GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
Tire usage for RS compound


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I want to issue a pre-emptive rules clarification regarding Kinetic-RL20-II.

Article 3.4 of the tire regulations is as follows:

3.4- When new drivers join they will be allotted one (1) set of Racing Softs (RS) tires for each race remaining in the current season.

Because this kinetic is a new driver, having not been placed in any division or competed in a gr3 race, he has not officially joined. He will continue to lose 1 set of RS until he competes in a Gr3 Saturday event, at which point he will have joined and will no longer lose RS sets unless used in-race.

If he, or his team on behalf of him, wish to seek further clarification please PM me. Thanks :cheers:
I want to issue a pre-emptive rules clarification regarding Kinetic-RL20-II.

Article 3.4 of the tire regulations is as follows:

3.4- When new drivers join they will be allotted one (1) set of Racing Softs (RS) tires for each race remaining in the current season.

Because this kinetic is a new driver, having not been placed in any division or competed in a gr3 race, he has not officially joined. He will continue to lose 1 set of RS until he competes in a Gr3 Saturday event, at which point he will have joined and will no longer lose RS sets unless used in-race.

If he, or his team on behalf of him, wish to seek further clarification please PM me. Thanks :cheers:

You should probably correct mine. I thought it was agreed that any driver that does not compete in a race will lose his set of softs for that race.
Quick question, how do I have less points than people I finished ahead of? I am confused by the points.

Very good question.

Because you have not been placed in a division yet your points are determined by your overall finish amongst all drivers. Whereas division drivers points are determined by their finish against their fellow division drivers.

So for example you finished 13th overall amongst all drivers so you were awarded 13th place points (20pts). Now a driver like BPeacock27 who is placed in silver division finished 23rd overall amongst all drivers but 8th amongst all silver division drivers. So he is awarded 8th place points (25pts) in silver division.

We try and have people placed in division after their 2nd race barring any accidents. So that first race points doesn't really affect you championship bid too negatively when the drop week takes effect.

Hope this helps clear it up for you.
Breaking News:

Source of PApunk924's Covid Infection Found

After rigorous contact tracing PApunk924's Covid infection has been traced back to Maple Pain Train team principle @SydViscus .

It is being speculated that this was a plot to keep his main challenger to the team title from racing this season.

The plan seems to have been to infect PApunk924 with hopes he would spread it to his other teammates.

When asked for a comment about syd's actions PApunk924 had this to say "I've spent more money in spilled liquor than he makes all year!"

When asked if he had any messages for syd this was his comment.
"You're talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing, limousine riding, jet flying, son of a gun! I'm having a hard time holding these alligators down! Woooo!"

Editor's note: It is said that Covid sometimes affects the brain function of those infected.
News Update:

Inside ARL had the opportunity to track down Maple Pain Train Team Principle Viscus, who took some time away from helping his mechanics unpack to answer a few pressing questions. When asked to comment about the stories circulating about the paddock and in the media regarding the recent sickness of rival and fellow BoD member and his subsequent allegations that it was, in fact, Mr. Viscus who infected him, he had this to say; "We believe the comments made today by @PApunk924 were abhorrent and repulsive. Not the part about getting sick he can think what he wants, but to talk about alcohol in such a rude way, as if it can just be spilled? Wasted? Tossed out like trash? Disgusting. He should get cupholders or maybe pay one of his not-so-teenage mutant ninja turtles to hold it for him. Let me also say this for the record, and this is a scoop. We here at MPT learned it was actually a paid plant by Bulls & Arrows team who conducted the so-called "contact tracing", likely in an attempt to mask their true motive, no pun intended".

With a new team charging hard in the first race, we also had the brief opportunity to ask about his thoughts on Monster Apex Racing, the upstart new outfit that proved strong on the Mountain last weekend. "I didn't even know they were a team, I must have missed a memo, possibly while preserving completely un-spilled drink, but [yes] they were very strong, they showed pace and its no surprise with those guys at the wheel. Takes a lot more than one race to pull off a challenge at the crown in this league though, this pack is getting stronger season after season, and consistency is paramount".

Inside ARL will continue to update you as this story develops.

Directed by M. Knight Shyamalan
News Update:

Inside ARL had the opportunity to track down Maple Pain Train Team Principle Viscus, who took some time away from helping his mechanics unpack to answer a few pressing questions. When asked to comment about the stories circulating about the paddock and in the media regarding the recent sickness of rival and fellow BoD member and his subsequent allegations that it was, in fact, Mr. Viscus who infected him, he had this to say; "We believe the comments made today by @PApunk924 we abhorrent and repulsive. Not the part about getting sick he can think what he wants, but to talk about alcohol in such a rude way, as if it can just be spilled? Wasted? Tossed out like trash? Disgusting. He should get cupholders or maybe pay one of his not-so-teenage mutant ninja turtles to hold it for him. Let me also say this for the record, and this is a scoop. We here at MPT learned it was actually a paid plant by Bulls & Arrows team who conducted the so-called "contact tracing", likely in an attempt to mask their true motive, no pun intended".

With a new team charging hard in the first race, we also had the brief opportunity to ask about his thoughts on Monster Apex Racing, the upstart new outfit that proved strong on the Mountain last weekend. "I didn't even know they were a team, I must have missed a memo, possibly while preserving completely un-spilled drink, but [yes] they were very strong, they showed pace and its no surprise with those guys at the wheel. Takes a lot more than one race to pull off a challenge at the crown in this league though, this pack is getting stronger season after season, and consistency is paramount".

