Google Maps Scavenger Hunt!

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I'm thinking the yellow car in this shot is what you are looking for. If your not convinced I have three more to choose from.

I wonder if someone could find a crop circle?
Both your links point to the same crop circle which is awsome by the way.

oops sorry, what the other link was to was an 'extremely' wavy river system in russia.

EDIT: sort of like this, but a little more on crack

Another thing, what the heck is this
EDIT: If it is my turn, find me an abandoned town

This isn't for the win, you can't actually see the villages in this picture:

Ladybower reservoir, a few miles away from where i live, was not only where the RAF did test missions before the famous 'Dambusters' raids in WWII, but the valley that was flooded to create the reservoir has two whole villages, Derwent and Ashopton, still under the water. When the water level gets low the villages can be seen again.
That's pretty cool, and pretty freaky too :scared:.

Easiest place to look for abandoned towns, Russia. I actually want to go to Russia now just to visit some abandoned towns and walk through them.
I'm thinking the yellow car in this shot is what you are looking for. If your not convinced I have three more to choose from.
I'm convinced... in fact the red car parked between the White Dodge Viper and Red Hummer is a Ferrari as well, looks like an F50 even! 👍

If you zoom out you'll find other Ferrari's in the same parking lot... not surprising considering the dealer that is located there. ;)

The real challenge would be to try and find a Ferrari being driven on the road... probably as difficult as finding satellite pics of airplanes that are over 100 miles away from the nearest airport.

In fact, has anyone even found a satellite image of race cars running a major race?
I'm convinced... in fact the red car parked between the White Dodge Viper and Red Hummer is a Ferrari as well, looks like an F50 even! 👍

Not wanting to 'piss on your parade' but when you look at it from another angle it looks more like just another Viper - RT/10's were mostly red weren't they?

Not wanting to 'piss on your parade' but when you look at it from another angle it looks more like just another Viper
They look very different to me, and aren't even the same size... but I'm not having a parade, nor is it important to me, so if you want to do a rain dance more power to you. :)
They look very different to me, and aren't even the same size... but I'm not having a parade, nor is it important to me, so if you want to do a rain dance more power to you. :)

Whoa, steady on there! - i wasn't having a go.

The shadowing and even the windscreen sun reflection are almost identical on both cars. The F50 has a squared off (kamm-tail) rear end where as this one is curved, just like a Vipers. An F50 is longer than a Viper anyway. ;)
In fact, has anyone even found a satellite image of race cars running a major race?

I've found a major race event taking place at a track:

Probably World Superbikes at Brands Hatch. No bikes on track, just a couple of course vehicles.

I've also noticed another bike event, this time at Cadwell Park, bikes on track, paddock full of transporters and support vehicles - but zero spectators. Which leads me to believe that it's just a test day.

*edit* - Found one, Monza - looks pretty major, 10 or so cars on track.



I'd like to see a white horse not The White Horse. Although you do get bonus points for ingenuity 👍

I'd like to see a white horse not The White Horse. Although you do get bonus points for ingenuity 👍
Sorry, couldn't resist... ever hear that joke about a white horse who walks into a bar, and the barman says, "Hey! We've got a whisky named after you!" and the horse says, "What? You've got a whisky called Eric?"
Uh-oh... what did I get myself into??? ;)

Are there any restrictions as to what I can select as the next item to hunt for?

Also, I didn't see it in the first post, but is there a master list of what's been found so far so as not to do a repeat?
Hmmm... so would it be too challenging to ask to see if anyone can find a comercial airplane in flight over 100 miles from the nearest airport?

Or do you all prefer puzzle/pun type treasure hunts, like what you intended "White Horse" to be and that I ruined. :embarrassed:
As long as it's not on this site:

..or something similar, i guess any subject will do.
Thanks for the link, that's a useful site to know about regardless of the game.

Although I already found a mistake:

Under 'Austin' in the 'Texas' category, they have 'Britannia Manor' (famous estate of Lord British, Richard Garriott, creator of Ultima and founder of Origin Systems).

While this is in fact his newest estate which he recently built down along Lake Austin, it is not Britannia Manor, made famous by his historic Halloween parties in which took more than three months to create and at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars! This is.

The mistake is somewhat understandable as his newest estate is only a couple miles away from Britannia Manor, but the Manor is so famous, I'm actually surprised this hasn't at least been corrected by now.

Wikipedia has some interesting info on Britannia Manor as well as some pics and videos.

OK... so is the folowing acceptable?

Hmmm... so would it be too challenging to ask to see if anyone can find a comercial airplane in flight over 25 miles from the nearest airport?
I trimmed it down to 25 miles to try and make it a little easier, but if not I'll be happy to come up with something else. :)
That's what I get for being late to the party. :)

OK, I have another one and its related to Britannia Manor.

Austin is home to some truly amazing estates, but perhaps none more so than the estate that Jeff Kodosky, one of the founders of National Instruments began constructing in 1999. The project is so large and complex, despite having dozens of crews working each and every week for the last seven years, the "home" (really it's more like Camelot... yes he is a big Monty Python fan) is still not expected to be finished for at least another two or three years.

While the true costs are not known, it is estimated that the estate will end up costing close to $100 million to build, more than twice what Michael Dell paid to build his 20,000 SQFT mountain top fortress. When you see it on Google Earth, you'll understand the size and scope of the project!

Speaking of Dell, as a hint, Kodowsky's estate is located somewhere between Britannia Manor & Dell's Fortress... and from Kodosky's amazing estate you can see both Britannia Manor and Dell's fortress... as well as most everything else in and around Austin... and now I've probably given it away haven't I? ;)

Good luck!