Goodbye bumper and chase cam

  • Thread starter Earth

What view will you use in GT5

  • In Car only

    Votes: 154 39.6%
  • Bumper cam (GT1-4)

    Votes: 81 20.8%
  • Roof Cam (GT4)

    Votes: 13 3.3%
  • Chase view (GT1-4)

    Votes: 23 5.9%
  • A mix of 2 or more, depending on certain situations

    Votes: 104 26.7%
  • Don't know yet

    Votes: 14 3.6%

  • Total voters
I say OK with the highlighted as long as this has limitations. You should not be able to move the camera into the center of the cockpit on a lefthand or righthand drive car.
Eh, I know why you say that, but I don't know. Freedom of choice is a pretty big deal to me, over the purist. I will have to say though that being able to place the driver cam as far forward and high in the cockpit as possible would probably give a more realistic view of the track. I'm still so spoiled by roofcam in GT that I set up a view like that in LFS, and it works perfectly for me. Usually, the Formula BMW doesn't have a body for some bizarre reason, just two front wheels!

I only use in car view, except when driving the F1 Ferrari F2007. In that case i prefer the roof cam, but i wish i could see all the steering wheel from that cam.
Just out of curiosity, why is that?
I'm going with mixed, cockpit and chase. Cockpit for the feel and realism, chase for when I need to go as fast as possible (and want to see my car).
I hope they get everything right this time. From what I've seen of the in-cockpit clips from GT5P, though, they have the cam set too far back for my taste. I want to see from the driver's EYES, not over his shoulder from the back seat. Some of us can't use the chase cams at all, because you tend to overestimate what the steering angle is (and I get distracted by the car itself). This is damn dangerous in a rear driver. I'd rather have the bumper cam stay because then I can concentrate on the road rather than the scenery.

I agree with every single bit you have said so far. I haven't played GT5:P yet, and I don't drive in real life, but I have been in the front passenger seat of a car and I know you don't see THAT much of "info" with your eyes.
Chase cam in GT4, for example, actually makes me slower than the "roof cam" I use. Mostly because I don't exactly know how far away from the walls am I, and as you, I get distracted by the car. Funnily enough, changing from chase cam to roof cam is one of the many techniques I used to gold all of the licenses in GT4. 👍

I will never understand how the chase view has a unfair advantage. The only thing it helps with trying to navigate through a bunch of idiots that can't drive and trying to see the best path through and thats about it. I make around the same lap time in every view used so I don't see a difference.

I agree with you too. Unfair advantage? What do people mean with that? It's actually more difficult to drive with it, in my experience, than roof cam or even bumper cam that is also a difficult cam to use for me in GT4, but easier than chase cam.

However, from personal experience, all of the cams get me different lap times. But that is because I'm just used to use roof cam right now.

In all honestly, I was caught between "In Car only", or "A mix of 2 or more, depending on certain situations". I could imagine me switching cameras in risky situations on-line as not to mess up with fellow drivers. Finally choosed "In Car only", because that is as real as it gets.
Just out of curiosity, why is that?

I dont know if youre asking me why i prefer roof cam in F1 cars or why i want to see the steering wheel, so i will answer both.

In F1 cars, as they are too low, the incar view, although real, doesnt give me as wide view to the track as the roof cam. I allways used the incar view in F1 games until Microprose introduces the roof cam in GP4. From that moment on i allways used that. Besides i dont like the prespective of the front tyres from in view (in Formula cars only).

I would like to see the steering wheel (i use dualshock) because i want to see the driver hands turning the wheel left and right and making corrections, changing gears with small finger movements in the paddles, i also like to see all the buttons in the F1 steering wheel. Although when im racing im focused on the track, the truth is i never loose contact with these kind of details. Like in the video i posted above, i want to see what i normaly see in an onboard cam in F1 TV transmissions.

Lets say that, in F1 cars, that roof cam im talking about give you the best of two worlds, the details from incar view and the visibility of the roof cam.
I understand now, and as I use roofcam on all cars, I understand very well.

