Gran Turismo 6 Master Car/Track List

  • Thread starter Duphman
I imagine they edited it because it wasn't meant to give away that Bathurst would be included in GT6, just yet.

Somehow I remember Pikes Peak was leaked to be in GT5 and never made it. Much as I'd love to see Bathurst in GT6 from day one, it's wiser to wait for official confirmation or irrefutable evidence.
It would be madness, a disaster to not include SPA & Motegi circuits in GT6! They were in GT5 DLC FFS! :banghead: Already created and sold circuits in previous game via DLC so why not to include them in GT6 to make a new game even better, larger and richer? I would be very very disappointed with Kaz and PD if they left out those two circuits! :grumpy:
german gt academy champion peter pyzera @ 2:13 about gt6:

well, three new tracks (+4 gt5 dlc tracks) won't be that much, seven aren't "a lot" either.

Plus a new track every month.

Surely Polyphony will add all GT4 classic tracks and some new circuit via DLC. That would make easily more than 100 layouts.

And, furthermore, we would have the track editor that, if it meets what is being promised with the GPS app, could provide thousands of tracks, recreating circuits around the world if the community start to work.
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It would be madness, a disaster to not include SPA & Motegi circuits in GT6! They were in GT5 DLC FFS!

It's not yet decided if...
a) the DLC-tracks are part of the seven "new" ones
b) the DLC-tracks will be sold as DLC for GT6, too
c) the DLC-tracks will not be in GT6 at all
d) the DLC-tracks from GT5 could be imported if already bought for GT5

So, let's wait and see...

Plus a new track every month.

Surely Polyphony will add all GT4 classic tracks and some new circuit via DLC. That would make easily more than 100 layouts.

And, furthermore, we would have the track editor that, if it meets what is being promised with the GPS app, could provide thousands of tracks, recreating circuits around the world if the community start to work.

Those are the two things I really hope for being true: Give us tracks each month. I guess, we'll then see all the classics return on a monthly basis (would be great) and seeing new real world tracks every 3-4 months. Would keep us busy for about two years until GT6/7 on PS4 is real.
Why would someone WANT monthly track DLC? That would clearly suggest the tracks are already finished since they can't do one in a month and they're just ripping you off.
It certainly takes a lot more time than a month to make a track. They will work on several tracks at once and release once a month as it was announced.

There are some reasons why I like the idea of constant DLC for GT6:
1. PD focused on technologies instead of mass-production of tracks and cars in the last few years. I think therefore GT6 will be a much better game than GT5.
2. Constant DLCs mean, they do not wait until all tracks and cars are finished they want to put in the game. The game comes out earlier. This is good for me.
3. Getting constantly money in means they have a constant motivation for enhancing and improving the game. Without DLCs there would be no benefit for PD to make 38 tracks instead of 33. The price in the store is the same. With DLC they get money for each additional track. Therefore they will continue making stuff. They could also resell the game with DLCs on disc as they did with Academy or XXL editions. This creates attention and higher price points again.
4. If I get new tracks and cars from time to time, the game remains interesting to me.
Why would someone WANT monthly track DLC? That would clearly suggest the tracks are already finished since they can't do one in a month and they're just ripping you off.

I fully agree with you. However, this is the shameful trend of gaming during the last years, and as long as people keep paying for this, it will only increase. There's the developers/publishers working and planning and they are not going to say no to easy cheap money. At least GT5 dlc pricing wasn't "too much excessive" compared to other games...

Gaming business is slowly changing, in the future physical gaming shops won't exist, and dev/pub will be able to flexibly change prices through on-line stores. The current situation is plain mad, but the only thing we can do is not to purchase their products...
At least GT5 dlc pricing wasn't "too much excessive" compared to other games...

5 EUR per track is not that much when I look at it alone. But when I compare 1200 cars, the game and 33 tracks to 60-70 EUR, the DLCs are quite expensive. Especially when we'll see one a month for let's say 10 EUR (track + 5 cars) what I expect to be announced.
It certainly takes a lot more time than a month to make a track. They will work on several tracks at once and release once a month as it was announced.

