[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
I'm aware of the other games that needed attention and I am aware that they threw away the GT4 codes, but to be frank, I think PD should quit with the prologue titles. I mean, it's good for some quick cash, but I think it would be better if they were to focus on the main game and polish it up nicely. Then there's no aggravation amongst the fans. I could definitely do without a GT6: Prologue if it will quicken GT6's release.

I think there was an interview were KY said , Prologue wasn't released to show what GT5 will be like but rather what they have done SO FAR. So Prologue isn't a completely different title than GT5, just it's very early version.
I think there was an interview were KY said , Prologue wasn't released to show what GT5 will be like but rather what they have done SO FAR. So Prologue isn't a completely different title than GT5, just it's very early version.

They should have toyed with damage back then in 2008. Had they implemented damage back then, I bet we would have seen GT5 by now, even before X-MAS. But that's just life. You live and you learn. Hopefully, GT6 will arrive earlier than expected, and in the IGN interview, that does seem promising.

Good video showing the new handling physics. Guy gets out of shape a few times and spins the car out. Skip to :30.

Great scott that guy sucks at driving. "When I loose control the best thing is to saw the wheel. Then the car magically goes straight." I would not want to see him on the open road.
Err... I would have told SONY to farm out GTPSP myself. I have a feeling that all the work on Prologue took three and a half months or less. And of course the real work, just a few weeks, because this was work on GT5 which was current at that point in time, packaged with a few cars and tracks and wrapped in some basic game and net code.

The real boat anchor was GT Mobile, not Prologue. I'm glad I have Prologue, but not running out to get GTPSP - no PSP.
I'm aware of the other games that needed attention and I am aware that they threw away the GT4 codes, but to be frank, I think PD should quit with the prologue titles. I mean, it's good for some quick cash, but I think it would be better if they were to focus on the main game and polish it up nicely. Then there's no aggravation amongst the fans. I could definitely do without a GT6: Prologue if it will quicken GT6's release.

Prologue is just little tasting on the way to a full title and took time of few people to compile content which they already had it into functional game build, design few menus, set few races and that was all. If you consider Prologue as ballast, you are totally wrong. And I should say big THANKS right here to PD for Prologue, as I got tons of fun with it for those tough years without full game.
What do you think about selling it for $40.00? I was lucky to be one of the first ones here to get GT5: Prologue for $10.00, and I am glad I didn't purchase it at nearly full-price. What I am saying is, if they are going to promote or show off what they've managed to accomplish so far at a given time, then they shouldn't be so timid! They should have given us more cars and tracks to better represent their progress. Considering the baffling number of cars and tracks supposed to be in GT5, this doesn't seem like I'm asking for much. The point is: At that price and with all the time (years) they had been working on it, more content could have and should have been added.
Err... I would have told SONY to farm out GTPSP myself. I have a feeling that all the work on Prologue took three and a half months or less. And of course the real work, just a few weeks, because this was work on GT5 which was current at that point in time, packaged with a few cars and tracks and wrapped in some basic game and net code.

The real boat anchor was GT Mobile, not Prologue. I'm glad I have Prologue, but not running out to get GTPSP - no PSP.

Just the mention of the word PSP, ticks me off. I would never, ever, buy one or even play one.

I'd really like to see PD make a break from those Chumps at Sony, but it probably will never happen.

I really think GT5P was part of the development of GT5 so consequently I doubt it caused any time to be added.
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@ Srrd

"The point is: At that price and with all the time (years) they had been working on it, more content could have and should have been added."

they released gt hd (early build with engine of gt4)

they released gt hd with few cars (for free)

May i remind you how many cars were there in spec 1 ? They doubled it.

i'm realy thankfull for gtprologue, i can take for a ride f40 around suzuka, or drift with sl55 and i didn't need to wait for it .. :)

Hey prologue did it's job well, don't despise it
@ Srrd

"The point is: At that price and with all the time (years) they had been working on it, more content could have and should have been added."

they released gt hd (early build with engine of gt4)

they released gt hd with few cars (for free)

May i remind you how many cars were there in spec 1 ? They doubled it.

i'm realy thankfull for gtprologue, i can take for a ride f40 around suzuka, or drift with sl55 and i didn't need to wait for it .. :)

Hey prologue did it's job well, don't despise it

I have no hate for GT5: Prologue. I still play it. I just think GT5:Prologue could have yielded more content and could have been the blue print for GT5 damage. Instead, we are waiting even longer thanks to, as many say, a horrible GamesCom (regarding the damage).

Edit: Supercobra, you're right. It seems SONY and PD have a shaky relationship. Well, at least a business only relationship. GT PSP was likely only SONY's idea.
Very probable? Yes.



Prior to that i went almost 2 months in family guy exile and i was enjoying it.

I think the date is shifting because of the lukewarm reception to the damage model. I think PD realized they couldn't pull any punches if they wanted to remain on top.
What do you believe has caused this sudden shift from a Christmas release to a late March release? Or do you think the game has never ever been delayed?

