GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
@gold division
Is your memory that bad? You just finished second at Red Bull 2 weeks ago.
Yea and how many of the gold division were missing? Heri was the only top top dog there lol

Of course no offense to the other golds present that night, but we all know who are consistent podium finishers when they are present.
I'll just put it out there that I want to switch my confirmation to Auto-Confirm. That way I don't have to worry about it later on.
Im just curious but how will the times be scored for lobby B with the early finish?

I had this question a few weeks ago.

Answer...your finish time for 39 laps plus your fast lap added.

I'm curious what the ruling is on my finish with @Sandite5 ... I crossed the line only a few hundredths ahead of him, but with him being a faster driver, I bet his fast lap is faster than mine, and by more than a few hundredths.

That was a fun finish Sandite!! My car and tires were toast from our battle 5 laps earlier! Thanks for racing it out with me!
It was a quiet and yet relaxing weekend, though it isn't my strong circuit. Had put the car on lawnmowing duties on and off and did some wall scratching coming out of the final turn and onto the oval. Was struggling off the start due to poor grip and lost a lot of ground within first couple of laps.

Originally wanted to do a single stop strategy but found that I could get around consistently with less fuel in the car, ended up going for a 2-stop plan to make sure the car is back home in one piece. Right off to the next race!
Im just curious but how will the times be scored for lobby B with the early finish?

How i figure it out is I will pause the replay the moment herimopp89 crosses the line.

Then i will locate you on the track and subtract your current lap time from your fastest lap. Then i take the remainder and add it to herimopp89's finish time. This will give me your finish time.

Example. You're 30 secs into your final lap. Your fast lap is a 1:08. Heris final time is 46:00.

1:08 - 0:30 = :38 + 46:00 = 46:38

Giving you a finish time of 46:38
Howdy all Bruh’s & Bruh-dettes. Wanted to see if you all would be interested in a multi-class race for Funzies since I’m in the Le Mans Spirit. Looking for 16 crazy bass-turds to To run a Le Mans 90 Min race either this Monday or next. If interested sign up HERE. There will be a Random grid start with Gr1 in front and GR3 in back with a 30 Sec Delay. Racing Soft only and Base BOP for each vehicle. First come first serve for vehicle class. Remember be cool Bruh.
Howdy all Bruh’s & Bruh-dettes. Wanted to see if you all would be interested in a multi-class race for Funzies since I’m in the Le Mans Spirit. Looking for 16 crazy bass-turds to To run a Le Mans 90 Min race either this Monday or next. If interested sign up HERE. There will be a Random grid start with Gr1 in front and GR3 in back with a 30 Sec Delay. Racing Soft only and Base BOP for each vehicle. First come first serve for vehicle class. Remember be cool Bruh.
Howdy all Bruh’s & Bruh-dettes. Wanted to see if you all would be interested in a multi-class race for Funzies since I’m in the Le Mans Spirit. Looking for 16 crazy bass-turds to To run a Le Mans 90 Min race either this Monday or next. If interested sign up HERE. There will be a Random grid start with Gr1 in front and GR3 in back with a 30 Sec Delay. Racing Soft only and Base BOP for each vehicle. First come first serve for vehicle class. Remember be cool Bruh.

That's a shame.
Howdy all Bruh’s & Bruh-dettes. Wanted to see if you all would be interested in a multi-class race for Funzies since I’m in the Le Mans Spirit. Looking for 16 crazy bass-turds to To run a Le Mans 90 Min race either this Monday or next. If interested sign up HERE. There will be a Random grid start with Gr1 in front and GR3 in back with a 30 Sec Delay. Racing Soft only and Base BOP for each vehicle. First come first serve for vehicle class. Remember be cool Bruh.

what times it running you think? wont waste your time if its before 9 est because I work twice most weekdays and dont finish until 8 pm