There are some reasons why I like the idea of constant DLC for GT6:
1. PD focused on technologies instead of mass-production of tracks and cars in the last few years. I think therefore GT6 will be a much better game than GT5.
2. Constant DLCs mean, they do not wait until all tracks and cars are finished they want to put in the game. The game comes out earlier. This is good for me.
3. Getting constantly money in means they have a constant motivation for enhancing and improving the game. Without DLCs there would be no benefit for PD to make 38 tracks instead of 33. The price in the store is the same. With DLC they get money for each additional track. Therefore they will continue making stuff. They could also resell the game with DLCs on disc as they did with Academy or XXL editions. This creates attention and higher price points again.
4. If I get new tracks and cars from time to time, the game remains interesting to me.

1. As I said to you in another thread people modelling tracks are not the same people working on "technologies".
2. It's not good if the game has hardly any new content over the previous game
3. Yes exactly, they'll be milking us for more money, just as every other developer does. Many PD supporters have used that as a staunch defence for PD in the past, suggesting they do DLC only for the love of fans but if this does turn out to come true that goes out the window.
4. Maybe so but it's a con when those new tracks should have been on the disc to start with, to enjoy in the whole game from day 1.
Some good points, SimonK and both "sides" have good arguments.

1. I know, you wrote that. I do not know who does what at PD. Who knows how much output 3D modelers generated in the last 3 years? Only PD knows. We do not know how much content is held back, if there's any.

2. & 4. I prefer quality over quantity. And the image from Autumn Ring showed that they've also worked on the previous tracks.

It's hard to feel good with DLC when one grew up in a world without as I did. But on the other hand: I would prefer getting the game with 7 new tracks this year than waiting for another year or two for 10-15 more tracks.

3. Companies need to make profit. And the only way to make more money than by a single game is putting out the single game and a regular stream of money: DLCs, addons, online subscriptions, GT TV etc. I do not consider this bad by design. If DLCs etc. offer a benefit to the user at a fair price, it's good.

I certainly hope for a "season pass" or "bundles" giving you a discount when you buy all DLCs.
I have no problem paying for more content for the games I like. In the past console games died after a couple of months because of lack of support and it's a nice thing not seeing your favorite activity getting stagnated.

Plus it's not like I'll cry over $100, especially considering how much there's already invested on the system (ps3, gt5, gt5 dlc, gt6 disc, wheel, cockpit, various related hardware that's not strictly supported nor bought for the ps3/gt6). I'd cry over lack of tracks though, which is not going to happen since there are lots coming.

The discussion does not revolve around quality against quantity. That's more related to iracing against gt6 really (at least 5 times more expensive, all things considered). What matters here is that there will be dlc, which makes some people feel ripped off while others are happy to pay for more. After all the GT fanbase is very content hungry, quantity over asking for the best quality possible.

edit: There is a sad side to the story though: PD will obviously release a "XL" version that includes all DLC up to that point, both for the ps3 and for the ps4, which will cost only a fraction of what people paid for it. I understand there's the benefit of having early access to content, but an eventual ps4 release (improvements to the core game) with everything on it (content) pretty much means a slap to the face to ps3 customers.
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1. I know, you wrote that. I do not know who does what at PD. Who knows how much output 3D modelers generated in the last 3 years? Only PD knows. We do not know how much content is held back, if there's any.

We don't know but it doesn't take a genius to work out that tracks must be already complete or near complete for them to know, even six months before the game releases no less, that they'll be able to release one a month after the game releases.

2. & 4. I prefer quality over quantity. And the image from Autumn Ring showed that they've also worked on the previous tracks.

So do I but when it comes to tracks the more the better certainly rings true. As for Autumn Ring improvements all I saw was leaves on the track. Ferrari Challenge was doing that in 2008. Hopefully all tracks will now have weather and day/night cycle but again that should have been true in GT5, they're still not more tracks.

It's hard to feel good with DLC when one grew up in a world without as I did. But on the other hand: I would prefer getting the game with 7 new tracks this year than waiting for another year or two for 10-15 more tracks.

Yes so would I but the situation we have here is that 10-15 or more tracks MUST be already finished or nearly finished and we're having to wait for them as DLC instead of getting them on the disc.

Also it doesn't change the problem that if certain tracks turn up after 6 months or more I'll have potentially finished the game by then leaving their only use online and single offline races. A-Spec in GT6 is going to be very dull and feel like Deja Vu if we only have a tiny amount of new tracks over GT5.

3. Companies need to make profit. And the only way to make more money than by a single game is putting out the single game and a regular stream of money: DLCs, addons, online subscriptions, GT TV etc. I do not consider this bad by design. If DLCs etc. offer a benefit to the user at a fair price, it's good.

