Sponsorship annoucement:
After speaking with
@Jw_wk1010 in hope's of being picked up before half the season is over, Jw was nice enough to get me in touch with Richard "Dick" Fitzwell, head of Kmart's internet provider division. Knowing Jw has had many dealings with Mr. Fitzwell and their shoddy internet service, I figured it would be better than nothing at this point in the season after being sponsorless for so long.
I made the journey out to his corporate office and after some negotiations (and after cracking open a couple of cold ones) we came to an agreement. It's been 26 years since Mr. Fitzwell has sponsored a car and he jumped on the opportunity. He got on the horn with his co-sponsors back in 1993 who also hopped on board. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy.
I couldn't help but notice the AOL Free Trial CD's sprawled all over Mr. Fitzwell's desk which we used as coasters. "What's the deal with these?" I asked. "Its a reminder that we put them sonsabitches out of business years ago."
He then tried to get me to bite on "upgrading" to their latest and greatest internet package.
No thanks, Dick.
My Red
5 #85 ARL Entry from this point forward: