[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Gutted! :( I was really hoping for a 2009 release. Well, at least this should give them time to add more features and polish the game further.
I've made a separate section for cars spotted at TGS 2009. Any cars that are not seen at TGS 2009 will not be added here. There is a comprehensive master car list which verifies ALL GT5 cars seen during any time. This thread will focus on cars appearing at TGS which have never been seen.

Well then ad the Enzo, it,s in the replay video.
+100000 its as if you are having a go at his mom or something.

We are all entitled to express how we feel at the moment good or bad. we don't have a go at you for not minding you have to wait another 6 months - fair play to you Ii wish i was so laid back as you - that's a really good quality you have 👍, but the majority who will wake up this moring and read this will feel proper annoyed.

People who 'don't mind' waiting another 6 months for a game which should be out in time for Christmas are the minority I would of thought.:)

Why should it be out in time for Christmas? :)
I've made a separate section for cars spotted at TGS 2009. Any cars that are not seen at TGS 2009 will not be added here. There is a comprehensive master car list which verifies ALL GT5 cars seen during any time. This thread will focus on cars appearing at TGS which have never been seen.
So you haven't seen the Enzo in the second gamersyde video? Then have a look. ;)
I'm glad in a way that the release date is March 2010, I knew there was no way from what we had seen so far that this game was in any way finished to the level KY wanted (looking at the damage etc...).

There were so many parts of this game that we hadnt even seen at all such as the promised Livery Editor (which I started to think was dropped) and this now makes it all clear! Half the game hasnt even been done yet!!!

Most of the cars and track might well have been finished but all the other features of the game that we never saw clearly need work, such as online features. I didnt for one second believe that PD would be able to go from what was shown at gamescom to a full blow release in a couple of months.

This way we will get a polished game which will do things properly. Yes they will miss out competing with Forza 3 but to match their level of community features etc I think PD need that extra time to do it to a GT level of quality. I hope this extra time means proper damage on all cars etc...

I wasn't aware that PD had been working on GT5 since 2003.. thanks for telling me... Just thought maybe they'd still be working on GT4 then seeing as it was released in end of 2004/early 2005... thanks for clearing that up for me though.

/end sarcasm.

Well on previous games they began working on the next one way before... thats why it took 3 years to make GT3 was completed but they released GT2 only 1/2 years before... and the same thing happened for GT2....

I can't stand the hand movement. The way he's doing thumbs up looks rediculous, and he is reeeaaching for the shifting paddles. :ouch:
If you wait...

If you don't wait...

just saying..
Well on previous games they began working on the next one way before... thats why it took 3 years to make GT3 was completed but they released GT2 only 1/2 years before... and the same thing happened for GT2....


so You're calling me ignorant when you're the one chucking assumptions just because there is slight precedence?

Basicly what you're saying is PD have been working on GT5 since 2003.. 2 years before GT4 came out and 3 years before the PS3 was out.. Yeh.. I'm ignorant.
Why should it be out in time for Christmas? :)

I think he just wanted to insult me to prove a point.

I'm glad people are starting to warm to the 2010 release date a bit, no doubt the gamersyde video's are impressing some people too :)

for good reason the lighting is stunning on the Ferrari :D
Breaking News: Kayne West Jump on stage at the TGS and stole the mic from Kaz,

" I know you just announced the release date for GT5, and im going to let you finish, but Forza 3 has the nearest release date of the racing sims"

lmao jk jk

Man I hope this is a wicked Japanese type of joke or something, But guys lets not speak too soon... remember at games-con we didn't receive any information in the Press conference, but later found out information about the game, and there was a GT5 Demo there.... so hopefully the same will happen and will learn some more features. I just wish the release date was sooner.... Man Guess ill go build a freeway till then
TorqueHappens08-> Just looking at that GT5 pic make me wonder that I'm watching Motorsport Mundial. It looks so stupid!!! (in a good way) :)
I can't stand the hand movement. The way he's doing thumbs up looks rediculous, and he is reeeaaching for the shifting paddles. :ouch:

I noticed it too. Paddles are there right for one purpose and this is changing gear only with touch of one finger, not for getting whole hand away from steering wheel.💡
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Think of all the GTP based races we can have on Youtube! :D