PD have sold over 10 million copies of GT5, compared to other developers I'm pretty sure they don't need to make more money.
In the past GT5 DLC died after a couple of months despite promises they would release DLC every 2 months - I only hope they keep their promises for GT6.
We don't know but it doesn't take a genius to work out that tracks must be already complete or near complete for them to know, even six months before the game releases no less, that they'll be able to release one a month after the game releases.

I'm not sure if they have plenty of tracks laying around: I assume they will use the next six months until release to create and finish the first two tracks. And work on several tracks at once in various phases for each track.

To get a better feeling about the amount of work, I just went back to the past and grabbed the book "Driving the game" where it says:
"The real tracks are a major undertaking, with between four and six designers taking around six months to complete each one." [regarding GT4]

I don't know how many designers there are, but they could clearly start creating a new track now with six people as a team, then going to four to finish the track after a month or two. The other two could then start a new track etc. If there's a sufficient number of people and a proper project management in place, they could start now and finish a track in time for DLC and another track a month later etc. especially when it's a good mix of real world and fictional tracks.

So do I but when it comes to tracks the more the better certainly rings true. As for Autumn Ring improvements all I saw was leaves on the track. Ferrari Challenge was doing that in 2008. Hopefully all tracks will now have weather and day/night cycle but again that should have been true in GT5, they're still not more tracks.

I agree: more tracks would be better if they are not too similar to one another. We'll see what kind of improvements PD has in the pocket. I hope for daytime and weather, too.

A-Spec in GT6 is going to be very dull and feel like Deja Vu if we only have a tiny amount of new tracks over GT5.

Yes, it is going to be. That is the major painpoint of DLC-tracks. In online races everyone has to have them, making things more complicated.
I don't know how many designers there are, but they could clearly start creating a new track now with six people as a team, then going to four to finish the track after a month or two. The other two could then start a new track etc. If there's a sufficient number of people and a proper project management in place, they could start now and finish a track in time for DLC and another track a month later etc. especially when it's a good mix of real world and fictional tracks.

Yes but this begs the question why they couldn't/haven't done this for the last three years and put more on the disc.
Maybe the designers spent their lives travelling all over the world, watching races and at Rondo and other track editior locations to remodel them as close as possible... *not100%serious*
Ha, it wouldn't excuse them not having the old original tracks done though. I mean really they've basically had since day one of PS3 development to update all of the original tracks, if they're still not in GT6 but then appear as DLC I'll be very annoyed.
I completely agree. They've had years to remodel the tracks from GT4. Especially regarding the fictional ones I do not understand why they haven't. This can just mean: They've spent their time on other things (tracks, photo locations, ...) or Kaz has become much more demanding regarding track quality as more power (PS3) brings more possibilities.

I hope, they've "secretly" spent lots of time working on a GTx for PS4... or they will give us track-packs of 3-5 each. But I seriously doubt that.
I just hope they won't be that expensive then. 1 track every month plus 2-3 cars (estimated) could come very costly if you buy them all.

Or they introduce a premium service just as BF3, or COD. I'm not a huge fan though.
One thing that totally baffles me is they spent so much time making a new Rome circuit when the old one was much better. Especially when one part that must have taken a long time to model, the large building before the finish straight you don't even see while you're racing. You only see it on the loading screen before the race or if you go into photo mode.
I can imagine something like a "GT+ subscription": You get all the DLCs and some additional features, but I absolutely hope for a discount (season pass or similar) if you buy all of the DLC as spending 5-10 EUR a month over the course of a year would mean additional 1x-2x the price of the game.
One thing that totally baffles me is they spent so much time making a new Rome circuit when the old one was much better.

Maybe Kaz was in Rome and liked that building so much he wanted to have it in GT. GT is very personal for Kaz and it has basically to please him more than anyone else.
Personally if they announce anything like before the game launches unless A-Spec and AI has had a total overhaul I'll just wait to buy the game until there is a complete edition.

Maybe Kaz was in Rome and liked that building so much he wanted to have it in GT. GT is very personal for Kaz and it has basically to please him more than anyone else.

Yeah that's fine but why not design the track around it so we actually see the thing? That's what I meant, it's a highly detailed building and you drive around it in shadow and with barriers in front of it.
I'm sure they hold back some very "immersive" or most-requested features to talk about at E3, Gamescom, TGS etc. They do not want feed us one by one.

There might be a Livery Editor or Leaderboards. And Leaderboards in A-Spec would make a huge difference for me and my motivation to redrive basically the same races again as in GT5.
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