True, but times change. People wanna go online these days and compete against real persons, not only versus AI.
Online is a must these days, not a luxury. The most popular games are played online. What I meant with my statement is that if GT keeps neglecting online it will fall behind it's competitors. More and more games are focussing on online for a reason.
GT5 should not take away precious single player development time because the core single player goes hand in hand with online play (car count, tracks, etc.), but they also shouldn't ignore the online features either, because the online we saw in Prologue was downright laughable and almost hard to justify playing.
Speaking in regards to todays market, this new generation of gamers we have currently, have grown up with online being the main component.
To me, Gran Turismo's single player is just as important, but neglect online features and you are just shooting yourself in the foot. A bland, tasteless, bare minimum online mode won't fly anymore in todays market. Online mode gives the game that extra playability, long lasting appeal, and real life competition that so many people today thrive on.
It is an online world these days and you gotta keep up with the times or get left behind. For me personally, online mode is pretty important for many reasons. One simple one being competing with real life people is much more fun and satisfying than semi-dumb computer AI (that goes for all types of games). Good online support and features are a must for me, and I'm not saying that single player isn't the centerpeice, but online offers alot of what single player cant give you like interacting with real life competition and friends. Too many people beat single player games and put them away to collect dust, but when you got a good online mode it opens a whole new aspect to the game with endless ammounts of fun.
In conclusion, the single player is where the beef is, but the online part is the seasoning and special sauce. Prologue's online was a disaster and very bare minimum, and I'm giving PD the benefit of the doubt considering it was more of a 'test' and their first time implementing online. They have had enough time since then to know how to do it right, and what features need to be available. I just hope PD can come through with decent features, not just a bare minimum online mode.
I doubt I would be alone in saying I have absolutely no desire to play ANY game online, either cooperatively or competatively.
Is it a fun feature, yes.
Should it be the primary focus of ANY game, absolutely not (Of course IMHO

Of course you wouldn't be alone in saying you have no desire to play any game online, but I would say you would be the overwhelming minority compared to other gamers in this generation. Personally I have been spoiled with online gaming, putting the story mode on the back burner and starting up the real competition (online).
I think he was just pointing out the importance of online gameplay in TODAYS gaming market. In reference to this generation of gamers, the online aspect of games are just as important as any other, and falls most true in action/shooters like COD, HALO, Battlefield, etc.