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123 cars
7 tracks
Lighting engine
Suspension, tires and aerodynamics are all part of physics, to be fair. Customization has hardly improved, except you can change the wheel size on some cars. Sounds has hardly improved as well. The 123 new cars and 7 new tracks are not improvements, are they? That's just added stuff.

This is my point. Some minor improvements here and there, plus added cars and tracks = GT5.5. Actually, they've made the game even worse in my opinion, by making the standard cars even more integrated than before.
Lol wat

A series that has put out 6 Games over 15 years is comparable to a series that literally makes the same game for 7 years, updates it for next console, and repeats?
In my opinion, yes. GT6 does not seem like a huge step up from GT5.
That term gets chucked around a lot on this site. For your information, though, none of us find it offensive. It's totally childish anyways, and probably the first thing people say when they have nothing valid to argue with.

I have nothing important to say so . . . GT Fanboy!

It's funny because, he payed for his cute little "Premium" badge on GTPlanet.

But he can't be a fanboy, not to this series anyway, because I've never seen him say anything good about the game.

Glass half-empty kinda guy...
That term gets chucked around a lot on this site. For your information, though, none of us find it offensive. It's totally childish anyways, and probably the first thing people say when they have nothing valid to argue with.

I have nothing important to say so . . . GT Fanboy!
I've already made my point, so you're right, I don't have much more to say. I just find it ironic that people are excited about the moon thing. I also find it ironic that you claim to not be offended, yet you had to make that post in defence.
Suspension, tires and aerodynamics are all part of physics, to be fair. Customization has hardly improved, except you can change the wheel size on some cars. Sounds has hardly improved as well. The 123 new cars and 7 new tracks are not improvements, are they? That's just added stuff.

This is my point. Some minor improvements here and there, plus added cars and tracks = GT5.5. Actually, they've made the game even worse in my opinion, by making the standard cars even more integrated than before.
The thrill of these new screens/vids is starting to wear off and I'm starting to see what you're saying.
Not really that optimistic right now about GT6. The moon buggy thing makes me want to give the 1 finger salute to PD. What an awful waste of time in my opinion.
I'll still try to have fun though.
I've already made my point, so you're right, I don't have much more to say. I just find it ironic that people are excited about the moon thing. I also find it ironic that you claim to not be offended, yet you had to make that post in defence.

Well in my defence, I think you have a point about the moon, it is ironic. But that post was just to counteract the use of that awful "insult" that I've seen a lot over the past few days on these forums, nothing defensive about it, just a mini rant that's all and nothing against you in particular.
So because I will enjoy something no other game offers, I'm a fan boy?
Makes sense

That's one of the things I hate most here, sometimes. If you like the game, like some feature that somebody finds wrong. You're instantly considered a fanboy.

This term should be prohibited at the forums because it cause a lot of confusion.
I read the first 15 or so pages but yeah,The GT300 car in op,is that the 86GT Race Car? cause if I recall,the BR-Z was blue.

Edit: Congrautlations op,thanks for what you've showed us so far,can't wait to see more tomorrow.:D
Any chance of getting a pic of the Ford Falcon XR8 Race Car??
Suspension, tires and aerodynamics are all part of physics, to be fair. Customization has hardly improved, except you can change the wheel size on some cars. Sounds has hardly improved as well. The 123 new cars and 7 new tracks are not improvements, are they? That's just added stuff.

This is my point. Some minor improvements here and there, plus added cars and tracks = GT5.5. Actually, they've made the game even worse in my opinion, by making the standard cars even more integrated than before.

So if improved physics are a "minor improvement" in a game that basis are around the physics.What would be a major improvement to you?You can reply in here. No need to clutter this thread more than it already is.
So if improved physics are a "minor improvement" in a game that basis are around the physics.What would be a major improvement to you?You can reply in here. No need to clutter this thread more than it already is.
You're right, the physics has probably been greatly improved (I don't know since I haven't tried it yet) which is great, but other than that not much has changed at all it seems, except for a few minor tweaks. I seriously think what we get in GT6 could've been brought to GT5 through a Spec 3 update, for half or 75% of the price of a brand new game. That's me though.
You're right, the physics has probably been greatly improved (I don't know since I haven't tried it yet) which is great, but other than that not much has changed at all it seems, except for a few minor tweaks. I seriously think what we get in GT6 could've been brought to GT5 through a Spec 3 update, for half or 75% of the price of a brand new game. That's me though.

You talk about bringing what we have in GT6 to GT5 in updates. But what about DLC. If PD added all those cars/tracks to GT5 they would have to charge a lot more than £50/$60/€70 - 123 cars, or not even that, 50 cars at 79p or 99c each would take it way over the price of GT6 when added with the price of 7 new tracks.
You're right, the physics has probably been greatly improved (I don't know since I haven't tried it yet) which is great, but other than that not much has changed at all it seems, except for a few minor tweaks. I seriously think what we get in GT6 could've been brought to GT5 through a Spec 3 update, for half or 75% of the price of a brand new game. That's me though.
Yes and GT2 could have been Gt1's greatest hits re release... and GT3 is unarguably GT2 HD Demo.. All two added was rally racing and more tracks and cars. Go post in the Whining and Crying thread please!

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