Got a copy of GT6, ask questions here

The LMP category is starting to look satisfying in terms of premium variety.

Audi R8
Audi R18
Bentley Speed 8
Jaguar XJR9
Mazda 787B
Peugeot 908
Sauber C9

Did I miss any? I'll probably die if there turns out to be more such as the Nissan R90C/R92CP.

Stealth 787B
15th Anniversary R18
Still a standard :(



-I will try to answer quickly, please be patient.

-Also, please ask only realistic questions as I've still haven't progressed much in the game.

-Can't post videos at the moment.

-At the moment the game doesn't allow you to get connected online, so questions about it will not be answered at the moment sorry.

1- Is there a livery editor ?

- Unless it gets unlocked later in the game, no there isn't at the moment.

2- How long does the game install take ?
- The game uses an Auto-Install Function so the game installs while you are playing the game.

3- Is the DeltaWing in the dealership?
- No.

5- How do the standard cars look ?
With a second look, they look more refined I guess. Maybe a little bit better from before.
Here is an example
, but you can't use the "gallery view" option.

6- How is the photomode different from the previous game?
- Photomode is basically the same. The only thing added are some filters which are cross processing 2 and 3.

7- Some examples of the base model cars

8- Standing or rolling starts?
Rolling, at the moment.

9- What about Phototravel?
- Phototravel is locked at the moment.

10- Special events?
also locked.

11- Is there stage 4/5 turbo upgrade?
There are only 3 as in GT5

12- How much Cr did you get in the first couple of races?
Approximately 4,000 for 1st place in each of the first 5 races I finished.

13- What is the gallery view option in the dealership?
It gives you a whole view of the car in different angles much like in GT5. It can't be used with standard cars because it would look ugly to be fair.

14- What is the extent of the career mode?
At the moment I can't say much because most of the higher levels in the career mode are locked.

15- Can you change the diameter size of a wheel?
- Yes, it depends on the car you're using.

14-Besides larger diameter wheels, I'm right in thinking we can also fit wider tires?
The option for it is not given in-game.

15- Is there any adjustments for the cockpit view?
If what you mean is looking right or left/up or down in the cockpit view, then no.

OK guys, I will update after a couple of hours. Questions that I feel could be answered at this stage will be answered. Just going to advance a bit more into the career mode, thanks for your patience.

WOW, doesn't sound good at all./
The LMP category is starting to look satisfying in terms of premium variety.

Audi R10
Audi R18
Bentley Speed 8
Jaguar XJR9
Mazda 787B
Peugeot 908
Sauber C9

Did I miss any? I'll probably die if there turns out to be more such as the Nissan R90C/R92CP.

Would be better with Rebellion and the Lola Aston.

The old ones fit better in classics events, IMO.

I think that a series with LMP could do great with: R10, R18 (there is 2011 model, anniversary edition, base model and proto), Speed 8 and 908 (HDi Fap, Matmut and base model).

The grid will look cool, even with 16 players.
GT6 is kinda disappointing so far.
They are still at the early stages of play. The new good stuff hasn't really been shown e.g. Online, night/day/weather stuff, Ronda etc.

Sure, if you had expectations about certain cars being premium, or other stuff like that, it might be.

Thing is, a lot of the disappointment here is based on stuff we already new wasn't happening. Reading the official site could have saved that disappointment.

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