Google or Microsoft for the 21 ?

Who will dominate in the upcoming Decades ?

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Who do you think is the WestCoast company that will dominate our daily conciousness in the first quarter of this century . Microsoft have had a fair bash at searing our retinas w/ it's brand & logo in the last 15 , But what of the future ?
Here's a little link to get ya mulling .
Microsoft is based in Redmond, Washington, not California.

I think they'll stay on top. Google is getting overzealous with their new ventures, and may be brought down by their own hubris if they aren't careful. Although, Google is the best search engine, and Google Earth is amazing, so I could be wrong about Google toothpaste, and Google-brand gasoline.
Google. Microsoft just doesn't know how to wow people any more. They've outgrown themselves and they lack direction and a real goal. Their only saving grace at the moment is the hype-fest of Xbox360 which failed in my books thanks to the crappy launch line-up.

On the other hand, Google hasnt made much progress either. They've been expanding into all sorts of areas but they really haven't taken their products anywhere. They've been useful as hell to people who need their services but... they may very well just become a bloated cash cow like Microsoft if they start running out of ideas for their smaller projects like Google Earth

In the end, it really doesn't matter to anyone other than the shareholders of these companies. Just let it die now :)

Don't link to The Onion in the opinions forum - they're not a valid news source :)
I used to like Google... maximum service with minimal fuss. Now their products are turning into a sort of Yahoo-lite-plus. That I don't want.
After useing linux and realising how it is made and works, compared to windows i can tell you that as soon as decent support gets put in place it will overtake windows.

Microsoft need to fix and change they are getting too complacint.

Firefox is getting popular as is linux,

I think Google will be higher than microsoft.
The Onion is just an enourmous online tabloid that lies about everything because their "reporters" aren't smart enough or did to many drugs as a teen to get a real reporting job at a real news organization. I think all tabloid organizations and people who work for them and people who read and believe them should be destroyed. Their just adding to the worldwide confusion of everything. That article was all made up, photoshoped pictures and all, and I'm surprised Google execs and others sue people for writing that they said false statements like that. If they did say that, I'm sure it was a joke, and if it was a joke, it's mighty funny. I can't wait 'til Google takes over the universe!:lol:
Anyway, Microsoft has the world by the balls and on its knees, in a kind way. They aren't hurting us, they're just carressing our balls to make us feel better. NASA uses Windows. If that's not enough to prove that the world runs on Windows, and only super-liberal democrat douches run a Mac, well, I don;t know what is. Ninety-five percent of computer games are first built for and designed on Windows. How many computer companies are there that engineer their computers to run solely on Windows? Now, how many companies build their 'puters to run, err, what's that system called? OS Mac OX.exe or something? Oh, .exe is a Windows file name.
How the hell are you supposed to close a window on a Mac?! I remember trying it back in elementary school, and I just couldn't figure it out. There were two buttons in the right corner, I think, and another in the left corner. They all looked exactly the same. Which one does what? I click one and something happens that I didn't want to happen and I don't know how to cancel it! I was freaking out. Now, on a Windows computer, you have the X, the minimize button, and the part screen/full screen button. Usually people associate an X with bad, no, don';t go there, stop, get out, dead, exit, etc., and, wait, wasn't there an exit in there? Ah! That's what it means, exit out of the window! That seems like common sense. A blank square on a Mac draws a blank mind. Then you have the minimize button that has a serious resemblance to what the little minimized thing looks like down on the start bar. You tink "It looks like a rectangle, and it's at the bootom of the button. Those clickies down there are rectangles and they're at the bootom of the screen. Aha! I figured it out!" Once again, a blank button draws a blank mind on a Mac. Then we have the full screen button.......
Well, you get the idea. You don't have to learn how to use Windows. It's common sense. A Mac might be slightly easier to use, but it takes forever to learn how to use it. It's like switching from a PS2 to 360. It's a whole 'nuther world.
And you remember that school were I had my first encounter with a Mac? Well, they don't use Macs anymore.

I feel better, a little. I'm still annoyed, though.
Anyhow, I really think that Google should come up with their own operating system and computer manufacturing company and start building computers. I bet they could come up with something that would compete much more closely with Microsoft than a Mac ever will.
I don't see Google taking over MS any time soon. It grew up very strong, but its business is still in a much more vulnerable position than MS is. The bulk of their revenue is advertising, and that sort of business is rather volatile.

I'm looking forward for their upcoming online apps, and hope they continue to grow.
I thought it was a tabloid type news website. I'm really feeling the humor now, though, and I think it's funny how I freaked about tabloids.:lol: You get the idea though, right? And that was only one paragraph anyway; the rest is about how Macs lick skanky (place organ here).
Hah, yeah, no big deal. I just wanted to point that out because it can be really, really funny. You should check out their book "Our Dumb Century" - it has "newspaper articles" for all the major events of the 20th century; really funny stuff.

I think Mac's are pretty awesome, but there's another thread for that.
Which Linux? Ijust went to the website and there are about 15 different versions of it. You can freely modify the code in each version to make it better, you can share it with other users, you can even screw it up and then share it whith other users. Form the descriptions I read most versions sound pretty primitive and that freeware aspect doens't sound very safe. I'll just stick to Windows--it works.
To get back on topic, which one will I see more of? I guess whichever company puts out a service that I'd like to use more. I imagine that Microsoft will stay dominant in the personal computing market, and Google will keep releasing innovative software and advertising techniques. Google definitely has some troubles ahead, but I can't see them being down for the count.

I don't believe that Microsoft is going to be able to pull another Netscape on Google. From a business standpoint, however, they should definitely be trying to create a similar, even better type of search engine that could be integrated into the Windows software.
I wish someone would make the search more human-like. Right now it just matches words, and it can't interpret your search query to find the exact info you're looking for. It can't seperate that info from the page it's shown on either. It'd be neat if I could type in a math problem and have the answer and process pop up right there, ready to be copied and understood. All it does now is take you to or something. So I want it to interpret quetions, like a person can do, and not just match words. I'm not sure how possible that is, though.
I sure like Google better, but I think Microsoft will be tough to beat. Go Google!