if PD wanted to get rid of the "chase" cam, as it is nothing more than a view that appears to be similar to riding in a "hot air baloon" tied to the back of the rear bumper. But then again, that's only MO.:D:D

That actually means using more then one view, not some feature where there is a mix of the two. You also missed that it reads next to it "Depending on certain situations", making this more obvious so it doesn't make that vote moot.
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I'll be using just the cockpit view. Feels the most realistic & it looks great. Just hope that they somehow improve the mirror positions. Certain cars in GT5P are a nightmare to drive in traffic as the mirrors are only partially visible.
I voted "a mix of two". Great option, I'm glad it got included in the poll..

I mean, I love the cockpit view, but the bottom line is I do my fastest driving (for missions and such) with the hood view. :)
I voted "a mix of two". Great option, I'm glad it got included in the poll..

I mean, I love the cockpit view, but the bottom line is I do my fastest driving (for missions and such) with the hood view. :)

You are right because depending on what kind of race or what course you are driving on you might have to switch veiws during the race to take advantage of the different veiws available.
I ran across this video of an armless driver racing a F1 car.

Was he driving with his knees?

Is this what you want in GT5?

Im guessing there are two schools of thought, those who are bothered by a second pair of arms/hands and even a wheel, and those who aren't and would rather the driver have arms and hands

Any racing game I play I use hood cam , roof cam or bumper cam. Roof cam is my prefered cam though. Sometimes I use the rear camera just to look at the car itself for a few minutes but when I am actualy racing I use roof , hood cam. I only use bumper cam if theres no Hood or roof cam. I cant actually race with the camera behind the car even though I used to use that camera view only for years.
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I ran across this video of an armless driver racing a F1 car.

Was he driving with his knees?

Is this what you want in GT5?

Im guessing there are two schools of thought, those who are bothered by a second pair of arms/hands and even a wheel, and those who aren't and would rather the driver have arms and hands


Is that GTR evo, rFactor, or something else?

Really the game just needs the option to turn the wheel off. Its been common in PC sims for years to have the option to be in car but turn the wheel off. LFS even lets you go through and have either no wheel, wheel with no driver and driver and wheel.

Personally once I'm racing it doesn't bother me. I used to like having the wheel off, but after racing open wheelers and F1 cars for a while in rFactor and LFS, I usually leave the wheel on because a lot of the gauges and rev lights are on the wheel and its just nicer to be using the cars actual gauges rather than simply generic ones in the games' HUD.
This is a rFactor mode, made by person, who has nothing to do with rFactor developers. So it's pretty good for someone, who design new models of formula 1 cars.
In GT5P, I only use the incar view when the race isn't close, and I want the eye candy. When the race gets tough, everything just makes my head spin except the roof camera, strangely. Don't know why, but it's just easier for me.

I think the chase cam is the best for DS3 racing, but I use a GT Force Pro.

In GT5, with the added realism, I'd probably use the incar view more, but i'd still use the roof cam some. Of course, I wouldn't know until I can actually play it.
I ran across this video of an armless driver racing a F1 car.

Was he driving with his knees?

Is this what you want in GT5?

Im guessing there are two schools of thought, those who are bothered by a second pair of arms/hands and even a wheel, and those who aren't and would rather the driver have arms and hands

i actually have this particular mod for rFactor and its made by a group of people and i must say they did well in most things in this game for not being an actual funded gaming company. but yeh the reason why there are no hands in that clip is because you can choose to have hands on or off (not the steering wheel though) and most people choose them to be off since when they are on they dont look very real and they keep flailing around which kinda spoils the view ahead. its a fun game to play though
i actually have this particular mod for rFactor and its made by a group of people and i must say they did well in most things in this game for not being an actual funded gaming company. but yeh the reason why there are no hands in that clip is because you can choose to have hands on or off (not the steering wheel though) and most people choose them to be off since when they are on they dont look very real and they keep flailing around which kinda spoils the view ahead. its a fun game to play though

Yeah, I have a similar mod in GTR evo, its possibly the same mod just ported over.