I played Live For Speed all day today, and the Formula BMW, similar to an F1 car, is very low to the ground. I tried to set up a roofcam-like view and partially managed, though you can only raise the camera so far. I'm sure you would have hated it - the only thing visible of the car were the two front tires, attached to nothing at all! :P While it was some help, I'm amazed at how tricky it is for developers to deliver a lifelike view. Even with the insanely fine resolution of 1080p graphics, something gets lost in the translation. A few games such as GTR Evo and Live For Speed come very close, and I'm grateful that Gran Turismo is another. GT4 was the first game in which I saw the road as it was meant to be seen, and I'm hoping that GT5 gives me an even better perspective than Prologue does.
The cockpit view is too cramped for my liking to drive at my optimum. Its nice when I'm not driving seriously or driving against the AI but when I'm playing online its not particularly great as the sensation of being in a real car is not really the same as having a 3D cockpit on a 2D screen. Not to mention the lack of peripheral vision and the many other sensations that help you in real life.

So, I will be using the bumper camera most of all because it has a more easily visible rear view mirror, I have a better view of the road and I can see the rest of the information more easily. As detailed as the cockpits are, I still have to look quite closely to get any kind of information from them about speed, etc and the GUI speed indicator is on the right hand side in cockpit view, which is not the easiest place to look.

I don't think I will ever use a cockpit view in games 100% of the time until I have my own setup of 3 screens and a racing seat. With a standard 1 screen and a controller, it just takes too much information away.
I find that i can still drive fast with the in-car view, but i prefer the chase cam.

I've used it since GT1 so im very used to it, and its the best view for online racing as you can see whats going on around you 👍
I only use in car view, except when driving the F1 Ferrari F2007. In that case i prefer the roof cam, but i wish i could see all the steering wheel from that cam. Like in TV transmissions, like in this video:

I like using the roof cam on the F2007 too. Might be a habit thats carried over from F1CE, but I just like racing with that cam as it looks like the onboards on TV( with the exception that this is a perfectly symmetrical camera as opposed to the asymmetrical camera in real life).
I still use the chase veiw alot, I like to see whats going on around me. The inside veiw is quite limiting, as is the bumper cam. You cannot see whats beside you, which in a real car you would be looking for.
I still use the chase veiw alot, I like to see whats going on around me. The inside veiw is quite limiting, as is the bumper cam. You cannot see whats beside you, which in a real car you would be looking for.

You can if you use the "look right"/"look left" functions or are just aware of where the cars are that were once behind you. ;)
You can if you use the "look right"/"look left" functions or are just aware of where the cars are that were once behind you. ;)

Very true, how/where are these look left/right buttons located? Bear in mind I'm still on the controller... :indiff:
Just map them where you want, bear in mind you are playing Gran Turismo, where you can change the config. how you want. ;)
Very true, how/where are these look left/right buttons located? Bear in mind I'm still on the controller... :indiff:

Go to the controller options and map them anywhere you like.
I altered it so that rear view was no longer "L1" and made L1 = look left and R1 = look right.
I moved rear view to the down button the D-pad and i use the live dynamics by pressing up to open/close the menu and using L3 and R3 to change values (as the live dynamics defaults to traction control, so i dont need to change menus so i dont assign controls for that).
Of course, this is with me using X for throttle and square for brakes and the triggers for gear shifts. You may use a different layout but you can pick and choose where you like it doesnt matter.

You're missing out not using live dynamics, its quite handy for launch control to be able to fiddle with the traction control or other settings while driving.
I've been after the interior view for some time now in GT, and now it's finally here I'm prepared to give it a full crack of the whip. I really want to make the switch from bumper cam to interior view, however when ever I've tried this before on other racing games, I've always found myself switching back to bumper cam.