Inside ARL will continue to update you as this story develops.

Directed by M. Knight Shyamalan

PApunk924 was asked to respond to syds recent comments. He pulled out an 80s boom box and just played this:

Ballast updates:

@SAMHAIN85 - bmw - 543hp - 2866lbs - +3 ballast
@Neutty - Renault - 529hp - 2851lbs - +2 ballast
@fullness - Dodge - 549hp - 2815lbs - +1 ballast

@Missedapex420 - merc - 558hp - 2862lbs - +3 ballast
@racefan88 - Porsche - 535hp - 2848lbs - +2 ballast
@VGR645 - dodge - 549hp - 2815lbs - +1 ballast

@PApunk924 and @SydViscus and I'm sorry whoever else i should be addressing this to on the Bod that I've missed.

I know the bod worked hard and made decisions on the new ballast and id like to say thank you for that. I like the theory but think there should be an addition.

I know what the ballast rules are and they’re for the front runners to make racing a little tighter. (I believe?). To be honest i was a little more excited about them until i learned there was in fact no benefit to those of us who regularly run at the back.

As a member who is often at the back id like to suggest a ballast rule (weight taken off) even if its only for the last place finisher. As a result it will make tighter racing at the back of the pack.
Similar to the front runners, i over heard ( i believe) the reason for the ballast rule was because there was fairly large finishing time differences amongst the front and would create tighter racing. Thats great for the front, but we have similar time differences in the rear as well.

those who finish near the front usually finish near the front, those who finish mid pack usually finish mid pack...and so on. So i think the risk of a front runner - intentionally finishing last to get rid of some weight is next to non-existent if that was the concern.

Its great that the ballast rule was developed to aide in tighter racing at the front - as you can tell i’d really like you guys to consider a variation for the back of the field as well. As we all know running a race 20secs behind someone and 20secs ahead of someone (as is often the case in the back too) is not the greatest fun.

If the ‘back of felid’ rule is developed, my only other suggestion is that to receive the benefit of weight taken off ... you have to be running at the end of the race (ie if the reason you came in last is because you dropped out partway thru the race then it would be a driver ahead of you that actually finished the race that receives the benefit of less weight).

again - great work bod and i dont mean these comments as a criticism but rather an addition. Id love it if it could be started this season since we’re only one race in but also understand if this would have to be discussed amongst the bod for next season (call it the peacock rule lolol)

thanks as always all. My lengthy 2cents for the night.
@PApunk924 and @SydViscus and I'm sorry whoever else i should be addressing this to on the Bod that I've missed.

I know the bod worked hard and made decisions on the new ballast and id like to say thank you for that. I like the theory but think there should be an addition.

I know what the ballast rules are and they’re for the front runners to make racing a little tighter. (I believe?). To be honest i was a little more excited about them until i learned there was in fact no benefit to those of us who regularly run at the back.

As a member who is often at the back id like to suggest a ballast rule (weight taken off) even if its only for the last place finisher. As a result it will make tighter racing at the back of the pack.
Similar to the front runners, i over heard ( i believe) the reason for the ballast rule was because there was fairly large finishing time differences amongst the front and would create tighter racing. Thats great for the front, but we have similar time differences in the rear as well.

those who finish near the front usually finish near the front, those who finish mid pack usually finish mid pack...and so on. So i think the risk of a front runner - intentionally finishing last to get rid of some weight is next to non-existent if that was the concern.

Its great that the ballast rule was developed to aide in tighter racing at the front - as you can tell i’d really like you guys to consider a variation for the back of the field as well. As we all know running a race 20secs behind someone and 20secs ahead of someone (as is often the case in the back too) is not the greatest fun.

If the ‘back of felid’ rule is developed, my only other suggestion is that to receive the benefit of weight taken off ... you have to be running at the end of the race (ie if the reason you came in last is because you dropped out partway thru the race then it would be a driver ahead of you that actually finished the race that receives the benefit of less weight).

again - great work bod and i dont mean these comments as a criticism but rather an addition. Id love it if it could be started this season since we’re only one race in but also understand if this would have to be discussed amongst the bod for next season (call it the peacock rule lolol)

thanks as always all. My lengthy 2cents for the night.

I get where you are coming from, it was brought up and discussed. The issue with the proposal you are setting forth is that people COULD use it in a malicious way. While we are all for having the grid brought closer together, it is easier to bring the best back than move whoever "decides" to finish last further for their benefit. Lets say I wreck lap 1, and I could chase and catch you, but instead I barely drive the rest of the race, get similar points, and get ballast off. I don't want to say ANYONE in this league would stoop to that point, but when you are constructing sets of rules you have to consider how the rules can be "gamed". There's gaps in every ruleset, even leagues that have been around 100 years, we just try to limit fear of rule exploitation to ensure fairness to everyone. we hope that when the silver class is fully applied ballast, you will take that as motivation instead of allowing cookies for finishing last.

Not trynna be a dick, just wanted to explain our POV. :cheers:
Okay guys I’m 90% sure I will be racing tomorrow. Also good to see @PApunk924 is feeling a little better and the reasons for the last place ballast, which I am against.
One question though, we have all done this mistake at some point, what if someone takes a set of softs by mistake? Is it fine if we immediately box on the same lap? The pitloss would be enough to lose a lot of time.
I haven’t practiced though lol, so I’ll show up early for Driver Training.