[Gran Turismo 5 @ E3 2010] (SEE POST 1!: New Vids, Pics, Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
It's possible that the Standard cars have skins and textures at the quality of the Premium cars, as I recall Kaz mentioning, so maybe they do look that good. It would sure quiet a lot of grumbling and arguing.
Interesting video and props to them for trying to resolve the cockpit issue, but it's fair enough what they said. Chris was only doing his job and couldn't reveal anything. They did say that the full game will be shown at Gamescom...
I'm not sure the full game is going to be revealed at GamesCom, but I sure wouldn't mind. All I know for certain is a lot more will be. I still expect the full blowout at Tokyo in September.
I expect the two remaining shows to be like E3. They'll reveal a demo with new "features".

Gamescom will likely have weather. And I can totally see TGS having some customization available.
TGS will definitely be the blowout; it's their home turf, how could it not be?! I'm sure we'll get a lot more stuff confirmed, but as usual, PD will keep a few surprises to themselves. It's always been nice to load up the game to see things we had no idea of.
It sounds like GamesCom will feature just a plethora of new information and then TGS will feature the rest of the information that wasn't shown at GamesCom.
Not a bad video, surprised they actually liked the 3DTV feature as much as they said with GT5 in 3D getting mixed comments which these very forums highlighted as front page news.
Yet SRT didnt mention it looked more jaggied as some reports have previously stated with it running in lower resolution for 3D.

I appreciate Darin covering some questions I put to him in email regards the headtracking and multiscreens, thanks DG.

We have to remember that E3 still showed us quite a bit of new stuff and while this wasnt the big media blow out of game details we wont have long to wait to we get more information on the game.
Here are up and coming events this year GT could either appear at or have ucoming information

GDC Europe
August 16th

August 18th

Tokyo Game Show
September 16th

NY Games Conference
September 21st

Eurogamer Expo 2010
October 1st
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"Standard cars should look at least like Prologue cars"

I wasn't thinking they'd be THAT good, but I hope this is true.

I like these guys and they are definitely sim nerds... that said I do wonder about their attention to detail sometimes in their reviews especially graphics... often I feel they just don't care much about graphics compared to the sim aspect of a game.

So when he says that, so nochalantly and says "gotta remember" as if it's something that should be known... I think he is making an assumption there.

Nowhere have I seen any evidence incoudling official PD released info that even hints at that.
I agree. They may be making inferences. But if it's true that each standard car will be given some time for its own, I could believe it'll be close to Prologue quality. Which I am sure won't deviate too far from the full game's quality.
Those guys from insidesimracing said that Forza 3 is like a PC sim,

and the fact is that Forza 3 has a " Permanent Driving Aid - Active Steering" that means Even with all the optional driving aids disabled, Forza 3 still has an active steering aid that steers for you.

Look here:


and that what most arcade racing games use, so calling FM3 a sim PC is unacceptable and unprofessional, they sound more fanboyish to be honest, ...

those dudes at insidesimracing are not to be trusted, they were also mocking GT fans in their videos and their forums.

It's just awfull, you cant drive well with this latense drive. :yuck: 👎
Sasuki you said these guys wouldn't even have an interview because their not credible.

You were wrong.

Also Kaz must think something of them to invite them to his backstage blowout and Mercedes party.

Also the link you posted regarding the most reliable source, invvolved a man and a jack hammer.

they did say Forza 3 was equal to GT5. with hinting that FM3 was a little better.

They were trying to be polite. You could see it all over their facial expresion. They wouldn't want Turn ten to black ball them if they bad mouthed Forza. They do it with all the games they review. The only way really for them to show who is better is when they do a head to head review with scores and they said they would probably get to that by the end of the year.

But really it's not rocket science if you want to get technical. Who has it better? Let's see:
Number of cars for online racing?
Full 1080p graphics and more polygon per car, plus over 1000 cars?
Details in tracks, plus number of tracks?
Weather, dynamic day and night?
Spectator mode?
Head tracking and 3D? etc.

All that counts for GT5 to be a better sim than other good racing sims out there. I think the only thing they could say about Forza was the physics was just as good, now they said that the graphics was good too in a Forza kind of way without getting technical. In other words its in a separate kinda league (Making their own classification. haha!). And the real truth to what they said was not to get them wrong If you are a Forza fan you have a lot going for the game as is with GT5 and you can't argue with that point of view really. In other words if you are a fan of a certain game even if it sucks it's still good. For you anyways. LOL
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@Spagetti69 sorry watch the Forza 3 e3 preview. and watch the video i posted about the " Forza's Permanent Driving Aid - Active Steering"

after their attitude, do you think they are credible?

there are 2 things about insidesimracing.tv

- They got payed by T10 for promoting Forza 3 at E3,

- Or they are just acting like fanboys...

this is unacceptable from a site that consider it self a pro sim racing website...
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They were trying to be polite. You could see it all over their facial expresion. They wouldn't want Turn ten to black ball them if they bad mouthed Forza. They do it with all the games they review. The only way really for them to show who is better is when they do a head to head review with scores and they said they would probably get to that by the end of the year.

