GPS Course Creator: If/When Released, will it Generate More Interest in GT6, or is it too late?

Do you feel the GPS Course Creator will spark new/revived interest in GT6?

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New interest? No, people who didn't care about GT would not care now, would they?
Revived interest? Yes, because it was a feature higly anticipated, and if is a good one, could make the GT Saga unique, once again... but everything we can do, is just wait...

Reminder of the initial project from here:

"GTP: First, Kazunori, I’d like to talk about your recent comments on the possible size of Course Maker tracks – when you mentioned they could cover an area of over 2,500 kilometers.

“Yes, originally it was said there would be 100×100, then we said 50×50 kilometers.

“Going by the latest info I’m getting from our development staff, it might end up being closer to 20×20. That is still very large – the Nurburgring is about 5×5 kilometers in the game, so it is quite a lot of space.”

GTP: Will players have more control over the tracks they can create in GT6, compared to GT5?

“Yes. In regards to the course maker, it is cutting it really close as to whether or not it will make it in time for day one or not for GT6. It’s definitely going to be there, but whether or not it will be available from day one I’m just not really sure right now.

“We might start off by providing tracks that we’ve made to the users first – and then the editing user interface might come a little bit after that.”


"GTP: What about B-Spec mode? Will B-Spec racing return to Gran Turismo 6? If so, how do you see its features evolving in the future?

“In GT6, we’re planning to make it so that you can just switch within the same race to make it either A-Spec or B-Spec. There won’t be separate modes for A-Spec or B-Spec racing any more, the player can just choose to have it be an A-Spec or B-Spec race. So, people who really like to drive can just keep it in A-Spec.

“Among all the users of Gran Turismo, there are some guys who really have a hard time driving themselves, but really like cars, and B-Spec will be a big part of the game for them.”
Well, that explains all the B-Spec references already in the game, then. I'd forgotten about that, thanks.

They seem to really be struggling with it all. I still think the computational load of the coursemaker rendering would need to be balanced with other changes, and so they will all come together (more or less).
Sounds like B-Spec will be very underwhelming.

What a joke.
If you take a lack of a desrciption of the feature to mean that it is in some way "empty", then sure.

Otherwise, nothing that was said can be used to draw any real conclusion. We know it'll be switchable in-race, but we don't know what it'll do when switched to.
I wonder if the payouts using BSpec will be better/worse/same in GT6 given that there is no real endurance racing.
I wonder if the payouts using BSpec will be better/worse/same in GT6 given that there is no real endurance racing.
Maybe B-Spec will be the key to an eventual inclusion of "real endurance racing". Minus the flags, of course.

I say that because in-race saves were desperately needed by many in GT5, and allowing Bob to take over from time to time as well combines the usefulness of GT4's B-Spec in that regard also.

The hardcore can still do it their way.
If you take a lack of a desrciption of the feature to mean that it is in some way "empty", then sure.

Otherwise, nothing that was said can be used to draw any real conclusion. We know it'll be switchable in-race, but we don't know what it'll do when switched to.

Sounds to me like the B-Spec is just going to be an option in the terrible offline career mode, with no new races or endurance to use with it.
Sounds to me like the B-Spec is just going to be an option in the terrible offline career mode, with no new races or endurance to use with it.

I seriously hope this isn't the case. If it is, it should have just been there day one.

There's no reason for it to be delayed if they're just doing the same as what was in GT4. I find it hard to believe that it's a horrendously complex system anyway, they've already proved that they have fairly fine control over AI pace and driving style with the rubber-banding. It seems to me they already have all the parts they need, unless they're doing something *completely* out of left field.

How hard can it be to turn that tech into a moderately entertaining improvement on the extremely simplistic GT4 and GT5 systems?
“In GT6, we’re planning to make it so that you can just switch within the same race to make it either A-Spec or B-Spec. There won’t be separate modes for A-Spec or B-Spec racing any more, the player can just choose to have it be an A-Spec or B-Spec race. So, people who really like to drive can just keep it in A-Spec.

