Got any problems? Get on MSN/AIM and talk. **Updated 16 July**

  • Thread starter G-T-4-Fan
I'd like some help!! O.o

There are several subjects I'd like to be cleared up and expanded on.

Name: [Spyder_V]
MSN: [n/a]
AIM: [h0b0sniper]
Just add someone to your MSN/AIM that has offered to help, he'll try to help you.
I'm not very long on my computer now, cause I have to go to school in a few minutes so try someone else if your in a hurry.
maybe just tag a note next to me for now that I'm emporarily offline. The motherboard on the compy I normally use to get on the internet died a few days ago. So i'm on a temporary machine for now, AIM-less.
Got it, edited the post...ah thats not good to hear buddy, any idea of how long it may take??

not really, the board is an old ASUS P3C2000, with a 600mhz P3 processor. Nothing too fancy, but b/c of it's age it could be hard to find. It's not worth upgrading too much or buying a new compy... we already have 3 other fully functional compy's in the house as it is. Just need to get this one going again as it's the designated internet computer - doesnt matter if it gets loaded with viruses, etc, since anything important is saved on one of the other machines.
So good that it was the one to croak...but still a bit inconvenient for the time being
Name: ViXeN
AIM: N/A <--- hehe, normally asperated... lol...

I'm open to give advise too, I'm a super noob, but I can help by telling you what things have helped me so far...

Added you to my MSN GT 4 fan
Add someone m8, thats all, they'll all help you out, just pick one.....
BTW it's 22.30 here so I can't help now......but later maybe...
name: kelvin
problem:no matter how much i try i just cant get my ae86 sideways...............plz help me
the Ae86 is not for everyone try something else like a Rx7 FD as a beginning car, because the AE86 is a proffessional/ Novice car because its lightweight and balanced. But do to its breaking the turn easily, try E braking it
Ah yeah, I guess thats just something you have to accept, I can drift most of the FR cars, but that car is just so crappy.....I guess I can't help you out buddy:scared: Sorry.....
Ok cool, can anyone help this member, I'm pretty busy right now.
BTW WHERE DOES EIRE LAY?!?!?!?! My gosh:crazy::lol: That sounds far away:P
the Ae86 is not for everyone try something else like a Rx7 FD as a beginning car, because the AE86 is a proffessional/ Novice car because its lightweight and balanced. But do to its breaking the turn easily, try E braking it

Or use the feint technique...I find my stock AE86 (normal and Shuichi Shigeno) is very tail-happy when I do that. :drool:
Added you;) Sorry for that:guilty: But these guys haven't signed up for nothing, they volunteered to help, and you can add them anytime:tup: Anyway, your problem is certain to be sorted out now, good that you notified me:tup: My apologies.

Edit: BTW I think this is working VERY VERY GOOD, I don't regret this thread, keep it up guys/newbie's. It has decreased the unnecesarry threads VERY MUCH I THINK:tup::D

Keep up the good work all:tup:
BTW, could the helpers post up how many members they helped, names please, I'm curious:P No shame if no newbie added you, it's best to have more helping members than newbie's:tup: we say it in my America's Army clan: REPORT IN:D

Your name:
Names of people you helped:
I'll help if I can, thought my knowledge is limited I'd still like to help =D
p.s the best way to drift an ae86 is with clutch kicks, but there is no clutch so move onto another car until you get
I'll help if I can, thought my knowledge is limited I'd still like to help =D
p.s the best way to drift an ae86 is with clutch kicks, but there is no clutch so move onto another car until you get
Feint or E brake......