Got it!

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1. Plug in your psp.
2. MediaGo will automatically download it and install it.

You can't download it without the PSP being plugged in. ;)
Sorry to still be a pain but where should I plug it in on the desktop. Thanks for your help.
Bugger because I have the original PSP and when trying to link it up to the PS3 it doesn't do anything.

You can go onto the PSN store on your PSP. I think that's the way you should be doing it. 💡 Haven't tried it yet myself, hope to get the game tomorrow.
Target it had it on the shelves today and i got all excited. Took to the cashier and he scanned it and then their system blocked him from selling it today. Damn, i was so close to gettin it a day early! Oh well, i can wait til tommorow.
Target it had it on the shelves today and i got all excited. Took to the cashier and he scanned it and then their system blocked him from selling it today. Damn, i was so close to gettin it a day early! Oh well, i can wait til tommorow.

See, that's the thing I don't understand. If you want to sell a game one day earlier to get a head start on things and make some extra money - fine. It's been done with movie release dates and it happens often with books, but why have it on the shelf ready to be brought....if it's unable to register? :odd:
I believe it is entered on the PSN store, and download as an addon, and then the car will appear in your garage.
Stupid question: Two actually.

Is both your PS3 and PSP firmware up to date?

Are you plugging it in via USB and then selecting USB Connection under Settings on the XMB?
Target it had it on the shelves today and i got all excited. Took to the cashier and he scanned it and then their system blocked him from selling it today. Damn, i was so close to gettin it a day early! Oh well, i can wait til tommorow.

The same thing happened to me yesterday. It was in my hands. Denied! Rang up $0.00. Don't sell until Oct 1.
I was just at Target. They had an empty shelf in the PSP case with a GT sticker, and when the dude scanned it, it came up as "none in stock".

I wonder if it sold out, or if it hasn't been put out yet.

EDIT- Awesome! Just started my download... 42 minutes to go...
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I was lucky to get a Collectors edition, I never preordered and I rang around yesterday and everywhere but one place (who only had a couple) had already sold them on pre-orders.
Target it had it on the shelves today and i got all excited. Took to the cashier and he scanned it and then their system blocked him from selling it today. Damn, i was so close to gettin it a day early! Oh well, i can wait til tommorow.

I would leave some cash on the counter (aka the price of the game with tax and a little extra) and just walk out of there.
I been playing this thing, the licenses are fun as always, im in the G group, all silver atleast (about 50% golds), after that i dont know what im going to do, the other mode is kind of lame, racing 4 times each track until i got A class, horrible mode.

Overall is not bad it terms of gameplay, the cars feel good, sounds good, the graphics are good in some tracks but bad in others (lots of artifacts in some tracks).

I havent seen many new cars, basically all from GT4, the dealership thing is pretty stupid and the game throw you money all the time, i have like 25 cars already and a 1.1 million to spend.

Its really dissapointing having the old carlist with so little new ones because i already drove my favorites in GT4, so when this was annouced i was hopping for more Ferraris, Lamborghinis and other new cars.

Il give it a 7.0 since i played GT4 four years ago.
My order from is still shown as 'packing'. :-( Has anybody received GT PSP from yet?
My order from for the "normal" version has been dispatched.
Annoyingly don't have a 24hr delivery button. so being free delivery you never know when it's coming >.< just e-mailed me to say the Collector's Edition has been posted.

Under 22 hours later...

Just picked up my copy from my local gamestore in my break... ended up getting the Collectors Edition because there was no difference in price..?? I thought there would be... but not at this store... So now a couple hours more of waiting and I'm going to cruise the ring with the Veyron (I Hope)! :)
Yeah, I was there open-mouthed in disbelief, followed by hideously puerile fits of giggling after I read a post which had been hacked apart by a moderator so it said "[Mod Edit - Hoss]" instead of every instance of "GT5". 'posted' my pre-ordered copy just under 2 hours ago. Hoping that they have a very slow computer sending out the emails and it'll be waiting for me at home this evening. :-)
The e-mail literally means it has just been posted. It won't reach you by the evening unless you actually live in their local postbox*.

Mine was "posted" at just after 2pm and arrived with the post at noon the next day, which is, I have to admit, a bit of a record for Play. If you're lucky, you'll get it with the post tomorrow.

*Yes, I know. It doesn't go into a postbox. It all gets bundled up and collected by a lorry
I'm desparately hoping that as it was in 'packing' status for almost 24 hours then maybe it is just something up with their computer system. Clutching at straws I know. Anyway, NFS Shift demo is up on the PSN store this evening so that'll be something for me to play around with this evening whilst the rest of you play Gran Turismo... Sob...
I have to say this is everything I was hoping for from a PSP version of GT! First thing I did was take the BMW 120i round the ring and the physics engine feels great, definately a step up from GT4 and surprisingly similar characteristics to GT5:P.

The replays look great as well, and the inclusion of in car view is a massive plus point!

Still early days of course, but first impressions are excellent!