GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
I was under the impression tonight’s race was a practice race. No wonder the rooms were full. However, the race was a blast. Just had a few to many meetings with the walls. Glad that’s over. Time to get ready for the next ‘practice’ race. See ya soon.

Practice race?
Man, what a fun race! I biffed the second to last turn on the last lap that cost me three overall places. I had caught a +1s penalty earlier and so was trying haul ass to widen the gap between myself and @Missedapex420 so I could spill off the penalty at the end. Unfortunately I slid right off the track, got some engine damage, and just in time to see @Missedapex420 and @racefan88 drive right on by. Maybe the plus side is that I don't have to worry about ballast?

Overall though, to echo the others, it was a great first race.
I went up the mountain, I came down the mountain. I managed to keep all 4 tires and all bumpers on the car. I repeated 22 times. I dropped a second or so a lap to make sure I could repeat 22 times. It worked and I gained 3 positions on the grid from where I started. A great race for me for a track where my fast isn't fast, and puts me on the edge of destruction. I take that as a win!

Perfect advert placement!!
Man I had a typical Whitey race Saturday. Qualified ok and had an ok race. Got damage twice which led to 2 unscheduled pit stops but hung on to 5th somehow. Not devastating and nothing to be proud of, just an immensely mediocre night at the races. Hopefully I can rebound now that people have some ballast on them.
For me my only dilemma was off the start, had a great first corner, went second gear around the outside and was gaining on the cars scrapping in front. Turn 2 was a different story, tried to avoid slamming the door on the apex and went purposefully a little wide, which on cold tires and marbles became way wide, and even though I only touched the wall I got pitched into a rotation and hit @Stryker13 and I think it was @VGR645 who were side by side. Luckily avoided damage to them (I think) but was forced to do a whole lap with front aero and suspension, and it really put a cork in my one-stop. Thought about hopping on the RS tires to make time but figured with a circuit like Pano theres bound to be some mistakes ahead. Fortunately for the league but unfortunately for me the whole grid was on it and I only barely made it back into the fight. The closing 5-6 laps were a sweat fest as I was pushing 150% to catch @aedenmaddok and we had a great scrap for a few laps. I was supposed to fuel save but figured it was all or nothing, and I chased as hard as I could but ran out of fuel entering The Chase (aptly named for the situation) on the last lap.

Great racing from everyone, had a **** ton of fun and it was really cool seeing what has become something of a "New Generation" of ARL drivers go toe-to-toe with some elements of ARL's "Old Guard", a great mix of new and classic names up and down the grid.

Now its on to Blue Moon, a track that tends to throw up some controversy.......
For me my only dilemma was off the start, had a great first corner, went second gear around the outside and was gaining on the cars scrapping in front. Turn 2 was a different story, tried to avoid slamming the door on the apex and went purposefully a little wide, which on cold tires and marbles became way wide, and even though I only touched the wall I got pitched into a rotation and hit @Stryker13 and I think it was @VGR645 who were side by side. Luckily avoided damage to them (I think) but was forced to do a whole lap with front aero and suspension, and it really put a cork in my one-stop. Thought about hopping on the RS tires to make time but figured with a circuit like Pano theres bound to be some mistakes ahead. Fortunately for the league but unfortunately for me the whole grid was on it and I only barely made it back into the fight. The closing 5-6 laps were a sweat fest as I was pushing 150% to catch @aedenmaddok and we had a great scrap for a few laps. I was supposed to fuel save but figured it was all or nothing, and I chased as hard as I could but ran out of fuel entering The Chase (aptly named for the situation) on the last lap.

Great racing from everyone, had a **** ton of fun and it was really cool seeing what has become something of a "New Generation" of ARL drivers go toe-to-toe with some elements of ARL's "Old Guard", a great mix of new and classic names up and down the grid.

Now its on to Blue Moon, a track that tends to throw up some controversy.......
Ill have to look at the replay myself for the full scoop.
Hey all, need your help for a second.

The teams we have down for this season are as follows, but we need to make sure we aren't forgetting anyone. @ me ASAP in the thread if we have missed you, and we'll get you on the teams points chart for next race.


Maple Pain Train


Bulls & Arrows




Monster Apex Racing




White-Knuckle Motorsport


Full Turtle


DGC Sim Racing

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Hey all, need your help for a second.

The teams we have down for this season are as follows, but we need to make sure we aren't forgetting anyone. @ me ASAP in the thread if we have missed you, and we'll get you on the teams points chart for next race.


Maple Pain Train


I concur that these are all the members of the MPT.
@SydViscus is it shown somewhere how many sets we have left or are we expected to track on our own?

To answer your question. After I run my race tonight in Snail I plan on getting in chat with Syd to help get everything updated. Once everything is updated in the google sheets all of the correct information will be posted in the ARL GR3 Driver HUB so that way its all in one spot and easy to find for everybody. Apologies for the current delays. PApunk has been sick and other BoD(including myself) has been caught up in work IRL.
To answer your question. After I run my race tonight in Snail I plan on getting in chat with Syd to help get everything updated. Once everything is updated in the google sheets all of the correct information will be posted in the ARL GR3 Driver HUB so that way its all in one spot and easy to find for everybody. Apologies for the current delays. PApunk has been sick and other BoD(including myself) has been caught up in work IRL.
Appreciate all the work you guys put into this, no worries about delays. Real life always comes first.
@SydViscus is it shown somewhere how many sets we have left or are we expected to track on our own?
To answer your question. After I run my race tonight in Snail I plan on getting in chat with Syd to help get everything updated. Once everything is updated in the google sheets all of the correct information will be posted in the ARL GR3 Driver HUB so that way its all in one spot and easy to find for everybody. Apologies for the current delays. PApunk has been sick and other BoD(including myself) has been caught up in work IRL.

I have all the tires tracked, that info will be made available to you when the points are released. You will not have to track your own.

I'll be racing this weekend @PApunk924

PA is NOT setting the lobbies for Saturday, when I said @ me, bold and underlined, thats @SydViscus, not @ any BoD member of your choice. Thanks.