GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
New Team Formed, BMW Confirms Signings

A busy news day in the ranks of ARL began with an off-the-rails press conference and ended with a series of DUI and Stunt-Driving Charges. In a morning presser at the Leonardo Royal Hotel in Munich, not far from the BMW AG headquarters, Syd Viscus emerged looking as though he hasn’t slept or stopped partying since he was extradited from Croatia after a series of unfortunate drunken tirades landed him in hot water with local authorities. His opening statement was as follows:

“We are pleased to announce the addition of a new team to the ARL Gr.3 Championship. The formation of this new team, named Maple Pain Train, in association with BMW Auto Group and my esteemed ARL colleagues, @Moby45 and @Sandite5 , has been a long time in the making. Many, many hours of trying to work hard and complete things has led to this glorious day.”

After a few more minutes of unintelligible ramblings, in which he called out StepDad Racing, Mid-Pack Racing and Bulls and Arrows by name, Viscus introduced the rest of the team officially, and turned the mic over to Sandite, who was represented by his agent and lawyer, and Moby for comment. Sandite’s lawyer spoke on behalf of his client:

"Newcomer Sandite5 secured a spot on the mythical Maple Pain Train racing team. We tried to reach out to him for comment, [but] unfortunately we are unable to print the language used as it related to that bitch Carole Baskin. With that said, the team looks poised with their BMW M6's, and with this new driver addition are ready to rip!"

Driver Moby added; "My original plan was to stick with Mazda as a part time driver and help them develop the Rotary car some more for competition. But then I got an offer from both BMW and Syd from Maple Pain Train that sounded like an interesting inquiry. Syd needed a 3rd member to the team as a part time driver because he wanted to knock @PApunk924 down a peg because now that Punk did decent in ONE open wheel wild card race last season he has become a bit douchey. The irony in that is that it was BMW telling me that Punk has become douchey as if they do not know their American customer base at all. So anyway I started blasting and then I just kept blasting. I never stepped my feet on PApunks couch. Yeah I remember steppin my feet on PApunks couch. He has money, he can buy a new one. Cocaine is a helluva drug. Good thing we have unlimited pancakes for team Maple Pain Train. I am going to be drinking a lot of beer and getting a lot hooke....."

We had to cut Moby's comments as he kept rambling on about things with a few highlights about how "whooping up PApunk" is the only reason he races and some interesting comments about TexasJack being so high that even the moon couldn't keep up with his distance from the Earth. A long with other questionable comments we were able to gather that he is ready for this upcoming season with his new sponsor. When asked about another racing rival of his, @fullness . Moby stated:

"Who the hell is that? Is that the guy that PApunk destroyed in the SuperStangs race? I can't worry about every worm burner out there man. I have way too many things to do. Like hack-sawing your mom's a....."

And more expletives were said. It seemed that Moby was over-enjoying his new sponsor with Warsteiner and Tequila Patron.

As our press team was packing up the sounds of squealing tires permeated the streets of the Am Riesenfeld district, and Moby45 and SydViscus passed the hotel in full opposite lock. Reports say the two went bar hopping over the next 7 hours in their new BMW’s and were arrested for DUI and Stunt-Driving at Approx. 11pm last night. They are being held at the Polizeipräsidium München Headquarters awaiting a hearing before the courts. BMW released a statement, revealing they were already “Very, very concerned” about their partnership with Maple Pain Train.
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Exerpt from a developing story/interview from @fullness from bulls and arrows racing...

"That guy (@syd not so vicious) needs to stick to sucking maple out of trees in the woods rather than ordering stacks of pancakes that his mouth cant chew"

"I could only imagine how hard he was breathing after he jumped into all the teams backyards and started kicking dog houses...he kicked ours and was chased and eaten by the doby, rotty, and shepherd we have in ours"

"hope the poor lil guy is ok"
Haha nice one.

Non-joking note. Whenever all the teams get their teams made and set up could you all send me your team Logo's and a side profile shot of your cars with their liveries on them with a white background? I am going to make a spectator spotting guide for the main page like @llNovall does for his leagues on Friday nights.

I think it would look nice on our page.
Exerpt from a developing story/interview from @fullness from bulls and arrows racing...

"That guy (@syd not so vicious) needs to stick to sucking maple out of trees in the woods rather than ordering stacks of pancakes that his mouth cant chew"

"I could only imagine how hard he was breathing after he jumped into all the teams backyards and started kicking dog houses...he kicked ours and was chased and eaten by the doby, rotty, and shepherd we have in ours"

"hope the poor lil guy is ok"


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BRCCRT is currently accepting applications for two drivers to fill seats. Team Owner, Cornbread243, is a Bronze Division driver. His consistency record is unmatched within the ARL. That's right! You'll have a teammate that you KNOW, WITHOUT HESITATION, will always contend for last place. With a teammate like that, don't hesitate to join Black Rifle Coffee Company Racing Team! The open spots are bound to fill up faster than that "other brand" can wake you up.

1) Have Fun
2) Keep your expectations lower than Artic Winter temperatures.

If you wish to run a BRCC Livery, or would like help creating one, Cornbread is happy to provide one. See you on track!
My teammates were no shows last season needing a new team I run BRCC on most of Livries now going to run the Mazda rx concept unless you have a Manufacture in mind up to you
We have some changes to the divisions for season 7. A few drivers have been shuffled around to make the divisions even more competitive.

The following drivers have been promoted to Gold Division:

The following drivers have been moved from Silver to Bronze Division:

There may be some adjustments before the season starts but this should be very close to the final division lineups.
"Rumor has it that II-NOVA-II, a driver who raced at a limited capacity for TCP Racing and Bulls and Arrows Motorsports is returning for a few events in Season 7. Team and car choice has yet to be determined. More information to come as it is recieved."
"Rumor has it that II-NOVA-II, a driver who raced at a limited capacity for TCP Racing and Bulls and Arrows Motorsports is returning for a few events in Season 7. Team and car choice has yet to be determined. More information to come as it is recieved."
II-NOVA-II has just announced his formal entry with personal shop/race team, Howard's Performance Specialties (HPS). The self funded Driver and team have been discussing and testing a few different manufacturers, and look to be zeroing in on a car choice. Also, the team is having conversations with familiar sponsors of other series along with prospective new sponsors to help pick up the tab for various car and race support expenses. Stay tuned for more information as a final driver/team profile will be reported.
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"Rumor has it that II-NOVA-II, a driver who raced at a limited capacity for TCP Racing and Bulls and Arrows Motorsports is returning for a few events in Season 7. Team and car choice has yet to be determined. More information to come as it is recieved."
Welcome back!!!

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