Found this, lol

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I always forget that companies will pay reviewers to sugar coat their crap.Like Gamespot was OBVIOUSLY getting paid by Microsoft for a while. (It was quite apparent in their review of GT5 Prologue where they complained that "the dashboard was in the way" and basically treated the demo like it was a full game. The other thing that made it obvious was, every time they did the "PS3 vs Xbox" reviews, Xbox always won...even when they, themselves admitted that the PS3 had better graphics.

I think G4TV was paid by Nintendo at this year's E3. Nintendo's conference wasn't that exciting and they were all over it like actors on money.

It's sad that it happens, and just kills your reputation. I mean, if I had a game review company and someone try to pay me off, I'd take the money and then still give honest reviews.

I don't know if they were paid for adver, im not sure, but it could be possible, when you mentioned Gamespot.
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Just out of curiousity... if it turned out a GT game had something like constant active steering, would it get panned hard around here or would it be blown off with some silly line like "a good driver never gets into situations like that so it doens't matter"?
I think it would be panned and ridiculed, actually. I'm sure everyone would still play it and love it, but it would no longer be a simulation.
Just out of curiousity... if it turned out a GT game had something like constant active steering, would it get panned hard around here or would it be blown off with some silly line like "a good driver never gets into situations like that so it doens't matter"?
:lol: The fanboys would probably say that! Seriously, I would dislike that feature in a GT game as much as I do in Forza 3.
...you mean like every car having ABS?

"Be right back guys, I'm just going to go take some laps in my traction-controlled Shelby Cobra!"
...you mean like every car having ABS?

"Be right back guys, I'm just going to go take some laps in my traction-controlled Shelby Cobra!"
I never said that GT4 was perfect either, far from it. ;) Besides, most racing games have the option of using driving aids. But we are talking about an assist feature that cannot be turned off even when every assist is turned off. :boggled:
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but, ABS cars brake better. :P It is funny to watch a race when some cars have ABS and others don't. I remember a PIR race where a Ferrari was chasing down a BMW into the chicane and the BMW braked WAY late and the Ferrari tried to brake later, but the BMW had ABS and the Ferrari didn't, so the BMW made the turn and the Ferrari took a trip through the grass.
And you think they will be honest and say: Hey Forza 3 has Permanent Driving Aid - Active Steering which makes it automatically not a sim

and GT5 doesn't have Permanent Driving Aid - Active Steering and it kind of a sim..

so GT5 has better driving physics.

haha...... no, im sure they will say FM3 is a better sim lol

just look at their Frauded Forza 3 preview and review...

someone needs to make a video about their quotes and own them really hard.

Obvious troll is obvious.
I watched their E3 last year and from what they said about FM3 "its like a PC sim but on consoles" i believed them, i brought a 360 and FM3, and when i turned the game on, what did you think i saw? Permanent Driving Aid, Permanent Active Steering, bad driving physics with and bugs and glitches all over the place, their 2009 E3 about FM3 was pretty much like a PR lie. i wasted about 350 euros thats $510 because of them.

people say ISR are pro and they know what they are talking about... No they don't, i don't know if their last year E3 was a paid promotion for FM3 or just pretty straight fanboyisim, All i know is what they did is pathetic, lies and people should not believe what they say, i hope some one makes an article about them and their Fraud previews and reviews ...

Since you seem to be the most infuriated with them(so far anyway), how about you do it? Can't be too hard to do since it doesn't a professional writter to make blogs. Funny thing I can't help but notice is, you're giving them grief over one game. Not two or three or many others but one game. Because of what was they specifically said about Forza 3(not any other game), you say they are unreliable and should not be listened to. One thing I really want to know is how long have you actually followed them? I myself hardly know these guys therefore I cannot say if you are right or not, but I'd like to know if you've even actually looked at every single review they have done to actually make such a statement on how fraud they are or if your just basing this on your frustraition with only one game.
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Just out of curiousity... if it turned out a GT game had something like constant active steering, would it get panned hard around here or would it be blown off with some silly line like "a good driver never gets into situations like that so it doens't matter"?

You realise that is an option, right?
And who says "silly line like..." that? 👎

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