Gran turismo 5 london discovery

Czech Republic
Czech Republic
So as kaz said, London truck was meant to be twice the length, and I think that I found out where was this unknown section.

Pic 1 there was probably left turn before piccadely circus on this long right turn

Pic2 there was probably this track version going to final layout we know today.

I think this because there isnt any dumb texture like on pic 3 and on pic 2 there is just black textures like nowhere else, also pic 1 is pretty high res textures.

Pic 4 is my guess how that track could go.

Maybe it was boring so they cut that piece.


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I do wonder if it came down to what they were allowed to use in the game. Maybe they intended to use more, but what ended up in the finished product was all the city counsel or something similar would allow them to use.
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The longer route has been most likely worked out, if you look at the track in an external editor you can see rough collision data along a path that is (probably) where the longer track variant was.

You seemingly got the turn-off and rejoin point right so that's pretty cool for some solo sleuthing.


In all fairness if it was just this you might not be a million miles off with it being cut for being a bit boring!
Delší trasa byla s největší pravděpodobností zpracována, pokud se podíváte na trať v externím editoru, můžete vidět hrubá data kolize podél cesty, která je (pravděpodobně) tam, kde byla varianta delší trati.

Zdá se, že jste správně pochopili bod vypnutí a opětovného připojení, takže na nějaké sólové sledování je to docela fajn.

View attachment 1397985

Upřímně řečeno, kdyby to bylo jen tohle, možná byste nebyli o milion mil dál, protože by to bylo zkráceno, protože je to trochu nudné!
já think that devs would't make such a boring track even if not relased. I think that they tried to go through some narow streets and this was probably only first idea.

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