Got back to playing GT6 again after not liking Forza and Project Cars too much. If there's one game plain boring to me, it is Forza. There is absolutely no depth in that game. From the career mode to the graphics. Alot of the actual content in Forza feels rushed. Quickly done to have another game released a year after Forza 5. The car roster is way better than GT6 but still the excitement I get in GT6 taking out one of them cars for a free run is simply not there in Forza.
And in GT6, at least there is online. I only just got back playing and already did I have a very exciting race in a public lobby. The kind of races you play these games for. Stock cars, totally clean drivers, fighting for every corner. Adore the user lobbies in GT6. forza is definitely lacking. And there is something else. In GT6 and PCars one can putting in laps and improving laps times bit by bit, finding a few tenths there than there, tackling a corner just that tiny little bit better by having prepared that corner, hitting the apex right. In Forza, it seems i just don't have the room for finding other lines. maybe it has to see with the wheel radius I dont know. It just doesnt feel right.
Yes GT6 is an old game by now and now that it doesnt look like the successor is come soon, I enjoy my copy very much...