The Onion is just an enourmous online tabloid that lies about everything because their "reporters" aren't smart enough or did to many drugs as a teen to get a real reporting job at a real news organization. I think all tabloid organizations and people who work for them and people who read and believe them should be destroyed. Their just adding to the worldwide confusion of everything. That article was all made up, photoshoped pictures and all, and I'm surprised Google execs and others sue people for writing that they said false statements like that. If they did say that, I'm sure it was a joke, and if it was a joke, it's mighty funny. I can't wait 'til Google takes over the universe!

Anyway, Microsoft has the world by the balls and on its knees, in a kind way. They aren't hurting us, they're just carressing our balls to make us feel better. NASA uses Windows. If that's not enough to prove that the world runs on Windows, and only super-liberal democrat douches run a Mac, well, I don;t know what is. Ninety-five percent of computer games are first built for and designed on Windows. How many computer companies are there that engineer their computers to run solely on Windows? Now, how many companies build their 'puters to run, err, what's that system called? OS Mac OX.exe or something? Oh, .exe is a Windows file name.
How the hell are you supposed to close a window on a Mac?! I remember trying it back in elementary school, and I just couldn't figure it out. There were two buttons in the right corner, I think, and another in the left corner. They all looked exactly the same. Which one does what? I click one and something happens that I didn't want to happen and I don't know how to cancel it! I was freaking out. Now, on a Windows computer, you have the X, the minimize button, and the part screen/full screen button. Usually people associate an X with bad, no, don';t go there, stop, get out, dead, exit, etc., and, wait, wasn't there an exit in there? Ah! That's what it means, exit out of the window! That seems like common sense. A blank square on a Mac draws a blank mind. Then you have the minimize button that has a serious resemblance to what the little minimized thing looks like down on the start bar. You tink "It looks like a rectangle, and it's at the bootom of the button. Those clickies down there are rectangles and they're at the bootom of the screen. Aha! I figured it out!" Once again, a blank button draws a blank mind on a Mac. Then we have the full screen button.......
Well, you get the idea. You don't have to learn how to use Windows. It's common sense. A Mac might be slightly easier to use, but it takes forever to learn
how to use it. It's like switching from a PS2 to 360. It's a whole 'nuther world.
And you remember that school were I had my first encounter with a Mac? Well, they don't use Macs anymore.
I feel better, a little. I'm still annoyed, though.
Anyhow, I really think that Google should come up with their own operating system and computer manufacturing company and start building computers. I bet they could come up with something that would compete much more closely with Microsoft than a Mac ever will.