Gran Turismo 5 Trailer/Commercial/Intro/Closing Competition - Open Until August 1st

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I didn't make this for the competition and I know it's over anyway but I just thought I'd share it here. It's a video going back in time through the Gran Turismo series.

amazing clip 👍

Thanks! 👍

I didn't make this for the competition and I know it's over anyway but I just thought I'd share it here. It's a video going back in time through the Gran Turismo series.


Even though it was bit on the long side, I loved it. Great job. Makes me very nostalgic. The song was also very relaxing.
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Thanks for the comments. It was hard enough to make it that short since there was a lot of good footage throughout the series to show. Plus when you slow things down they last twice as long, and the song was 5 mins anyway (didn't really want to cut it short). =P
I didn't make this for the competition and I know it's over anyway but I just thought I'd share it here. It's a video going back in time through the Gran Turismo series.


This one's the best. Simply because it's sdrawkcab. I was all teary by the end of it, good job mate 👍.

Ain't nostalgia a powerful thing?
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hello everybody :)
unfortunately they have cancelled from youtube my last video for problem of copyright :scared::ouch:
I wanted to ask if the tournament and' still opened , I would like to have the leisure time to make a new video 💡

regards 👍
@ paskowitz

Nice video man :D:tup:, I love the use of the gt5p opening footage and the R8 opening footage :)

Thanks. That R8 footage was REALLY hard to find. I think I may make an edited version of my trailer. I have found some spots that it could be better. While most of the feedback has been extremely positive, some people have given me some constructive-ish criticism. But hey, over 8,0000+ views and 100+ comments is pretty damn good.
While this isn't necessarily for the contest, just thought I'd post here:


Here's the TV spot version as well that I just uploaded:

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Well, yet another none competition video I'm showing (Guess the results never came to be), my Custom GT5P Intro:


And incase someone else decides to run the competition, Here's my redone entries for the Commercial catagory:



Now My Redone Intro and TV Spot



Going to be posting HD versions of all my GT videos this week.
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Now my redone versions of my Second intro and TV Spot


Been debating about whether to post these videos and then finally said "Ah what the hell. They not GT5 (well except for the 458 Italia tribute) but who cares". Here they are:




Also, I'd wish someone would post a clear capture of the Asia Game Show Trailier of GT5 already, I have a idea for a new Intro (and a second tribute) and I'd like to get this over with before 2010 (or at least before the world comes to an end).
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