“Among all the users of Gran Turismo, there are some guys who really have a hard time driving themselves, but really like cars, and B-Spec will be a big part of the game for them.”
Basically like in GT4... i would like it
The one thing Gran Turismo has going for it still is if you only own a PS3, there really is no alternative. If you want to race then GT6 is what's you've got. I can see anyone who put GT6 on the shelf having a renewed interest for a couple of months, maybe even for those that traded it in already, but it won't drive any tangible new revenue in my opinion.

To be honest I think they should have left it out. As a day one feature in GT7 it had a real chance to shift some hardware as well as a few million games.

I still play GT6 because thats where my peer group is, however I will be buying Pcars in a month or so and I doubt very much that the course maker is enough to keep me from playing it. Those of us with a PS4 already will likely have moved on unfortunately.
Iam Looking forward to it and hope they will do it really Good.
Kaz talked about it in a Video where he said that the gt5 on was very easy and hes Looking do something like a videogame he named where you can really edit your tracks like you want (some children game).

I hope there will be options for bumps, tarmac, mayve condition of the road etc! I want to drive our "little greenhell" in gt!

Also it would be very Good to Release it in gt6 mayve even as a beta to test it for a Good thing in gt7 :)

Here's a Video of my favourite street ;)

Maybe B-Spec will be the key to an eventual inclusion of "real endurance racing". Minus the flags, of course.

I say that because in-race saves were desperately needed by many in GT5, and allowing Bob to take over from time to time as well combines the usefulness of GT4's B-Spec in that regard also.

The hardcore can still do it their way.

Betting full endurance races will return with B-Spec. Also I wonder if they'll give the option of B-Specking in open lobbies if you so desire.
The one thing Gran Turismo has going for it still is if you only own a PS3, there really is no alternative.

If you want to drive a lot of cars on a lot of tracks, there's no alternative.

If you want to pretend you're a racing driver, there are some. Grid: Autosport. Shift 1 (not Shift 2: Unleashed, it's awful). Ferrari Challenge. Whichever one of the Codemasters F1 games you find more appealing, because they all have different levels of bugginess and features. Grid 1, if you're not too fussed about physics. Dirt 3, if you want some real(ish) rally action. Eutechnyx's NASCAR games if you're into NASCAR. And so on.

There is nothing that provides all that GT does. But if you're looking for a specific thing (close racing, F1, rally, whatever), there is probably a game out there that does that specific thing better than GT. These are the alternatives. Given that many people seem to focus on one aspect of Gran Turismo as "the thing that they like", I think it's reasonable to say that there are alternatives out there for many people.

GT is the best for photomode, and at providing a huge number of cars and tracks. For everything else I can think of (and I've probably missed something) there are reasonable alternatives on PS3.
The one thing Gran Turismo has going for it still is if you only own a PS3, there really is no alternative. If you want to race then GT6 is what's you've got. I can see anyone who put GT6 on the shelf having a renewed interest for a couple of months, maybe even for those that traded it in already, but it won't drive any tangible new revenue in my opinion.
If you narrow it down to just racing as you did, Grid Autosport has better racing than any GT game ever did. As Imari says it's not the complete package that GT, but on the other hand it doesn't portray itself as such either. I spend most of my time in GAS racing offline, and some online, in GT I haven't raced offline other than to grind credits, for more than 10 years.
I voted yes, because I'm sure it will spark interest in the ones still playing GT6. How many others will come back to give it a try on a regular basis ... I have no idea.

I think the whole delay in releasing this feature has something to do with PD moving a lot of workforce to GT7/PS4 development soon after GT6-release. They saw that the sales-figures were not great, so it didn't make much sense to continue full focus on the product for DLC and new features. So, maybe the course creator would have made it out in summer of 2014, and only now it may or may not be close.

On the bright side, this would mean that GT7 will come sooner than originally planned (whenever that is).

My post is, of course, entirely founded in my own imagination rather than fact.
On the bright side, this would mean that GT7 will come sooner than originally planned (whenever that is).

Kaz says 2015/2016.

I wouldn't put money on it being 2015. They still have a lot to finish with GT6. It would literally be here's the last of GT6, bam, GT7. It might happen, but it seems unlikely.

