[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG

Check out this comparison chart... I think it's missing a few things..
Assumptions in purple chart-form are still assumptions :P

Even so, I think it's unlikely that GT5 will compare well with Forza feature-wise. Forza has some features which I'd really like to have in GT5. But, fundamentally, the two are very different in character and GT is more to my tastes. It just feels much classier.
I've been following the progress of GT5 closely for a long long time now, and the only thing PD has ever mentioned about variable weather was that "It is on their roadmap." That was about 3 years ago. I have never heard anything about day/night changes.

Just with all the lack of information and people wanting weather so bad it's suddenly become a fact that just hasn't been anounced yet.

Dont get your hopes up guys for features that are very very iffy

Check out this comparison chart... I think it's missing a few things..

Besides the fact that Dynamic weather & day/night cycles should really be the same, and that Forza 3 does offer stock cars & modifications, jee, I wonder what else that chart could possibly be wrong about....
They only wanted a few questions; one or two. Anyways, I got marked for advertising/spamming for saying gtplanet.net

I'm glad Jordan made news about the interview, but you cannot post unless you're a level 3 user.

Edit: I did repost my list, but without saying gtplanet.
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I hope the questions in the interview are not whats been asked many times before.Example.."What have you found is the biggest challenge develpoing GT in the HD era?":ouch:
Some of those fantasy tracks are brilliant.

Apricot hill is awesome!

High Speed Ring is perfect for testing out new cars.

Deep Forest Raceway is so beautiful.

Midfield RaceWay is fun too.

NA/EU will get PSPGO earlier than Japan? Maybe PD will reveal the GT5 release date after they get past Ocotber 1...
65% complete? how much of that is true? Hmm.. Rachet & Clanket is listed at 80% and it will be out next month...


Base on all those delicate data, my rocket calculation, according to
KAZtum physics, has produced the following:

Using KAZtum formula of gaming relativity, we get this formula:

p1 x m/p2 = ETR

ETR = Estimated Time of Release
1 Kaz Unit: 20p = 1m

1 Kaz Unit - 1 month
p - percent
m - month


KAZtum Law of Compound Fusion

Status: 80%
Completion in: 1 month

Status: 65%
Completion in: ?

100p - 65p = 35p

35p = 1m/20p = 1.75 Kaz Units

GT5 EU/NA Release Date = Roughly mid to late November 2009!


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Haha :D

But why not! They have always give the game first to the japanese people even though GT sells much much more in EU/US... Why not give the EU/US fans GT first?

BUT the game is made in japanese language :/ BUT the gamescom demo was in german and this france demo also... maybe they already translated a bit of the game...

BUT dissapointment will be much higher if we begin again with speculations like this...
I want Masi to tell me when I am gonna die. With sweet math like that, I bet Masi can figure out anything!

Here is a huge:tup: to Masi
Masi, that was great! :lol:

But, I must admit that the idea of Europe and America seeing GT5 before Japan has me intrigued. Japan more than any country seems to be in love with handheld gaming systems and gadgets, and yet, we're getting GTPSP first. Maybe GT5 scored higher on customer interest here in the west. Translation won't be a problem, because the various SCE offices have scores of technical writers. Who knows... February for us again? Maybe... dare I say it, December?

Eh, I'd better be quiet. Besides, I'd be happy with a spring launch because it would mean more content and a more complete feature set. And for those of us who want to play online, a more comprehensive online setup has to mean something.