I don't know, there is much much much more going on behind the scenes that we could possibly know about. Attributing it to a single cause of a feature we're aware of is just loose speculation.

and no, the game was never officially delayed, March 2010 is the only official release date we have recieved. PD is obviously arm wrestling with Sony over the release date and managed to win a few more months... reason? We don't know.
I think it was the PSPgo and GT Mobile, plus Sony!
Fixed back. ;)

Honestly, I think the lukewarm reception to the damage model is just a scapegoat. When Kaz was showing the PSP Go at E3, he looked like he was ready to cry. It looked to me like the presentation he wanted to make was a full blown GT5 unveiling, with four or five years of work on it. I think he really fought the heads of SONY hard over this decision to push GTPSP out first, and took it personally. But in the end, he's just one seat on the board, and an employee, so what could he do?
Honestly, I think the lukewarm reception to the damage model is just a scapegoat. When Kaz was showing the PSP Go at E3, he looked like he was ready to cry. It looked to me like the presentation he wanted to make was a full blown GT5 unveiling, with four or five years of work on it. I think he really fought the heads of SONY hard over this decision to push GTPSP out first, and took it personally. But in the end, he's just one seat on the board, and an employee, so what could he do?

Sony will make more money doing it the way they are. Selling games of GTPSP and PSP GO will make them a ton of money, and I am sure they know thateveryone will buy GT5 no matter when it comes out.

I hate waiting for this game, but I might get a PSP and PSPGT for X-mas, just another example of how they are doing it right. :yuck: It pains me to say it.
Sony will make more money doing it the way they are. Selling games of GTPSP and PSP GO will make them a ton of money, and I am sure they know thateveryone will buy GT5 no matter when it comes out.

I hate waiting for this game, but I might get a PSP and PSPGT for X-mas, just another example of how they are doing it right. :yuck: It pains me to say it.

Unfortunately, that statement is too stinkin true...
Just the mention of the word PSP, ticks me off. I would never, ever, buy one or even play one.

I'd really like to see PD make a break from those Chumps at Sony, but it probably will never happen.

I really think GT5P was part of the development of GT5 so consequently I doubt it caused any time to be added.

You do know that PD is a development studio of Sony, don't you?
You do know that PD is a development studio of Sony, don't you?

Yea, we don't want Microsoft to have a monopoly on the console racing sims! Having both GT and Forza would be killer, and the victim would be Sony. That would be insane. I'd have to buy a 360 then! If I had more money, I'd already have one, but I survive just fine without one.
If Microsoft were in a position to buy PD, which they are not, then they would only buy them to remove competition. Microsoft owning PD would spell the end of the GT series, simple as.

But as has been said, PD is a first party developer, the only way to buy them is to negotiate with Sony or to buy Sony and that's not happening.
You do know that PD is a development studio of Sony, don't you?
???? I think it would be tough to miss that one.

Yea, we don't want Microsoft to have a monopoly on the console racing sims! Having both GT and Forza would be killer, and the victim would be Sony. That would be insane. I'd have to buy a 360 then! If I had more money, I'd already have one, but I survive just fine without one.

Stay calm.

If Microsoft were in a position to buy PD, which they are not, then they would only buy them to remove competition. Microsoft owning PD would spell the end of the GT series, simple as.

But as has been said, PD is a first party developer, the only way to buy them is to negotiate with Sony or to buy Sony and that's not happening.

The purpose of my statement is to clearly indicate the need for PD to be "independent" of Sony's maniacal "Big Corp" decision making.
The "ideal" situation.

All the things you point out here, are, as I said at the first, "why it will probably never happen".

Again, ideally speaking I think PD is independent of both, and takes no dictates from either.

While Microsoft would want to buy PD if it could, it wouldn't be to eliminate the competition but bury Sony with it if possible. Of course at this point unless Kaz wanted out, we would not have to worry about either one buying PD.
Of course at this point unless Kaz wanted out, we would not have to worry about either one buying PD.

Polyphony Digital isn't KY's company, It's a SCE owned and funded company, so even if Kaz wanted out it wouldn't suddenly put PD on the open market.
Polyphony Digital isn't KY's company, It's a SCE owned and funded company, so even if Kaz wanted out it wouldn't suddenly put PD on the open market.
My statement you comment on is: "in the event it was".
I don't believe Sony will ever release its grip on it.
True, in reality he does not have sole control over-it (thats the problem) but he does have as much say over-it as any individual.

Again if he ever did regain control of it I don't believe you have to worry about him selling out unless "he" wanted out for some reason.
Again if he ever did regain control of it I don't believe you have to worry about him selling out unless "he" wanted out for some reason.
I get what you're saying, but just to be pernickety Kaz can't regain control of what he never had full control of. He was promoted to the head of PD by Sony :). Minor detail and as I said I was just being picky, I get what you're saying overall, though I dissagree with why you think MS would buy PD. They certainly wouldn't create an inhouse rival for Forza, they'd kill the GT series.