I been playing this thing, the licenses are fun as always, im in the G group, all silver atleast (about 50% golds), after that i dont know what im going to do, the other mode is kind of lame, racing 4 times each track until i got A class, horrible mode.
Overall is not bad it terms of gameplay, the cars feel good, sounds good, the graphics are good in some tracks but bad in others (lots of artifacts in some tracks).
I havent seen many new cars, basically all from GT4, the dealership thing is pretty stupid and the game throw you money all the time, i have like 25 cars already and a 1.1 million to spend.
Its really dissapointing having the old carlist with so little new ones because i already drove my favorites in GT4, so when this was annouced i was hopping for more Ferraris, Lamborghinis and other new cars.
Il give it a 7.0 since i played GT4 four years ago.