Also, somewhat impolite if GT7 turns up straight after GT6 is finished. "Yeah, we could have finished the game you paid for earlier but we wanted to get this one out so you could give us more money. Guys? Guys??"

You could be right though. I've seen weirder things.
For me, B-spec is just another way to get more credit and nothing more. Course creator on the other hand; if done better than GT5; with minor things like car gifting, could have me wait for GT7 till early 2017. No problem. Given GT7 will have all cars full premium, without deleting any.
B-SPEC mode will undoubtedly be more complete than GT5.

For cons, I would not bet on the return of endurance racing.
It already did, sold a lot of GT6 copies on launch and now those people are either still waiting while playing GT6/other games or have moved on from the series/and/or will be back to GT7.

It will definitely sell some GT6 copies (again) but it won't be a huge amount - most likely only active members of gaming forums and such that follows the news of all racing games.

From this group I can't see how there would be a big amount of people "on the fence" or simply waiting for course maker to buy it.

If you wait 14 months the game doesn't interest you that much and course maker won't change your mind. You may be able to create cool tracks but if the activities offered haven't convinced you all this time then how could custom tracks with the same activities be of a huge difference ?

The only buzz it will generate will be limited to a thread on GTP full of rants, praises, gifs, hater/fanboy callouts and mods interventions. :gtpflag:
I wonder if the payouts using BSpec will be better/worse/same in GT6 given that there is no real endurance racing.
My dream is that they completely rebuild the career mode from scratch making it 100% times better, using b spec and good AI to full potential in every races, a bit like GT4. Well I want to believe :)
Hate to be a pessimist and say it but IF and I emphasize the if PD ever get round to releasing it what's to say they wont pull the same trick they did with the beyond the apex app and release a GPS Course creator on iOS only ?

With the market share of Apple devices compared to Android it wont renew all that much interest in GT6, I say this because "PD logic" or lack thereof.
I just see an interview of Kazunori on a french video games tv show ( Game One ) . Interview about the Alpine as main subject , but when the guy try to get a release date for GT7 Kaz said that " the game is on development since a while " but " launch is not for tomorrow " cause " the team focused on a big Update to come in GT6 ".
Sound really like a 2.0 GT5 update .
Too late or not , it's nice to see than even working on a futur game , they try to add a lot of feature on the old one .
I just see an interview of Kazunori on a french video games tv show ( Game One ) . Interview about the Alpine as main subject , but when the guy try to get a release date for GT7 Kaz said that " the game is on development since a while " but " launch is not for tomorrow " cause " the team focused on a big Update to come in GT6 ".
Sound really like a 2.0 GT5 update .
Too late or not , it's nice to see than even working on a futur game , they try to add a lot of feature on the old one .
The "big update" has been mentioned a few times before in other interviews. I'm actually surprised people aren't wildly speculating over it already.
Hate to be a pessimist and say it but IF and I emphasize the if PD ever get round to releasing it what's to say they wont pull the same trick they did with the beyond the apex app and release a GPS Course creator on iOS only ?

With the market share of Apple devices compared to Android it wont renew all that much interest in GT6, I say this because "PD logic" or lack thereof.

The only logic to the Apple decision is that iPhones are the most popular devices in Japan, by a reasonably significant margin. Last I checked it was about two thirds iPhones, one third Android, and basically no Windows phones.

Of course, a third of the Japanese market is still a reasonable amount to be ignoring, and you'd think what with Gran Turismo selling to a global market (and selling more copies outside Japan than in it) that the global popularity of Android would be taken into account.

But it wasn't for Beyond the Apex, and as you say, there's a reasonable chance that it won't be for the GPS app either.
The "big update" has been mentioned a few times before in other interviews. I'm actually surprised people aren't wildly speculating over it already.
To a degree, it's a known quantity: BSpec and Coursemaker. Things that nobody cares about, supposedly.

Besides, they've been speculated over endlessly since GT5 launched, effectively. And the next update has always been the one that'll fix all ills, so this is nothing new.

Now realistically, all we can do is wait. We perhaps also know better than to get carried away. Maybe.

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