Why I do this is not clear, even to me. Maybe it's because the interior view slows the game down or because the developer never gets the position quite right. I remember playing Test Drive Unlimited and thinking that it didn't feel right, and half the screen was blocked by the cars A pillar.

Fingers crossed PD get the interior view right, and I can happily make that switch I've been trying to make all these years.

I have decided to stick to interior view for good, even though when changing between cars I can get up to speed quicker with the bumper cam, especially changing from LHD to RHD cars and vice versa, but even though it might take a little more time, my lap times in the end are identical for both views.
I think cockpit cam adds more overall experience to the game. I mean, bumper cam is identical for every car, except for the "height" at which it is located. It makes you know you are driving a different car, other than just different handling properties.
I use both cockpit and bumper cam or whatever it is called , I must say cockpit cam is really nice but i'm more used on the bumper cam and it is also easier.
I think cockpit cam adds more overall experience to the game. I mean, bumper cam is identical for every car, except for the "height" at which it is located. It makes you know you are driving a different car, other than just different handling properties.

+1 thats why i love driving with interior view it gives you a great experience driving different cars.
Bumper-cam only. The "In car" view is very beautiful but for me that's about it.

I can clearly see my own hands and wheel (and one set of hands+wheel is enough thank you) , and I consider the TV screen as my windshield. I'm looking out of the car, not "in".
Bumper-cam only. The "In car" view is very beautiful but for me that's about it.

I can clearly see my own hands and wheel (and one set of hands+wheel is enough thank you) , and I consider the TV screen as my windshield. I'm looking out of the car, not "in".

+1 👍

That's exactly how I see it on!!
*chuckle* I think Earth has been mega outvoted, lately.

apparently, a lot of you guys are still playing straight through your TV sets. I bought myself a Bargin Bin surround system a LONG time ago, and I'm used to playing with my ears (and using them in real life as well). course, I live in an area where critters are abundant, and you have to drive Defensivly to make sure you don't get Damaged.
I will probably switch from the inside view to the chase view. I usually dont like the inside view but I will probably use it more now that GT5 actually has it.
One thing bothering me in both LFS and GT5P is that the driver's seat seems to be too much to one side when looking at the interior as a whole. Driving my own car it feels like I have a good amount of steel on both sides, naturally more on the right side but still. In the games it feels like I'm sitting right behind the A pillar, just about to fall out of the door. LFS with the viewpoint set as much to the right as possible is getting there but then the wheel gets off center and begins to look wrong...

If they get the driver position right I'll probably use it quite a lot. If they don't, bumper camera for me.
I think cockpit cam adds more overall experience to the game. I mean, bumper cam is identical for every car, except for the "height" at which it is located. It makes you know you are driving a different car, other than just different handling properties.

+ several. I don't care if I'm slower or not; I'm after the most immersive driving experience available, and anything that puts you outside the car or away from the closest-to-driver position really interferes with that.

Also, if I drive in follow cam, I end up chasing the car around like walking a dog on a leash, rather than driving it.
I was a big fan of the chase cam, simply because I could see the car I was driving - I still think this is an important part of the game, not least because the GT series has always made a big deal out of the visual aspect. I switched to the bonnet cam in GT4 because I found it a bit easier and it made me a bit quicker as a result, but I still vary between chase cam and bonnet cam. I rarely use the interior view, although I am a big fan of having it as an option - but I wouldn't like to see it replace the other options...
It depends. For instance, it's impossible for me to use the in-car cam in the GT by Citroen, because the dash takes up waaaaay too much room. So for that car I use the hood or bumper cam. Up until now I used the chase cam, but Polyphony ruined it in GT5P by pulling the camera too far away from the back of the car.
bumper cam is way the best view to use, in car feels to slow, and seeing another steering wheel in front of my steering wheel screw my timing up for some reason, if any view to go is the the rear chase I have no idea how people race with that view.

1 view that GT5 never had was sort of like the cam was at the front of the roof over looking the car's bonnet, I loved that view in Colin McRae rally 1 and 2 that was a great view